Sunday 17 October 2010

TI-the rapper in jail

This weekend was my very busy weekend. Therefore, my news summary quite delay this time. Because of my busy and stressful weekend; for this reason, I want to read some relaxing news. I started to look at the entertainment news. When I saw the title "TI sentenced to 11 months in jail for parole violation" on the BBC News website, it caught my eye when I saw his picture because I know his song but I am not a big fan of him. I don't know much about him and I don't know what happened with him, so I want to check it out. Actually, this story not very serious news because it's about an entertainer, but actually there are some serious things to think about.

The popular hip-hop singer or rapper called TI has been sentenced in his case for having the drug 'ecstacy'. He was already on probation when he was arrested again last month, so the judge sentenced him to 11 months in jail and also one year of supervised release.

The rapper begged the judge to pity him and to not send him to jail. He said, "I screwed up big time, and I'm sorry...I don't want and I don't need to sue drugs anymore. I want them out of my life". But the judge didn't feel bad for him because he has a lot of second chances already.

There are many stories in news about famous entertainers doing drugs, driving drunk, and other bad behaviors. The main issue that always comes up is "should famous people be good role models?" because many young people listen to them and watch them and admire them so much. Is it worse for someone like this do get in trouble than someone who is not famous? Is it their responsibility to be good role models or not?

I think celebrities should take some responsibility because they have a lot of influence on many people. However, I don't think it's really their responsibility to be perfect or be the best all the time. Actually, in society entertainers have too much power over young people. They know them so well, they maybe know them better than they know their own family. Parents and teachers have the real responsibility to be good role models and more important than famous people. They are the real important people It is not the celebrities' job to do that.


TI sentenced to 11 months in jail for parole violation. (2010, October 17). BBC News. Retrieved October 17, 2010 from


  1. A very timely post from Apple.
    And one that raises lots of questions, as Apple has so very capably brought out in her response.
    Should drug users such as TI be imprisoned?
    Should some drugs be illegal but not others, as is now the case? How should it be decided which drugs to make legal and which illegal?
    What harm comes to individuals and societies from drug use? Which cause more harm: the illegal drugs or the legal drugs?
    Why do people, especially young people, use drugs? How do they start? What influences them?

    Apple has done an excellent job in presenting us with exactly the right topic for discussion this week, so please add your responses, and feel welcome to argue, which is a very good thing.

    And vote in this week's poll!

  2. And are parents really very influential in how their children turn out, or not very important at all? Why do you think that?

    Apple's post brought a lot of questions to my mind, and it might have made you think of different questions, so feel welcome to respond to what seemed important to you.

  3. I think, a reason of young people who start to use drugs is they want to experience everything they want and the most influence of young people are friends, differently with person who's born in risk family. I mean mom or dad who take drugs. The baby absorb anything from the environment and the way to use it gradually, eventually the become to be addicts.

  4. Actually I am so confuse a little bit because every time Apple always post the article before me. ahahaha It’s shown I always late for news post:)

    Apple and Peter brought a lot of questions. I will try to respond step by step.I like Apple’s opinion that she said parents and teacher is the most influence to children more than celebrities.

    From my background knowledge, If you are in the chaotic world, it’s OK to addicted to something. I am the person that is addicted to nicotine and caffeine. I really understand singers taking drugs. I imagines the person having to entertain everyone everyday, he has to hide sad emotion, depressed, create some songs or do the same things. They always use drug to reach that point and escape from those emotions. I know it’s not good but sometimes they need it.

    Last week, I had presentation about Cigarette Smoking Gateway to Illegal Drug Use. For some of Peter’s questions. Why do people, especially young people, use drugs? How do they start? What influences them? Young people start from smoking cigarettes. They want to socialize with their friends, watch from movie stars smoking in the film, see from parents who smoking and want to show they are grow up. The main important reason is young people doesn’t have a practical thinking and experience enough. When they start to smoke after that they continue and want to try something new, they change from smoking to use drugs because some of drugs are in from of smoke such as marijuana, crack. Some of research said, "Results of this study deliver a strong cautionary message that those who smoked cigarettes before the age of 15 were up to 80 times more likely to use illegal drugs than those who did not,"

    For Apple’s question, Should famous people be good role models? Is it worse for someone like this do get in trouble than someone who is not famous? Is it their responsibility to be good role models or not? My answers is Yes,No, and Yes. If they are famous people they should concern their appearances. Because they are people for public, we can see them in the news, advertisement, televisions and It is not good to have bad habit. If they can earn money from normal people, they should give back to society to be a good man. I think they can do it.

  5. I'm on the way back home on the bus now and can read this blog from my phone. Haha...
    I agree with Net that young people want to try something new and excited, so drugs are excited to use. But i'm not all agree with the child in risk family, like my friend, his father is algohol addict and does bad behavior when he drunk. So my friend, when he grows up, he refuses to take every algohol drink because he doesn't want to be like his father.

