Monday 9 March 2020

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 17 - Critical thinking on "How Permanent Is Your Personality?"


In exercise E on page 17, Rogers and Zemach invite us to discuss three critical thinking questions that follow up ideas presented in "How Permanent Is Your Personality?" (2018, pp. 15 - 16).



As we have just done before, we will discuss Rogers and Zemach's question in blog commnets, which is likely to generate a wider variety of ideas in addition to giving us a more permanent record of our ideas while also getting in some practice writing for fluency in a less academic style, but still writing our ideas in grammatically complete sentences that clearly state our ideas.  


After thinking about them for a minute or two, write down your responses to Rogers and Zemach's critical thinking questions on page 17 in a comment below. 

  • Did the results of the study surprise you? 
    • Why or why not? 
    • Do you believe the results?
  • What are some factors that could cause someone to change [their] personality?
  • What do you think the results of this study imply for ascribed, achieved, and chosen identity traits? 
    • Can they all change do you think? Why? Why not? 

Again, a strong answer will relate this to your own experience with specific examples to support your main ideas. 

Because it asks you to relate the ideas in the second reading to the first, "Social Identity", the last question is important, so be sure address it in your comment. 


  • Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 


  1. Although the results of the survey did surprise me a bit, I can think of a few reasons why people's personality might change.

    The first thing I thought of is a serious shock, from example from a disaster. If, for example, an earthquake suddenly destroyed your home and killed many of your family and friends, that might easily cause such a severe psychological shock that your personality was different afterwards, although I'm not sure whether the changes would be positive or negative. But perhaps even disasters can teach people the importance of caring for others, so could have positive changes to personality.

    The next reason I thought of is that people might be unhappy with the way their life is and deliberately plan to change their personality so that their lives improve. For example, if someone never achieves a lasting, happy relationship with other people, that might encourage him to investigate what aspects of his personality cause that, and then to work to achieve change.

    ANd that's all I have time for.

  2. Work place can cause change to people's personality because personality is a part of worker's suitability for a job.
    I think that this study research implies that ascribes achieved chosen identity can be change due to the environment.

  3. According to the article, the result of the study does not surprise me and I believe the result too since I believe that everyone change when the time pass I could relate to my own experience. For example, my political view when I was young and now is flip for 180 degrees. When I was young I vote the same party with my dad but after I read more news and study the policy in each party then I decide to support the party that I trust. To conclude, My attitude have changed due to the more information that I get and it effect to my personality too.

  4. In my opinion, I believe our personality can be changed by time, so it is not surprise to see the result like this. Because of experience and environment, people always see the chance to make things better, included themselves. In my case, I have changed habit or lifestyle many time if I see it can make me better. So, I believe everyone can change their personality, or any identity traits, to make their life better.

  5. The result of the research did not surprise me because I think that personality can. I personally believe that personality can change slowly through a long period of time because I feel like when you grow up you are not be the same person as you were when you were young. According to my own experience, my personality has changed after I came back from the states and I stayed there for one year. I was more shy an not as mature as I am now before I went there. I had to adapt my personality to fit in with the way of live there. I think that experiences play a big part in the change of personality. Experiences may change the way you see things and the way you act toward certain things and when you gradually change the way you think and act, your personality eventually changes.

  6. In my opinion, I did not surprise about the results of the study because I have been faced the situation like the article tell us. To illustrate, my personality in current time is different from my personality in the past so that make me totally believe in this result.
    There are many factors that could cause someone to change their personality such as their experience and etc.

  7. I’m not surprise by the result of Psychology and Aging research. I actually believe that personality can change. However, the research may not accurate because it was given people’s opinion. While the subjects of this research may change their personality over time, the person who gave rating to the subjects may change their opinion and their personality too. In my opinion, people can change their personality because some circumstances happens to their life. I change my personality from judging others to more relax. I grow up and I feel like I don’t care other people too much anymore. I accept people who they are because it is hard to change them. Some personality can change. However, it is easier for me to let other people go on their own way.

  8. In my opinion, the results of the study did not surprise me since they were the same of my experience, which is my grandmother's personalities in currently is different from before meaning the same as the article mentions. Therefore, I still believe the results. The factor that might be change those personalities are their experience and situation that they went through.

  9. Firstly, I'm quite surprise about the consequent of the experiment which shows dramatic change in people personalities over 60 years. However, I don't believe this study because there are some doubtful in part of methods.
    Mostly, our personalities have been changed by time and personal experience. This article mentions all types of identity because they refer to overall personailty.


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