Saturday 15 January 2011

It is a necessary or not?

"Travel in the Moon" This is an attraction to many people who dream to go to somewhere where is impossible and amazing to go for traveling. When I read the article in "Space tourism jet work continues" I thought that why people did not help the others to have just some foods more than spent a lot of money to go to the Moon just five minutes? Meanwhile, millions of people in the world are faced with starvation by disaster such as flood, earthquake and drought, some rich people have opportunity to go to the outer space just for traveling. And many celebrities buy bag up to a half of million baht each, whereas children in Ethiopia have to drink dirty water instead of meal to maintain their lives. The parity of life has increased and it has an extremely different life-styles between rich and poorer people all of the world.

According to the articles "Space tourism jet work continues" and "Firm rockets in Tourism", the Astrium, Europe's largest space company, says internal development work continues and it will spend a further £9m on the concept in 2011. At this altitude, the five passengers could experience a five minutes of weightlessness before strapping themselves back in their seats for the return flight to the ground. The special tickets are expected to cost up to £135,000, with flights likely to begin in 2012. " The rocket has the windows are about 30% bigger; but more importantly, there're 15 windows and only five passengers, so there're are plenty of opportunities to float around the interior of this cabin and take different views of space, the stars, the Moon, and the Earth", Mr Newson who was CEO's Atrium explained.

After I read these news, I asked myself that why people are totally different life-styles. The reasons are status and karma to make people dissimilarities. I'm not sure about my reason, but some situation is true. For example, person who has a lot of money can buy anything that they want such as castle, airplane, and island. Rich people have a good opportunity to do many things since they were born because their families set up for them. I think that it is not their faults they do not do anything wrong, but fortunately they are completely perfect life. On the one hand, rich people reserve that pattern because their families used to work hard or they tried to save money before wealth. Not only their ancestors are quite patient with many problems but also they are pretty clever to deal with their situations. Furthermore, most ancestors of rich people used to be poorer so they always know deeply on poorer life-style. Therefore, they can do everything that it makes happily even though it is a ridiculous thing like traveling on the Moon only five minutes. On the other hand, poorer usually have opportunity in their life but it is not much. Most of them are an employee until they get old. It is hard to change because they have not much money to prepare their life. Therefore, it is difficult to make life completely perfect. However, traveling in the Moon can make several benefits to humankind. For instance, tourists may receive some ideas to do useful business for humankind. In addition, scientists may earn an important knowledge to make the world changes such as medical science, technology, and so on.


Amos, J. (2011, January 12). Space tourism jet work continues. BBC New. Retrieved from January 13, 2011 from

Firm rockets into space tourism. (2007, June 13). BBC New. Retrieved January 13, 2011 from


  1. Nid raised so many interesting issues in her post that I wasn't sure what to comment on first, so I put it off.
    I was also very busy reviewing yesterday. But I don't have any good excuse for not posting a comment now.

    I like Nid's title, "It is a necessary or not?", and as I started reading, I thought I would disagree with her, since it sounded like she would say it's not such a great idea. But I do agree with Nid's concluding comments - it's probably not necessary, but that doesn't make it a waste of resources. I think it's great that people's passions, in this case the passions of teh very rich, are fuelling research to develop technology which is likely to have uses for everyone that we probably can't even imagine.

    I remember when mobile phones came out, they were expensive and rather cumbersome, but economic demand did wonders in a very short time, and now billions of ordinary people can afford, and have, mobiles that are way better than the best the rich could afford only 20 years ago. I never really use it, but the computing power of my old mobile (almost three years old - it's ancient!) is vastly greater than that of the computer I had 20 years ago.

    Would I go to the moon if the price was bit lower? I don't know. I don't much like travelling, but perhaps I would make an exception for the moon. On the other hand, what can you do there? I guess the low gravity might make for some interestingly different dance and performance to those in the more earthly type of night club.

  2. For the normal people as us, we might think travelling to the moon is not necessary. But for the rich people, they might think different from us. Maybe travelling to the moon is a very great experience that they might think it's a necessary to try once in a lifetime. Since they can afford it, they can do anything without listening to anyone.

    I think even though they don't take a trip to the moon, they still won't pay their money for charity if they never do that. On the contrary, if they always help people for charity, they will keep doing it no matter how much money they spend on their private lives. So it doesn't make anything different.

    But for me, it's absolutely not necessary to travel to the moon and I also can't afford it though. :)

  3. I think that your idea are right and you give new idea to me. Like you said Niche, some rich people still won't pay money for charity if they never do that. And they can do anything without listening to anyone because their money. Actually, I just worry about the gap of parity of life especially in our country. Sometimes they may make violence by inequality.


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