Tuesday 25 January 2011

Jobs in a hard time

ipod, ipad or iphone is a famous device in this period of time. It is new technology that becoming a top of listening, watching, capturing devices. Tape, vdo, and dvd or those devices player are dying. Form of medium is changed to new thing that much more easy for portable-lighter and smaller than the old one- and also more space to keep the data. New form of meduim look more friendly to user devices. This new technology is an Apple's product series, all product is in a top list of high selling point on worldwide devices chart. Who is standing behinds this success?.

According to the article, “Jobs Takes Leave at Apple Again, Stirring Questions” in New York times news that Steven P. Jobs, who is head of executive management team of Apple, is leaved because of the health problem. He is the wise leader of the company who brings Apple business to the spot light. After he got a cancer which he could only work on and off and need more time to rest in the hospital to cure his disease. The news reported update of his health problem and also staging of the marketing status among their competitor like Samsung.

I feel very sad for his health problem and wishing he will get well soon even his problem become a serious stage. Steve had to leave from the management team, even he is a group head leader who create many effective marketing plan which show a fully creative aspect. Two years ago I search Apple website and found that Apple has a similar promotion in the summer time which give a support for the student when they buy MacBook. Why does i think it's very interesting promotion? In a summer time, it was a summer break for school. It is a time that universities or collages waiting for new students to join in. Then Apple has an good offer to all student who buy MacBook at this term, they will get free ipod touch. The strategy brings Mac become a popular item among student who are a big target group in the country. Even Steve will stop working but the company still move on while the selling prices is raising up, new director of the management team have to make a decision and keep running their business to accomplish their goal. It is the best way that the new director have to deal with it in the hard time.


HELFT, M. (2011, January 17). Jobs Takes Leave at Apple Again, Stirring Questions. New york times news. Retrieved January 25, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I also feel sad like you because he is one of my inspirations. However, don’t worry about him because he rich so he can flight with his decrease in the best way. Moreover, About Apple, I think it is a large big company so its successful might not come form only him, and I believe this company can run without him for a long period so Apple’s follower don’t cry. I hope his diseases might decrease Apple credit in stock market in order to decline the price of Apple’s products which I cannot afford in normal time.


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