Wednesday 13 October 2010

Bullfighting banned in Catalonia. Politic and morality.

Bullfighting banned in Catalonia. Politic and morality.

Today I would like to write about a very controversial topic from my country, bullfighting. This news is a big step in the history of Spain, but is it a good or a bad step?

In this collaboration between BBC news and Lonely Planet, Damien Simonis inform us that the last july a regional parliament in Catalonia voted in favour of ban bullfighting in this northeast province. The new law is going to be effective in 2012. Catalan nationalists argue that bullfighting is a spanish culture that offends the sensibility of the catalans. In this context this action open a new discussion between morality and politic.

I am not sure that everybody know about bullfighting, so I would like to make a little introduction. In Spain, bullfighting has been part of the culture for hundred of years. On the weekends, in every city the people go to the bullfighting ring to see a "torero" (bullfighter) offering a show trying to impress the public with turns and movements as close as can to the truly dangerous bull of about 600 kg. If the "torero" does a good show, will be prized with one ear from the bull. Two ears is a very good recognition, the tail is the next step but be carried on the shoulders of the public from inside to outside of the ring can be the most expected experience for a "torero". In the ring, the "torero" kills the bull, and then the meat is sold.

Do you think this new event is a question of morality? Bullfighting is seen as a horrible action against the rights of the animals for many people in the world, and for many spanish citizens too. Others think that it is part of the culture and, respect and adore the work of the "toreros". In addition, it attracts many tourist every year.

Or do you think it is a new political strategy from the catalan government to find the independent of the Catalonian province? Catalonia is one of the richest provinces of Spain and almost 50% of the catalans are in favour to get the independent and build a new country.

In my own opinion, I still don't know what to think about bullfighting. That to kill an animal becomes a show is not right, but what happens if it is an old culture and it is very important for many people. I prefer the "recortadores", who do a show in the ring jumping bulls and turning dangerously very close of them, but within any pain for the animals. I think they are as brave as "toreros".

But I thing that it is wrong to use this discussed topic as a political action, to find the independent of the province. Don't you think that maybe the catalonia's government is looking for to be as different as they can than spanish government? And when we speak about the government, we speak about the people. Particularly I don't think it is fair that the two richest provinces of Spain, Catalonia and Basque Country, look for the independent. They should think in the poorest provinces and care about the problems of the country.

Now is your turn to decide if it has been a morality action or a politic strategy.
Bullfighting in Catalonia: The impeding death of Barcelona's ring. (2010, September 27). BBC News in collaboration with Lonely Planet. Retrieved October 13, 2010 from


  1. Thank you David.
    Your topic and response here fit excellently with my last post on Stephen Law's essay "Christmas and Traditions", which, as the title suggests, will be addressing exactly the sort of questions that you raise here about the role and importance of traditions, especially their moral worth.

    I'm looking forward to reading the comments.

  2. And since David mentioned it in his comment on Christmas and traditions, while we are on the topic of animal cruelty and abuse, should we even be killing turkeys and other animals merely to satisfy our lust for tasty animal flesh?

    (I've put this comment here because this seems the more appropriate discussion to ask this particular question.)

    Is it morally right to kill animals in order to eat meat that we do not need?

  3. Bullfighting, I remind as a famous and respected sport of Spain. The first time I saw bullfighting from National Geographic which provides two scenes- the bullfighting ring and the factory to prepare the dead bull’s meat to sell. They changed my emotion from colorful to grayscale. At that time, I think wow! Spain gets more money from tourist and selling meat but I have question in my mind. Why people don’t send the alive bulls to factory if they want meat to eat? It’s so easy. Why they feel funny when they see the bull’s blood and dead bull?

    For David’s last sentence, it’s so difficult to decide. Firstly, for a moral action, it’s so easy to attract everyone around the world who watch the Bullfighting show seen as a violent performance. They can make a big impact to protest and pressure. In this situation, Spain can solve decreasing of tourists by working on a adaptation performance to make it suitable for a new situation like David’s opinion. The famous culture does not disappear. Actually people can accept it because they just want one special festival to celebrate.

