Tuesday 5 October 2010

Be careful of any games!!!

I always like health articles, and I found this "Wii-type games linked to sprains" in BBC news, for me it's a bit funny because my experience from Wii is not intense.

Nintendo Wii, an interactive electronic game which launch in 2006, can cause of many injuries by swing of the console's remote, such as to strains and sprains in feet, shoulders and ankles or hurt from be hit by player partner. From the statistic of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , playing interactive games from Wii made the most of injuries, and Nintendo try to responsible this by make a safety instruction with their games.

When I read this article about injury by using Wii, it's not in my expectation. In my family, we've used Wii for fun and sport, like tennis, golf or boxing. I've hit and been hit by my partner but it's not much hurt. It's a funny games. I think it's not only Nintendo Wii or others games that make you be injured, it can be on a long stress work or doing something for long time, such as working on computer twelve hours per day, seven day per week for five or six month, you probably have problem with your finger without playing any games. It's very important to takecare your health and your life, you have to relax sometime. And if you decide to relax by using Wii or others games, you have to ensure that it might not give you a new hurt or new extension.


Wii-type games linked to sprains (2010, October 4). BBC News. Retrieved October 4, 2010 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11455144


  1. Informative article, I’m a Nintendo Wii fan club so it’s useful for me. When I finished your article, one thing appeared in my brain. It’s a propaganda of the US since Japan is the US’s opponent in economic society. Oops!!

    I always play Wii to relax and calm down from working. For me, Wii is my good friend. In other hand, I think every game can cause physical and mental problems by playing for a long time. Too much of everything can make you sick. Someone said, “Blind following technology can often lead you astray.”
    But I want to say, “Let technology to be your follower.”

  2. NK...I agree with you (@ October 5, 2010 2:43 Am) "Too much of everything can make you sick."
    Everything can cause of useful or harmful, it depend on your using.
    By the way, my posting is so late but you're later that me.

  3. I agree with bout of you that "Too much of everything can make you sick."

    I love Nintendo Wii. I played it for almost 2 hours in the first time in tennis and boxing game, after that I felt like I went to work out. It just like a weight training.

  4. NK, Nu, Net,
    I agree with all of you that if we do everything over than our physical be able to afford it. It can cause us an illness.

    I never play Wii before, but from Nu idea ( posted by Nu at 12:06 AM) that she plays Wii as a sport and Net ( Octobet 5, 2010 2:09 PM) say that he feels like go to exercise after play Wii.

    So, if you think you play Wii as a sport or exercise, I have a suggestion for all of you if you don't want to get hurt after play game, you should warm-up and stretching before you start to play it. Normally, before we start to exercise we should warm-up first, right?

    Let's try it might works, but don't play it too much.

  5. I've never played Nintendo Wii, and don't really know anything about it, except that it's been popular for a while.

    I would also agree with Namkhang that anything can be dangerous - people suffer injuries in every sport, even if they do everything right and take care. I think we just have to accept that enjoying life means taking risks. The amount of risk that's acceptable should left for each person to decide for themselves, but as long as they knew there were risks before they started I don't think the manufacturer has any obligation to either eliminate the risk or to compensate for injuries. I guess that Nintendo has tried to keep the risks to the minimum that still allows the product to be fun and to provide exercise, their response as reported in "Wii-type games linked to sprains" to include safety instructions (as cited in Nu, 2010), is probably enough, as long as those safety instructions are clear and easily understood.

  6. I noticed after my own comment @ October 5, 2010 6:13 PM, that Apple has also effectively paraphrased ideas from Nu and Net in her comment (October 5, 2010 6:08 PM), which she must have been writing as I wrote mine.

  7. I like NK idea. This NEWS tries to discredit Wii from Japan, which weatern countries have to be inferior market share to.

    I have never play Wii before and do not know it is a poppular game equipment. and very surprise that couple of classmate play it because I have never know someone playing it.

    I agree with all of you. I think the design of it or stlyes of interactive game are not the cause of injury, but the time of playing and how they play are the main cause of a problem.

  8. I am a person who has never played Wii before, but I have many friends who like to play Wii. My friends are always tried and hurt sometime after they play this game. They said that the game is very exciting such as boxing, so they are excited and try to play more in order to win. Sometime they win and sometime they lose, but they do not remember how many times they win. On the other hand, they just feel some parts of their body hurt.

    I give your example because I would like to show you that if you use feeling to control your acting without thinging of your capacity, it will get problems more than benefits, and I agree with NK (@ October 5, 2010 2:43 Am) "Too much of everything can make you sick"

  9. Plaing game can make player be hurt! It's quite crazy because the main object of playing is relaxation, but they played it until they got painful. That trouble happened from player who played Wii without understanding, but that news tried to relate their painful which is from Wii. I think that someone try to discredit Nintendo.

  10. I read an article which says Microsoft and Sony will launch their new motion video games like Nintendo wii soon. I'm worried that more and more kids play sports using such as video game, not play real games outside. They can learn many things from a hurt by tumbling on the ground and hitting a ball and so on, but nothing worth from video games. I want to say loudly to kids, play out side! Do not spend much time inside your house!!

  11. I felt a little bit worry in the future people might play less real sports, but they are going to play sport from Wii or other game more.


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