Wednesday 31 July 2019

Discuss it online (SkRW3, p. 9, Developing critical thinking)

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What we read

We have now read and checked our understanding of "Discuss it online," the first reading in Unit 1 of Skillful Reading & Writing Student's Book 3 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 9). 


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to the ideas in it in a critical thinking exercise. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Bixby and Scanlon ask two questions. We will do them as two separate pieces of response writing. 

  • First question:
    If you had to write a response to the discussion board question, what part of your identity would you mainly write about? Why?
    • Think for one minute, and then write. Write complete sentences. Our main purpose here is to communicate our ideas fluently and clearly, which is why it's important to write in sentences. However, this is not a formal academic writing assignment. You have six minutes to write one or two paragraphs responding to the question. 
    • Remember: write as though your readers have not seen the question. Your writing should make sense to readers who have not seen the question. 
    • Do not go on to the second question until I tell you to. We will do something else before that.
  • Second question:
    Why is the family an important part of a person's identity?
    • When I tell you to, again think for one minute, and then write for five minutes to respond to this question. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. If I were writing about how my identity has changed over the past few years, I think I would write mainly about my chosen identity. My given identity and core identities have not really changed over the past few years, so there were not be much to write about. In contrast, I my chosen habits, activities and groups I belong to have changed, so there would be more to discuss. For example, I still have the same values today that I had ten years ago: learning, working hard, supporting friends, and enjoying life. Similarly, my given identity has stayed largely the same: Australian, male, brother, son and native English speaker. However, the way I spend my time and the people I see most often has changed a lot. I watch NetFlix today and read a little less, and I don't really go looking for new friends.

  2. I play important role on "Core identity" because I think that it can make me unique and to be myself. I think I am able to increase my values by finding my best and illustrating it to others. One example of this is that I know I am kind of entusiastics preson so, when others see me, they always persuate me doing somethings with them.

  3. I would write about my chosen identity because it is the identity changing the most frequently. For example, group of people and social group that I attended are changed due to my higher education. That is to say, graduated from high school and going to the college completely changed group that I am a part of.

  4. I prefer 'core identity" because in my opinion the core identity is the key make me have an unique. I present my self by personality , value and my skill all the mine. It can identify me clearly.

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    2. I think my chosen identity changed a lot in the past few years because I often spend my life with not just one community but in the past few years I try to spend times a lot with many kinds of people who have different way of life passion and values compare to me for example (...) and I think this changed my core identity also.

  6. After I have quickly read about "Discuss it online". I received the new piece of information about three main types of identity including given identity, chosen identity, and core identity. Each identity has some different effects. Nonetheless, I would prefer to write about chosen identity seeing that I can definitely choose on my own and there are many identities that I can choose to be or choose to do. Finally, I would say that most of my behaviors usually come from my chosen identities. Thus, this is another main reason why I would like to write about chosen identity.

    1. For instance, I would really like to write about being footballer of my faculty.

  7. My identity has changed since I begin my career. I learn how to connect with people who came from different countries as well as different backgrounds. Also, I gain experiences on leading others and working as a team.


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