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Monday, 30 November 2009
Overseas Call Centers
When I started to work at the company, there was the call center in the same building, which supported the employees to solve various kinds of computer problems. However, one day, the management decided to consolidate the several call centers in Asia into one and relocated it to Singapore so that many co-workers lost their jobs. At that time, Japanese economy was shrinking very much and it was exactly one of the most serious economic problems that an outflow of jobs to foreign countries that leads to unemployment.
Consequently, even though companies cannot help trying to make a profit as much as they can, it is also important to consider the long-term influence of the economic growth of the origin countries.
Do your kids watch TV way too much?
Television watching can be useful sometimes, but usually it is not, because when a kid wastes too much of his time on TV, he will have very less time to do other useful activity such as reading, doing exercise, and interacting with friends and family members. The consequences can be quite severe, the kid could fail subjects in school because of the lacking of studying hour at home, he might also have terrible social life, and he can not be a healthy kid because he has no time to go play outdoor. Most of all, if kids watch everything on TV they will be influenced by violence and inappropriate behaviors such as using drugs and drinking alcohol.
Limiting the time children spend on TV and choosing the programmes they watch considerably are two important solutions parents have to use. Children will spend appropriate time per day watching TV, so they have time to do other stuffs and still can enjoy their favorite shows. They will also watch only programmes that suit their age, selecting by parents, so they will not copy inappropriate behavior from TV.
Animals' Artwoks
Nowadays, artworks, that nonhuman primates in captivity (such as orangutans) make, are usually sold and shown publicly. People should be aware that buying those artworks is equal to helping persons who capture those animals gain more profit. Consequently, there will be more animals that capable of making piece of art captured by humans who want to harvest from them. Therefore, government must make law to prohibit selling artworks that come from encaged animals. Many animals that can produce art are conserved animal, some of them are endangered such as orangutan. Although sciencetists and zoo biologists do some researches in this topic, some people just harvest from those poor animals. They can be trained to draw, and of course many people are excited and want to buy what they call art without thinking that if they keep buying, those animals will have to draw something for their entire life. They are not artists. They want to live their life in woods. They are also not pets. It’s true that we can tame them, but that is not their natural instinct, unlike dogs that we can train them to play dead or to catch a throwing stick. Moreover, the numbers of animals, that will be captive because of the profit they can give to human, will rise. Thus, government must not allow people to sell any pieces of art that animals produce.
Why not a formal art training school?
Unholy Animal Slaughters?
children as a computer game player
When children have other activities to do, they will forget computer. For example, parents may bring children to a swimming pool, for their children don’t pay attention to the computer. These activities are more useful than playing computer game. First, they will learn how to live in the society because most of the activities require children to play with other people by using natural communication such as speaking and body language. In addition, children who spend more time with computer game cannot solve the problem in the real situation. They don’t have experience with the problem that they face in real society. For example, if they have a problem with friends, they don’t know how to deal with this situation, and that may be their problem in the future when they grow up. Second, Children will be stronger if it is a sport activity. Also, they will not getting fat. Third, children may have a chance to success in one of the activity that they’ve done. For example, if they spend their time with drawing, their ability to draw will increase that they can have a competition and get a prize. In conclusion, younger children should not be allowed to play computer game too much. Instead, they should do the other activities that they can get benefits from them.
Cigarette Advertisements with cartoons in its should not be allowed
Mostly children love cartoons, and of course when they see the cartoon advertisement of cigarette they will be attracted. Children are innocent and easily to imitate whatever they see or watch. For example: when my cousin was younger than now he watched superman and wanted to fly same as superman so he jumped from the tree about 2,5 meters high to the ground and almost got broken leg but he was fortunate so he just got a sprain ankle. In the same way, if children see this kind of advertisement they may imitate what they see without consciousness. In addition, when we get older our interests in cartoon are less then when we were children or no more interest in cartoon for some adults. Why do these cigarette manufactures use cartoons in their advertisement when their target customer is adult, not children.
