Monday 23 March 2020

Crowd control due to a hard time


According to "Coronavirus: New York warns of major medical shortages in 10 days." (2020), the city's mayor, Bill de Blasio, warned that the hospital in New York would face penury of medical supplies in 10 days. It would lead to a significant death toll to raise up rapidly. The city's mayor wanted to increase awareness from the government. Even though, they had announced that the country is in a major disaster. Trump had sent medical supplies to the worst-hit state; such as New York, Washington, and California. However, Illinois governor declared that masks, gowns, gloves are insufficient for frontline medical teams and now we are against each other to get that, also Washington and California still required a load of ventilators. Recently, the Democrat vote for the rejection of an emergency stimulus bill to boost up an economy during the pandemic.                   


Choosing the Covid-19 topic to write an opinion, now inadequate medical supplies have become huge trouble around the world and I wonder what the US government would react so I continue reading it. Firstly, I was scared by the headline, later on, the feeling leads me to think about how each country doing its crowd control among the worries. Focusing on China, Korea, and Thailand how did three countries individually coping with the issue.

Beginning with, China, Covid originates from Wuhan city, Dr. Li Wenliang was the first doctor warning about the virus, but the police claimed that he told rumor and investigate him. In addition, the government knew that was true but they censored the truth in every channel. Online platforms, for example, We Chat, people unable to search the word related to the virus. The anger spread wildly after Dr passed-away by one month, at that time thousands of people were infected. Censoring happens because China runs by communism, if anythings affect public security, it would be ban from their system. Keeping a citizen in claim stages might be a good choice rather than announcing the fact and let's chaos run the country. In contrast, covering important information once they need related to infect tolls, lacking accurate communication making people scared and confused, when people didn't know what was going on leading them to have less caution, No one knows that this spread easily without protecting themself and proper prevention, cause the virus spread wildly and rapidly not only in the country but it has become an epidemic and finally pandemic at the end. 

Second, Korea, super spreader started in the religious group, one of the plans was launched an aggressive and transparent information campaign to educate people about the virus. Dr. Justin Fendos, who work closely with the Korean government said that transparent information was the essential first step in any containment effort. The attempt had shown that the government worked differently with China. In addition, the government informed risk factors through everyone by phone text messages such as show them a list of the restaurants, shops or churches to show that how many people were there at the period of time to let others decide whether they should go there or risk or not. Another way was broadcasted daily general advice through every media and platform such as television, internet, and newspaper to remind people, avoiding crowded places. All this act did for preventing their citizens from fake news and rumors, so every people understood it clearly then they knew how to behave themselves and to prevent each other. 

Back in Thailand, the government should announce that we are in the third stage since the virus spread during boxing game in a big hall. When Mathew, actor, announcing that he infected the virus, however, the governor wanted to sue him back, this react told me that our government has a different mindset with Korean and also they were unaware of the disease enough this scared me that our leader was not educated about the virus clearly. The reaction that I wish from them is searching for a place that the actor got infected and announced it as a risk place and quickly inform others that might be risked because of Mathew. Before this case came up in the spotlight, many people still thought that healthy people won't be infected and there were not many people wearing a mask. Later on, I found that the army who runs the boxing stadium got a notification letter in advance to postpone the competition due to the virus issue but they decided to continue. I could say that I have no hope for my own government under the disaster.  

To conclude, I wish our country would pass the pandemic quickly, but to be frank I think we are not safe because our crowd is walking individually without strictly and powerful measures. Although the government had announced the curfew, thousands of people from Bangkok heading back to their home town, it could mean that the virus from the city spread throughout the whole country by migration.                                                                             


What do you think is the best way to do crowd control in our country in this time?




  1. I think self-quarantine and social distancing are the best way to control this pandemic such as a concept “STAY AT HOME”. This is important action that we should do during the coronavirus outbreak. This way is the only way that will reduce the spread of the infection because now we still can’t find the way to cure a disease. So, you need to have a responsibility for other people and social.
    Second, In my opinion I think the government should take more responsibility and action, they should provide more a protection for their own people specially, medical staff. Moreover, they need to concern more about the way that the governor communicates with public. Right now, it makes public be over panicking because they don’t believe in the government.
    On the other hand, STAY AT HOME is becoming a popular campaign on social media. I’m interested in that situation because It show that media really can connect us together even in a hard time.

    1. Bird, when you write that " the government should take more responsibility and action, they should provide more a protection for their own people specially, medical staff", what exactly do you think that the government should do that they have not? Should they, for example, make it illegal to leave your home? SHould they put a super tax on the greedy rich people to support the majority of very poor Thai people?

    2. First, the government should make decision and act quickly. in my opinion, Thais Ministry of Public Health careless and unwell prepared about the problem. Sine coronavirus emerged they didn’t do anything millions tourist still traveled across the country, so the virus gone outbreak.

      Second, the government should provide more information to people such as in Taiwan they always give information about how to cope with this situation and How Covid-19 situation go on right now. Especially, they use Big Data analytics to manage their situation like recording of travel and health history with a QR code, for tracking classify travelers' infectious risks in the last 14 days. At that time sine coronavirus emerged in Thailand, the governor just gave information that It’s just a flu, it's wrong to assume it. People should caution that they going to face a new disease.


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