Tuesday 25 January 2011

Are you full or hungry?

Nowadays we don’t need to worry about our food. We just consider our menu, which food is good tasty or healthy food. But lots of countries are still suffering from poverty. When I saw the title, Report: Urgent action needed to avert global hunger”, I want to know that what author wants to say in his article. I really wonder what the author say to us.

According to the article, the current system that has been prepared for global hunger should be changed, because this system will not support global hunger problem that is near at hand in the world. Due to increasing population and urbanization, which is changed country into city, but also growing the demands for the basic needs such as water, food, and energy, our system are in the urgent situation now. The author said that this is complicated problem that has the different sections such as climate change, water, food, and energy, not the only one. According to this situation, there will be some alternatives such as genetic modification, cloning, and nanotechnology. In order to offer future generation also to finish global hunger, it is necessary to redesign it and continue to study.

This article reminds me an opinion by one professor that I read few years ago. He expected the third World War, that is Food War. He mentioned that nations want to make highly their economic profits by their crop products or the climate should seriously change so some country want to keep their products or shouldn’t want to export or exchange. So at that time people might fight with each other for their basic needs. I thought it’s really interesting guesses. But now it could be happened in the future. Our lives have been changing rapidly. We can get the various information easily. But still we have lots of problems. Poverty is one of serious problems in the world. But the poverty is not restricting places, it could be happened everywhere. So our governments should keep their agricultures using supporting some money or teaching developing skill to farmers. And nations try to solve the problem such as making union or countries should help each other even reduce their economic profits.

And the article mentioned one of solution, particular technology, such as genetic modification. Do you think it could be one solution of nation hungry?

Ghosh, P. (2011 January,24).Report: Urgent action needed to avert global hunger. BBC News. Retrieved January 25, 2011 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12249909


  1. Ari, I am really interested in your topic because food is one of natural resource, my interested topic.
    I am not sure, but there are two main notions in food or natural resource shortage. First, Malthusianism, it is very basic well-known notion about natural resource. This notion analyzes natural resource shortage through Malthusian growth model, human population growths double so not able to product food enough. This notion cause the rapid food technology development because they believe that in the future, when we have suitable technology development we can generate food enough all world's consumption. Yes, this solution seems good and everybody hope it can solve food shortage around the world. GMO or cloning turn to be the new hope of man. However, some people and I do not believe this sweet dream. Other notions such as Neo- Marxist believe that food shortage in some parts of world do not occur because of unbalance increase between population and number of food, but it happen because of inequality of each country in natural resource accessibility. If this situation occur because of number of food why there are a lot of food wasted in big cities around the world while in cities or rural areas in undeveloped countries, people have to die because of food shortage. Therefore, no mater how rapidly the food technology are developed, there are baby died without food in some parts of the worlds.

  2. For me, to solve in poverty in some parts of the world is easily than solving the political argument in Thailand. By the way, there are several ways to fix about poverty such as genetic modification, cloning,nanotechnology and sufficiency economic.
    If all governments around the globe have strongly solved it together that this issue will gone. Why I think like that? Because some countries they do not intend more in this topic. For example, why some lands like Sau di Arabia can grow plant and crop even though in dry land and higher temperature. Owing to the Sau di Arabia government concern about the basic need of people.

    However, starvation and poverty are still exists especially in underdeveloping countries, everyone learn to give and share a good thing to others such as food,knowledge,money and so on that it will reduce the mortality by poverty.

  3. Yes, Nid.Saudi Arabia use food technology for increase number of food. However...

    Are you sure Nid that food technology can solve food shortage problem in Saudi Arabia?

    I think their money can solve that problem because without genetic modification, cloning or nanotechnology, they still have food. I’m quite sure that most rich countries never have a lack of food because the can afford it. Moreover, food technology for them is just a tool for decreasing cost of food production.

    Do any poor countries use food high-technology for solving their food shortage?

    No! Why?

    Because, that technology is high price. It was developed by businesses. Why do companies generate high-price food technology for free to poor countries which cannot afford them?
    Because the companies have humanity?
    I am afraid not!, so it never is send for solving famished problems in poor countries.
    They do businesses and those products of researches are for sale not for free.


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