Monday 23 March 2020

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 84 - Critical thinking on "The Panama Canal: A Brief History"


In exercise E on page 84, Rogers and Zemach invite us to discuss three critical thinking questions that follow up ideas presented in "The Panama Canal: A Brief History" (2018, p. 83).



Ships in locks on the Panama Canal
As we have just done before, we will discuss Rogers and Zemach's question in blog commnets, which is likely to generate a wider variety of ideas in addition to giving us a more permanent record of our ideas while also getting in some practice writing for fluency in a less academic style, but still writing our ideas in grammatically complete sentences that clearly state our ideas.  


Rogers & Zemach, p. 83
After thinking about them for a minute or two, write down your responses to Rogers and Zemach's critical thinking questions on page 84 in a comment below. 
  • What are some reasons so many of the world's goods are transported by cargo ship?
  • What positive changes does faster, easier shipping bring to the world?
    • Are there any negative changes?   
  • How would your life change if shipping were slower and more expensive? 

You have 15:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the three questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as: 
  • planning = 3:00 minutes
  • writing = 9:00 minutes, and 
  • editing = 3:00 minutes.

I thought that organizing your ideas into two paragraphs would probably work well, but you are the author of your response, so that is one of the decisions for you to make.  


  • Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 


  1. I think the first reason goods are often tranported by cargo ship is that it is the cheapest way to transport things, especially if they are heavy or large. Oil, for example, is very heavy and a lot needs to be moved around the world. Also cars are often moved for sale in other countries. It would be very difficult, and expensive, to tranport large, heavy cars by plane, so shipping makes sense.

    I think faster shipping is good because we can get goods we want more quickly. I still have to wait for some of the devices I enjoy using to arrive in Thailand, but the shorter wait is better than a longer one. This is also good for the world because it means that trade can develop more quickly, which boosts national economies. And stronger economies mean greater wealth for the people, especially the workers, to share. It also means that the government has more money available to help poorer people and to provide social services.

    Are there disadvantages to faster, easier shipping? I could not think of any disadvantages, although at the moment, the disruption of supplies from countries affected by Covid-19, which is pretty much every country, might be a problem. However, I think that this is a problem that would be even worse if the world were poorer because of less trade and weaker economies overall. So, on the whole, I don't think that there are any real problems from shipping being faster and easier. But now that I think again, perhaps one problem is that it contributes to global warming, and that is a real worry these days. So, actually, I do think that there is one problem.

    Finally, my life would change a bit if shipping were slower and more expensive because I love a few things that are immported into Thailand. I would have to pay more for my smartphone and other devices if shipping were more expensive, and I would have to wait longer. This would not kill me, but I still prefer faster and cheaper. Most of the food I eat every day is produced in Thailand, but again, there are a few things that I like from Australia and other countries. My morning yoghurt, for example, is a tasty, full-cream one that is made in Australia. It's already a bit expensive, at 60 baht a small tub, but it would be even more if the shipping costs were higher. Another food I like is imported broccoli. Most THai vegetables are very good, but I prefer broccoli from either Australia or China. In fact the Chinese broccoli is excellent, and cheaper than the Australian one. I'm afraid local Thai broccoli does not look so good. I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps the climate just isn't right for healthy broccoli.

  2. 1.The reason is when you transport it’s not only one kind of product. We are shipping huge and various of product. On the other hand Cargo ship is more cheaper than other transportation.
    2. It makes world becomes closer. We can used product from other part of the world, or we can share resource together. So that make us didn’t face problem about lack of resource anymore.
    3.Of course, it going to affect your life directly. It's going to make goods more expensive.

  3. 1. marina shipping provides the cheapest cost. Moreover, the majority of countries have coastal areas hence it is easier for transportation.

    2. some of the items are lack in many nations so better transportation such as shipping is an effective solution. For example, Thai does have sufficient natural fossil resources but we can import it.
    Nevertheless, I read some news about oil spills from shipping. It leads to negative effects on the environment and marina creatures in long-term and hard to solve.

    3. We might have to increase a lot of domestic production. There will many products in each nation version so I think that it might be so interesting.
    However, the prices of many goods may rocket to unaffordable cost.

  4. The reasons that the goods are transported by cargo ship is the cheap cost and also we could export a lot of goods in one time even it might take more longer time to ship goods in this way. Such as if we use aircraft to transport cars, it would cost much money to expend in the business.

    Shipping bring the world trading more smaller than the old day. Before we have airplane, we use ship as a transportation to connect and trad goods from different country. People start to discover a new land and also new product from other country and starting an international trad. This bring our world economic grow more larger than before.

    As for negative aspect, I am not sure about this.

    If the shipping were slower and more expensive it would reflex to my product consuming. Some goods maybe hard to reach out, I may not purchase it and may find something to replace it. Using only important goods that I can not find in my own country is another choice that I would do.

  5. 1. Many of the world’s goods are transported by cargo ships because ships can load more products at a lower price comparing to land and air transportation.

    2. It makes life more comfortable as goods will be brought into one’s country faster. It also promotes globalization as the world is easier connected, and different products can be shipped around the world. However, there can be some negative effects, such as a country possibly depends more on imports rather than manufacturing in its own country.

    3. If shipping were more expensive, the cost of living would rise because oil would be more costly as fuel is one of the significant goods shipped around the world. Also, the country might have to think about giving attention to the domestic industry as shipping costs and imports could be more expensive.

  6. WHen you write, a helpful strategy is to imagine that your reader has not seen the question(s) you are answering.

    This pushes you to do what Naam just suggested: you have to organize your writing to stand as an independent piece of work that makes sense by itself.


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