In short, children are very easy to imitate whatever they observe so cigarette advertisement with cartoons in its is not good at all for children because cartoon is what children are interested in the most.
A television must not be installed in the children's bedroom
Today, many children have TV on their bedrooms. When they are in their private room, they can do anything that they want. If TV is installed in the bedrooom, they can watch it all the time. TV can be just as addictive as any substance. No matter it is interested or not.
It is a good idea to move TV out of their bedroom and install it only in the living room. Firstly, parents can control the amount of time which thier children should spend on it. For example, parent can fix the schedule of watching TV at 7pm to 9pm after they finish the homework. Secondly, children cannot spend excessive time on TV and don't become addict because they cannot have a chance to watch alone at night. Moreover, it will encourage them to do other activities besides wasting time in their bedroom because they don't have thier own TV and need to join with thier parents.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Oops - even Oxford University scholars make mistakes
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Is a doctor a healer ?
There are some cases in euthanasia that patient is not the one who have a terminal illness.
The first one is the case of Daniel James . He used to be a rugby player; however he had an accident in the rugby game that cause paralysis from his chest down. Thus, he asked doctor to help him die. (from Paralyzed player killed himself)
The second case is Sir Edward Downes and his wife. He ask the doctor to kill him and his wife. Although Sir Edward is not suffer from terminal illness, his wife has a secondary cancer in her liver and pancreas. They need to die together after stay together for 45 years. (From The independent)
Do you think the doctor who assisted suicide in these two cases can be called a healer because he help to relieve emotional suffering of the patients from my definition?
Paralyzed player killed himself (2008, December 10). BBC News. Retrieved November 25 from
Brown, J.(2009, July 15). The independent world. Retrieved November 25 from
Monday, 23 November 2009
I don't understand what is going on on pride and prejudice page 77
1) What is wrong with Mr. Bennet's speech on page 77? Why does Mary become disconcerted? Is it just only she want to sing more but Mr. Bennet oppose her intention or anything else?
2) After Mr. Collins' remark, what happens next? Does Mary stop singing and another girl sing instead?
3) What is the result of Mr. Collins' speech? It just only lightens up the situation or it implies anything else? Why does Mrs Bennet appreciate his speech? When the author says that Mr. Bennet is amused, does it mean that his speech is just only funny and has nothing more?
4) How about Elizabeth's reaction to this speech? In page 78 paragraph 2, does it mean that she feel frustrated with the behavior of her families members, including Mr. Collins?
Changing Student Behaviour: What would you do?
- What would you suggest to solve the problem of late arrival by AUA students?
- Would you favour a Jamaliyah like approach, or a punishment based approach? Why?
How would you react to each type of solution? - What specific proposal would you suggest to get students in class on time? Why?
- How about in other situations, where lateness is a problem? Say, parents arriving late to pick up their children from a class or activity?
- What factors are important in coming to a solution? What can we do? And what can't we do? (Cutting off the heads of offenders, whilst likely to be effective, is probably not acceptable. Parents would complain.)
Friday, 20 November 2009
Most Plainly Unplain
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Isn't Garro a Hero?
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Does anti-psychotic drugs is a good treatment?

Nowadays, many doctor always treat their dementia's patients by using anti-psychotic drugs although those patients do not have a serious problem. There is a report reviews that anti-psychotic drug's can cause the death of the patients. This report also shows that using anti-psychotic drugs in needless 150,000 cases can cause 1,800 deaths. For this reason, the goverment of England begins to reduce using anti-psychotic drugs and try to use counselling instead of use drugs.
Using anti-psychotic drugs is not the good way for cure or treat psychotic's patients. There are many effective types of counselling now. As I'm interesting in psychology and study in this field for four year in my university, I'm always believe that couselling is a better way to treat a psychotic's patients than using drugs. Every drugs have a side-effect. I'm very glad that there is a report about this topic to prompt the goverment or doctor to reduce using this drugs and find another effective way to treat this kind of patients.
