Wednesday 17 July 2019

Making a Difference & Most Likely to Succeed (SkRW3, pp. 79, 81 & 82, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read and checked our understanding of both "Making a Difference" (2013, pp. 78-79) and "Most Likely to Succeed" (pp. 80-81). 


Our response 

As usual, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond critically to the ideas in the readings. 

Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the critical thinking questions on page 82 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments. 

Next, respond to the ideas from both "Making a Difference" and "Most Likely to Succeed."

Again, think for a minute or two before you write a new comment in response to these questions. 
  • Who is the most successful person you know? How did they achieve their success?
  • What is an idea that you have not yet followed through? What (has) stopped you?  (We're pressed for time.)

Post this second comment.
Then read and reply to a couple of your classmates'  comments. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. It wasn't easy to pick out just one person who is the most successful person I know. My friend Neil, who has made a lot of money in a very successful business career in senior management at a major Thai entertainment company was one possible choice, as was my friend Scott, who has made a successful career as a project manager in the Asian region. Finally, I decided that my brother Matthew has achieved the most successful life of anyone I know.

    Achieved is the important word here. Matthew has not become as rich or as well-known as some other people I know, but he decided what was important to him in life, and set about achieving those goals. Money and career were certainly important to his goals, but he didn't need a lot. Unlike me, he has always loved the countryside where we grew up, so instead of pursuing a career in business in the city, he left Sydney after a few years of hard work and returned to our home area, where he bought a beautiful farming property near a large town. His farm is peaceful, green, and produces great beef. It's a great place to listen to the birds calling and to spot koalas when I'm on my annual visit back home, and Matthew loves it. He manages a credit union office in the nearby town, and is content with that relatively low stress job. His farm, and the great meals he loves to prepare, is an important centre of my families life together for the past twenty years, and this is clearly another source of contentment for Matthew, although again, not what I've chosen for myself. I can't think of anyone else I know who has more thoroughly achieved goals that truly make them happy in a well-balanced, successful life.

  2. Joy is my friend in high school. She is the successful person in sport when she has free time, she always go to gym instead talking and playing with friend likes other friends.
    She played sport until she got a quota to studied in the university. Now, I saw her that a Karate representation of Thailand to competition abroad. I thinks the most things that make her success are consistence, patience and clear determination. Moreover, the important thing is she loves the thing that she does very much. When people do the things that they love, they will success easier than people who do the things that they do not love.

    1. Frankly, I know Joy because she was my senior and studied in the same school as you and me. She is a pretty good sport player. I used to think that If I had a physical fight with her, she would surely kill me and I would never have any chance to touch even her skin hahaha. Anyways, I totally agree with your opinions why she is a great and fascinating athlete.

  3. For me, My piano teacher is the most successful person I know. She is not rich, she doesn't have any sport car or big house, but she can complete all of her goals she has. When ever she has dreams of goals, she always do everything to complete it and never give up. When she was young, she wanted to study in Faculty of art in Chulalongkorn university and wanted to graduated with the highest score, so she study hard prepared everthing and then she can get in to the facculty and without stopping working hard ,she graduated with the highest score as she want. She also play musical instruments, she wanted to master in playing at least 5 musical instrumens. So, she started to learn all musical instruments she interested on and practise them everyday. Now she can play almost 10 musical instruments. When she became more interested in music, she wanted to won the fist prize of piano compettition. As always, she planned and then followed her plan and finally she won first place in solo piano of Yamaha music festival and be the representative of Thailand to join the contest in world class compettition. She enjoy her life and live happily everyday. So, I think she is the most successful person I have ever known.

  4. I think Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand, my adviser, is the most successful person that I know, because he is the top of the violent and nonviolent politics and Thai public intellectual of the political science in Thailand. His achievement is same definition, "perfectly happy with whatever life brings.", in this essay, because he worked hard many years and confronted many easy and difficult obstacles. In the past, most people didn't recognized his area (the violent and nonviolent politics), but he tried to defend and talk for awareness the importance area and why we must know this. Now, when Thai medias want the comments about the violent and nonviolent politics that happen. We will think firstly him. Moreover, Thai government invited him as committee about peaceful and nonviolent strategy to solve the uses of violence by state.