    According to this article, for a politic strategy, I think it’s minor detail. For that point, Catalonia is one of the richest provinces of Spain because this province can earn more money from other businesses. If they want to get the independence, they can do by using another ways. I think Catalonia is more powerful because GDP is similar to the United Kingdom and many savings banks are based in Catalonia.

    In short, Bullfighting banned in Catalonia, it’s a morality action more than a politic strategy.

    Peter (@ October 12, 2010 8:05 AM),
    Is it morally right to kill animals in order to eat meat that we do not need?
    Yes or NO, I have both answers. It depends on kind of animal. If that animal production is animal for business in market system and influent to people’s works, we can do it. If that animal is killed for special occasion or purpose, we can change.

  4. I admire vegetarians who decide stop eating meat because of the animal industry. It's not natural to have thousands of chickens closed really cloudy in a factory, overfeed them and private them of the most minimum freedom. It's just not natural; moreover, it is very far from the nature of an animal.

    Is it bad to eat meat? I don't think it is bad to eat meat. But maybe we should be more realistic when we eat an animal. I mean, how many people kill with their own hands an animal before eat it? I remember the first time I caught a fish. I felt sorry about it, but I didn't feel sorry for every fish I ate before. We don't realize about it. We should know more about how the animal industry does work.

    Like I said, I admire vegetarians but I am not. In Spain I use to eat meat once each 10 days, and this is how implicated I am. You know, I think that smoking is bad, but I smoke. I am not so consistent with my thinking how I should be. Also, I love sashimi... it is my favourite dish. It would be hard to loss this gratifying moment to me.

  5. Actually, I think that long period and tradition are not good reason for why something has to exist, but for bullfighting, it can make huge money and provide several jobs and that sound like the better reasons.
    I might be a cruel guy because usually I don’t concern about animal’ pains. I always think that every creature has to die so why we should worry about animal’s die and it have to die to be food; therefore if their pains before die can make some profits or support economy it is OK. Sorry, I think nowadays taking care of only human is enough challenging so do not care the feeling of animal if it can turn to be the money.
    Which one do you choose jobs or peaceful of animal?
    That is not relevant the main idea of this topic but it answer why bullfighting should go on.
    It is right as long as it can make money. Very realistic!

    David! Which team do you prefer Real Madrid or yes Barcelona?
    HaHa now I’ve just guess your answer.

    I think it might be the political strategy for separation. However, it might be the national traditional killing for you but for some people who have different identity from Spain, such as their languages, their nation flag, and their foot ball team, it might be just cruel killing.

    The want to separate territory can find in lot countries such as The US, Canada, China, and Thailand. It’s depended on what core government deal with them with violence-China and Thailand, with distribution of power- The US and Canada. I find that most core governments think that requires of those area should not be concerned and like to press their identity and those are the reason why they want to separate
    If there are not suitable reasons, no one wants to fight for separation. Is that right?

  6. Thank you David to share topic about your cultures. Bullfighting is the symbol of Spain. In my opinion I think if you kill an animal for fun is wrong but I excepted the bullfighting because the show have been the part in culture for long time with their country. Moreover, the behavior of bulls, they might fight, so it’s might enjoy to plays but I still don’t like when they killed them. However, the show attracts tourists around the world.
    According to the article, for a politic I agree with David (@ October 13, 2010 07:20 AM) I think Catalan government is wrong because Bullfighting it’s not point to use in political strategy action, to separate from Spanish, while most of them are Spanish. Although, there have own language, richest, and whatever the best than Spanish. It’s not enough reasonable to used for political. However, they could be independence from old country. It’s difficult to get back anymore. :)

  7. In fact, I cannot understand situation as you, but I think that only richness is the reson of their seperation.
    And I think killingbull should keep on because of the economy reason not long period.

    David in Thailand, we call torero as matador. Are they same?


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