  6. There were also highly relevant articles in both The Economist and The New York Times about dugs, the social cost and legalisation. In it's leader, "Mexican Waves, Californian Cool", The Economist strongly favours legalizing marijuana and other illegal drugs, "because [we] believe that drug addiction, like alcoholism and tobacco consumption, is properly a matter of public health rather than the criminal law" ( The Potential of Pot sect., ¶ 1). Similarly, in "Mexico Watches California Marijuana Vote", The New York Times' Randy Archibold reports that " Last year Mexico removed the penalty for possessing small quantities of a range of drugs, including cocaine, heroin and marijuana" ( ¶ 4).

    Archibold, R. (2010, October 17). Mexico watches California marijuana vote. The New York Times. Retrieved October 18, 2010 from

    Mexican Waves, Californian Cool. (2010, October 14). The Economist. Retrieved October 18, 2010 from

  7. I agree with Apple's idea about parent and teacher should be a good role model and take responsible in children, but infact, we know our friends are the most influence to teenage, we do things same as our friend did. Is that right? I had taken marijuanna in cigaratte once, but it's too little to feel a good dream, so I don't like it... ha ha ha.
    For me, if you have a good friends, you'll have a good life.

  8. Is it their responsibility to be good role models or not?
    -Yes,it is.
    I think many children want to copy behavior of celebrities, if they are bad behaviors , children will copy bad behavior too.

  9. I think parents, teacher, friends and celebrities, all of them could be influence on children equally. Children learn something bad or good from whatever they are interested in. I agree with Apple’s idea ”Celebrities do not need to be perfect all the time.” I think parents as well. Not all children will smoke if their parents smoke. Children can also learn good or bad things/behavior from negative examples.

  10. I think not similar to everybody. I think it doesn't concern parents, teacher or any celebrities. Those people can only teach about bad effect from drugs, but only children will judge that drugs is suitable for him whether or not. They decide to put themselves in the risk by themselves. That is if they strongly make decision to avoid the bad situation, the bad thing and addictive drugs are impossible.

    Personally, the famous people have their life or private life, and do it on their way, but only we try to know their living life, and criticise or blame them when they did something wrong or anything which we disgree. Moreover, only we put them to be good people, and follow to do like them without any condition. I think that we should start teaching children to know making strong decision, and stop comparison with the others. I believe that everything good or bad happen from our decision. Only decision in mind can break and stop the wrong thing.

  11. I agree with Apple, the entertainers have a serious responsibility in the behaviour of young people. Not only because the adolescents and young adults try to imitate them, also because the famous singers, sport men/women earn their money mainly from this public. On the other hand, if both, the parents and teacher have an important responsibility like models in the manner of acting, moreover, when the children are adolescents or young adults need another model to grow up, and become an adult. If the model is to take drugs, it means they learn how to avoid problems not to resolve them.

  12. Referring Apple’s questions, should famous people be good role models?, is it worse for someone like this do get in trouble than someone who is not famous?, and is it their responsibility to be good role models or not?

    My answers for these questions are no, yes, and no because I think that not only famous people but also any people should be good role models for their children, family, friend, and so on, and the reason for second question, because of well known people, when they get in trouble, they will get impact more than someone who is not famous; for example, when you do something wrong, you will get the punishment in the same other people, but you are well know and some kind of jobs like a singer need the favor from mass people; therefore, many people who attend to you will reject your work, so not only you will be punished by law and also you will be punished by society. That means your work will get a trouble too. For the reason of the last question, I think that being good role models are not their responsibilities, but it does not mean they can do the bad thing. It means they and other people should be good people for young generation; for example, if you are parent, you should be good models for your children, and if you are teacher, you should be good models for your student, and they should play their role the best.

    How should they do? I think that they know what they should do by their experience, their education, and their culture.

    I believe that when we do something, we need to respect their rules and try to do the best. It is same that when you are in your society which is controlled by law, you have to respect the law. Therefore, if using Ecstasy is illegal, TI should get the penalty following legal action.

    Sorry for a long comment.

  13. Gift,
    We like long comments. Yours seemed to me as short as you could make it, yet accurately state your ideas, so it was just the right length.

  14. Nu, @October 18, 2010 11:42 PM
    You right, if we have good friends then we have a good life, but some teenagers do not know who is really a good or bad friend. They might think he/she is a good friend because they are the same personality or like something the same; actually, his/her friends might not a good person. Sometimes, they might not realize that what they are doing - it's a bad thing. Therefore, it is parents responsibility to pay attention to their children . I think it is a good idea that parents try to know and talk to their child's close friends sometimes.


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