Dementia drug use 'killing many'. (2009, November 12). BBC News. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from
Good news from battle front
It reports that a female sniffer dog called Sabi who has joined the Australian army in Afghanistan and has lost 14 months during the attack in in Uruzgan province in September 2008 was found by a US soldier. The fact that the dog is in good condition indicate that during her missing someones must have taken care of her.
After reading this article I feel happy about Sabi who can return unscathed from the war. Moreover, despite a scarcity of food and the difficulty of living in war time, some people were still kind to a lost dog. This reflects the mercy that lies in human hearts. However, the fact that due to political conflict, people need to kill each other also make me sad. If the one that has lost during the ambush was a soldier I wonder if he could have come back uninjured. People usually value human life the most, compared with other animal life; however, in wartime the main targets of attack are human.
Dog lost in Afghan battle returns. (2009, November 12). BBC News. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from
Progress of Lung Cancer Treatment
According to the article, the Imperial College London team have found out the new drug which could make chemotherapy more effective as a treatment, especially for a fatal type of lung cancer. To illustrate, the drug could prevent cancer cells from resisting to chemotherapy. This is impressive because chemotherapy, sometimes supplemented with radiotherapy, is a common option for patients who suffer from this type of cancer. Since the cancer usually spreads so quickly, surgery is not an usual option. The team expect to examine the drug with patients who have the inoperable form of the disease.
My attention was strongly drawn by the news since my grandmother suffered from lung cancer and had a surgery two years ago. Even though the surgery succeeded, there is still some possibility of the recurrence of the illness. My entire family always anxious about her and hope my grandmother's having a healthy long life. The article states that we should wait for the results of clinical trials; however, I would really expect the great scientific medical achievement which exactly could help my important family.
Drug 'shrinks lung cancer tumour'. (2009, November 10). BBC News. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from
Meat Consumption is a cause of green house gas emissions.

This article is focusing on the emissions of green house gas that is expelled by cow. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), livestock farming caused the world the green house gas emissions 5% more than all the transportations combined could cause in 2006, and cow expelled the most methane, which has even larger effect in climate change than carbon dioxide, among other farm animals.
Mostly, the emissions associated with cow is from “the clearing of forests for pasture or for the production of soya for animal feed” (“The methane makers”, 2009, Belching, ¶ 2). Cow itself emits methane, too, from belching. A western cow emits methane 120kg per year, while a non-western cow emits only a half of that. Nevertheless, there are much more non-western cows in the planet, thus the western cows emits less methane in general.
Before i read this article, if someone told me cow's belching can cause climate change I would probably laugh at his face. However, this article shoved the fact right into my face, 120kg of methane per year for a cow, 1000 times more than a man, is quite a large amount of green house gas, I feel sorry for the world already. Though, this article is not all about cow's belching. The biggest problem of meat consumption, for the world, still is the clearing of the forest, for producing foods for cows that is, and that fact didn't make me surprise. The most surprising fact for me would be that cows all over the world have the responsibilities for the global warming more than every vehicles in the world combined! So, I shall state right here that we should stop global warming by collecting cow's belch and turn it into some kind of useful energy, instead of wasting our times blaming it all on some automobile manufacturers.
Bell, D. (2009, 28 October). The methane makers. In BBC News. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from
The new idea for nurse education
In the report, the Nursing and Midwifery Council is improving new standards for nurse education in the UK which contain at least three years of training for new nurses from 2013 to gain a degree. The new standards will help new nurses to gain more experience as trainees. Health Minister for England pointed out that nurses are very important factor to give the high quality healthcare, and this move will serve decision-making skills for them. This development was not created to limit the nursing profession, but it can help new nurses’ skills including knowledge, analytical skill and experience to work. The Royal College of Nursing is worried that nurses are being “undue pressured” (“Nursing to become graduate entry”, 2009, Undue pressured, ¶ 2), and concern about meeting a target, but the organization response that this development will make patient care service better.