    So I think I can follow him for my goal. His persistence about his works make me inspiration for working and trying hard. I must concentrate my goal intentionally. I won't give up many obstacles.This is my way that my professor show me from his success.

  5. My definition of success is when someone can achieve the goal they set so I think my sister is the most successful person I know because firstly,she had a goal that want to graduate from the faculty of science in bachelor's degree with a first class honor and she can do it because of her ambition. Second, she now studies in master degree and gonna graduate soon while some of her friend cannot graduate yet because of thier not finishing research. Lastly, she has a goal to go to the many kpop artists concerts by not asking parent's money and she can do it. As such,I think she has an ambition and determination to do goals which make her succeed.

  6. The most successful person I know is my friend whom I met when I was in Australia for an exchange program. I personally think my friend, Tony, is a successful person because he has his own company, kind of tuition center, even though he is only 1 year older than me. My friend, Tony, was born in Australia but actually his ancestors were not. He told me that it was hard for foreigners to get an acceptance, so his family always teach him to be diligent and do the best that he can in every work. He was always energetic and so determined to start the company that he decided to leave the school and took special courses rather than spent most of his days in school. His decision really surprised me and I was very admired him because he accepted the risk and never give up until he met his target. Now, I haven't talked to him for a while but his company continues to improve. It becomes famous among Australian students and I hope that I can meet him again in Melbourne because he is very busy these days.

  7. the most successful person that I know is one of my Physic teacher. He has is own tutor school and have a lot of student there. I think the reason he achieves his success is his diligence. I saw him always try to find and make a physics question that suitable for us and, he also check every test his students did that make him know what part is the weakness in each student. He is a very friendly person that made him like a brother so he can easily access the student thinking that encourage them to continue to study with him

  8. The most successful person I know is my thesis adviser. He achieve his success because he is a curiosity person he always curious in many aspect of life, culture, social, and work, he question with a lot of thing around him and try to find the answer. When he do his work he set his goal clearly and try to achieve it. He is a person who think carefully and he very precisely person when he create his stuff.

  9. The most successful person I know is my cousin,Thanapob. He now is an obstetrician at well-known hospital, Siriraj hospital. I have known him since I was young because his father is really close to my father, so I've followed up his life step since he was a high school student while I was a child. He was not a straight-A student at that time and he also used to face health condition for years. Despite of any obstacles, he passed through it and got the first class honour degree at the faculty of medicine of Chulalongkorn University. After that he planned to study in a specific way which is obstetrics.

    I think he was successful because of his attempt and intense determination of every step of life. He has never given up, and that's why he was successful.

  10. A person who I accept her to be my successful person is my first Mathematics teacher. Her name is Karn. When I was very young, I was her student in Grade 9. She told my parents that she wanted to make me a student who was pretty best at math in the school. After my parents gave her a permission, she told me that starting from now, I had been her best student. After that, every morning I had to practice my math skills, have to solve over 10,000 problems. However, the more I had practiced, the more I was tired. I told her many times that I really wanted to stop being your math student. Unfortunately, she declined my request because she saw my hidden abilities to be the greatest math student in my elementary school. Therefore, she decided not to let me stop practicing math. On the contrary, she gave me more exams, more math problems, and more exercises. Luckily, her prediction was exactly correct, I learnt everything about math more quickly and easily. Finally, I became the best math student in my school. I won a lot of national mathematics competitions in Thailand. Thankfully, she saw my special abilities, if she had let me stop learning math, I would probably have not been a brilliant math student like this. Moreover, when I needed her help, she always helped me even easy or difficult problems. She tried to help me solve them eventually. After I finished Grade 12, I used to promised myself that after I graduated from my university, I will go to your home and give you a warm big hug. I really want to make your so proud of me again like you made me very proud of you in the very long time ago. I realized that she were a good teacher with amazing determination to make her students get every good thing. Hence, I will remember her the rest of my life and I will tell your story to my children for sure. I think it is time to say this sentence again. Thank you a lot teacher.


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