Monday 11 October 2010

The country which's intelligent most !!

Apparently, you can see me feel sleepy in the class because I wasn't sleep enough last nigh but after I had read the article "Which country has the best brains?" From BBC News, my eyes grew open because It interesting a lot.

Nobel prize's been established by Alfred Nobel for 109 years ago and more than 500 prices have been award and It's for people who benefit to our world and human. The country which get the prize most is United State and they still being No.1 in almost every fields except literature because France is the most popular in that way.

Actually, I never interested in such topic but today I was looking at it because I hope Thailand would be on the list but I found nothing about Thailand; however, I'm not surprise that US is the one of almost many field because the quality of citizen might be better than other.
Which country has the best brains?.(2010, October 8). BBC NEWS. Retrieved October 8, 2010 from


  1. I agree with Net on his comment(October 11, 2010 1:06 pm) that he wish Thailand be in this list, because I've checked on attached document in this news(Nobel prize by country.xls), even Vietnam and Burma can win this prizes, but no Thailand in this list, poor my country.
    Before we reach this step, I think we should improve our people quality by give them good education and good work. It might be our turn in next ten year.

  2. I don't think the US excels scientifically "because the quality of citizen might be better than other" (Net, 2010, ¶ 3), but because it's legal and political system strongly protect free speech, which is absolutely necessary to discover the truth about anything. As China's Nobel prize for peace attests, that country suffers badly from unjust laws that violate its citizen's basic human rights, and as a result, Chinese people must be ignorant about important aspects of their own history, politics and society.

    And if you remember, back on the first day of class, the OED entry 2.b. for the adjective academic was "academic freedom, the freedom of a teacher to state his opinions openly without censorship, or without the fear of losing his position, etc. (cf. G. akademische Freiheit);" which reminds us of how essential free speech is to the academic goal of seeking knowledge.

    If China and other countries with unjust censorship laws want to catch up scientifically, politically and morally to the US and others, they will have to get rid of their laws against knowledge.

  3. In case it wasn't clear, I meant that I think that the citizens of Thailand, China and every other country are as intelligent, clever and capable as Americans. I don't think there is any problem with the natural quality of the citizens of any country, although it is at least possible that in fact the average intelligence of citizens of some is lower than in others. (That seems unlikely to me, but it might be true.)

  4. We have three Thai people who worked and participated for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change got this prize in peaceful department in 2007. Although, this prize would be given the organization, it is a good sign to encourage our new generation to learn more. Nowaday, they are teachers in Prajomklao Thonburi(Bangmod).

  5. Peter
    Like you says, other country don't have opportunity to show or speech their idea, even though it's not as much as US but I think in Thailand we have a lot of opportunity. However, in my point , the meaning of other in that paragraph should be refer to the country which's developing country or lower. Moreover I should change the last of my summary sentence to "I'm not surprise that the all of country in the rank are developed country."

    What is "ntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change"

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It is an organization which associates with many country around the world. Its job concerns about working on climate change of the world.

    The main purpose of this organization will aim to every country in Asia continent, so our Thai participated with this organization by working for. You can learn more at Someone may say that the prize was given this organization then why I try to relate three Thai to this organization. I would like to say that a lot of a little power can combine to be the big power, so their working should be appreciated.

  8. Net,
    Thanks for the explanation @ October 12, 2010 8:05 AM

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. OMG! it is the terrible chart!

    I agree with all of you. It is an unfair chart!
    It only shows the unequal opportunities of each nation and the discrimination

    Like Peter, I think freedom of thinking and speaking is the major factor to improve the quality of citizen. Moreover, from that chart in birds’ eyes view, you can see that it show the inequality of each nation. Why are there only western nations?
    We do not know the process and approach of this prize. I guess that it base on the western perspective.

    For discrimination, I think that chart show a huge gap between females and males, and show that how far the process of equality between men and women progress; moreover, this prize “might” disregard the woman rights.

    Lastly, I hate some topics of prizes which are indicator for judgment the cleverness such as the topic about peace.

    Do you know President Barrack Obama, who ordered to increase huge personals in Iraq war, used to get Noble prize?

  11. Many years, many Nobel Prizes. This article caught me to confuse about what standard they use – only who got Noble Prize right? If they evaluate from that, I cannot deny it’s true. Because “Two Americans, Peter Diamond and Dale Mortensen, and Christopher Pissarides, a British and Cypriot citizen, have won the 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science” (Mon, October 11, 2010.The New York Times).

    This judgement is right , but it’s unfair and shining away from the best evaluation. It looks like just statistical evaluation and puts factors to calculate not complete. For example, the most of intelligent architects are from EU and the most popular woman architect is from Japan it’s shown US not intelligent most.


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