I agree with this idea because nurses are health professional who need special skills. It is necessary to gain the extra training to have a real practical work. Trainees will face with the real situation in the hospital by working with other health teams. Nurses have great roles in healthcare system like doctors. This career requires experience especially in particular fields such as pediatric nurse and ICU ward. While I was studying in the university, faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, I had a chance to obtain the work experience at hospitals, manufactories and drugstores. I can apply the knowledge to use at work which I cannot obtain from the university. Now, some universities expand the pharmacy course from five years to six years by adding one more year for training. It sounds very long to study, but it helps students to have more practice and improve clinical knowledge.
Nursing to become graduate entry. (2009, November 12). BBC News. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from
A Dark Side of Progress?

More qualifications for becoming a nurse in England

According to the article, the Department of Health in English has announced that all new nurses from 2013 will be required to spend at least three years' training to degree level. They said that it would help nurses to treat complex patients more safety and effectively. The main point of this changing is that it gives nurse' students opportunities of community health experiences, instead of giving only a combination of theoretical and practical work in current training. For this changing, Dr. Peter Carter who is general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) descibes this movement as "an important and historic development". Besides, Michael Summers, who is vice-chairman of the Patients Association, said "I don't think anybody could really complain about nursing being taught to a high level," with showing his agreement. ("Nursing to become graduate entry",2009,Clinical knowledge,¶8)
Although those experts welcome the move, I don't think this movement encaurages all nueses in England. Actually, I have a sister who is a nurse and I know how hard to be a nurse in Japan. I don't know how the situation of nurses is different between England and Japan, but I concerned that it might cause a shortage of nurses because of the restrict. Even though, Dr. Carter says, "the move was not designed to restrict entry to the nursing profession."("Nursing to become graduate entry",2009,Clinical knowledge,¶4), it's sure this change requires students to spend extra years to be a nurse. It means they can't earn their living as well as nurses. Who supports the their lives at that term? The Department of Health in English should consider those situations before they carry out the program.
Nursing to become graduate entry.(2009,November 12). BBC News. Retrieved November 12,2009 from
Poor nutrition 'stunting growth
The urgent problem nowadays is poor nutrition that happens among children in developing countries. The unicef points out the statistic that one third of under 5 year old children are dead because of lacking of food.The number of children who are underweight has increased for the reason that poor diet in younger age stops these children from growing.In addition, then stunted growth is not only the result from lacking of food, but also the result from poor quality of food. The unicef chief,Ann Veneman, gave her opinion that the problem will be more dangerous that it cause an illness and decrease the physical ability. So,the unicef suggests the way to solve this problem by "promoing breastfeeding"("Poor nutrition 'stunting growth'", 2009, Dangerous, ¶ 4)and "providing access to food supplements"("Poor nutrition 'stunting growth'", 2009, Dangerous, ¶ 5). Because of the unicef and its partner's progression in 150 countries, the number of underweight childdren in developing country has decreased by one sixth.However, only 63 out of 117 countries succeed in halving the problem.
Malnutrition does not mean solely that children don't have enough food.In spite of enough food, some people in rich countries have not enough nutrients that they will be no longer growth. Perhaps, they have a bad eating habit. For example, a boy eats dessert, which is full of carbohydrate and fat, without eating vegetable or fruit.So, this boy has a chance to be malnutrition. From this reason,the problem doesn't happen only in developing countries. People in developed countries may stop growing due to poor nutrition. As mentioned, stunting growth is not some countries' problem. So every countries should pay attention to their people, for the proportion of undernutrition people will become less than nowadays. The effective soluion of this problem is done by giving the education to people and supporting access nutritional supplement by the government and organization.
'Hi-tech' and 'Holy'
According to the article, due to fear of spreading swine flu infection, a new invention of automatic holy water dispensers, which is controlled by infra-red light sensor like auto water taps in traditional water font shape, is getting popular among catholic churches in Italy, while traditional holy water fonts are suspended to use. Furthermore, the inventor "Mr Maerabese says he is receiving hundreds of emails from all over the world requesting information about the product."("Hi-tech holy water calms flu fear", 2009, Global interest, ¶2)
Even though the article doesn't mention if holy water fonds spread swine flu actually, it shows that people's fear of infection can allow hi-tech to enter even the religious field. It seems that Religion is not almighty for people to believe in but hi-tech is more reliable. Moreover, it seems that people prefer new and unusual things than conservative ones after all.
Hi-tech holy water calms flu fear. (2009, November 11). BBC News. Retrived Nobember 12, 2009 from
Fighting Piracy
BBC news published an article, "Microsoft disconnects Xbox gamers", that may affect gamers who are now consuming pirated games.
Microsoft bans gamers who modified their Xbox360 console game to play pirated game from accessing the internet. The players, who have been banned, cannot connect their console to the internet that means they can't play online games and cannot access to other services from Microsoft Xbox Live, but they still can play games offline. Microsoft suggested that about 0.03 percent of gamers modified their console to play illegal games however it's not all of them are banned. Although Xbox360 console have Digital Rights Management technologies to detect illegal software, Players can modified their Xbox360 by installing an additional chip or device that enable users to play pirated games. Microsoft claims that they can check whether if machine is modified or not, and then ban the users when they log in to Xbox Live service. And they also suggested that pirated games cause damages to games industries not less than £750m a year
Speaking of Mindless Minds
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Liu's discussion about advice from friends or family members
However one thing that is not so good about asking a lot of people is that sometimes plenty of advices contradict each other and I need to spend a lot of time deciding which advice I should follow and usually I need to prepare the answer for someone whose advice I choose not to follow.
My older friend's suggestion
ChiengMai Trip
Pin's long trip
My long train trip.
An's longest trip
i left home at 9 pm and arrived Thai Embassy in Lao at 9 am on the next day. It's was horrible for me to wait for my visa application, i didn't know how to fill the application form and where to apply it, I was so confuse. So i just observed tyhe people around and followed what they do. finally i completed it.
Another thing was about the bua, the bus which i went to Laos by was quite good but for the bus which i came back so worse. I was about to cry in the bus.
I had my second time to Laos, but it's much better.
Advice from family.
Leaving Home
A Train Trip in Australia
ANother advantage that trains have over buses is that they are much safer. Trains occasionally have accidents, but very rarely; buses, on the other hand, are as likely to be involved in accidents as any other traffic. The long train trip can be a bit boring, but that didn't worry me a lot. I could usually sleep for most of the night, and I always had a book with me. SOmetimes I invited a friend back to visit my home, and that always made the journey go much faster.
AEP Course Objectives
- What might the reasons for this change be? Do you agree with them?
- Does this change make TOEFL better or worse? Why?
- Do you think that it make the test more or less difficult?
- How is it relevant to what we do in AEP? Do you agree with my comment above about AUA's AEP course?
- This is a response writing activity, so you can make any other comment that comes to mind on the topic.
Roong's academic interests.
liu's academic interest
Mimi's academic interest
Peter's Academic Interests
Maths had been my favourite subject in the last couple of years of high school, having replaced physics, which had supplanted chemistry, which had taken over from biology. I also enjoyed English in high school, but found it far more difficult than the sciences and mathematics. Writing sentences wasn't difficult, but writing good sentences, and joining them all up effectively was very difficult.
Q's Academic Interests
Taka's Academic interests
My interests are economy and business in Thailand. I'd like to know circumstances of business in this country because I think it could help my study here. In order to get to know about that, I read Bangkok Post these days, but not everyday.
Ing's Academic Interests
One subject that I have never thought about is Engineering. The first reason is that I do not like Physics. I used to fail in Physics exam. The second one is that engineer need to understand the shape clearly especially in Mathematics area at which I am not good.
Pin's academic interests
An's academic Interest
I think my academic interest maybe change by the time...