Thursday 7 October 2010

Gulf oil spill commission criticises White House

Actually, I intended to pick up the relaxing news because we feel stress too much in class. Is that right? Haha. However, the environment news always catch me eyes like Gift, and after I read it, I consider that this news are relevant with the environment, the politic, and surely the judgment rigt or wrong. Therefore, I picked up this news to talk about. That is “Gulf oil spill commission criticises White House” on BBC Online.

Do you now BP oil’s event in Gulf of Mexico?

This new tells me about the hidden agenda of that event.

On 20 April, there is the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig of BP Company. Innumerable oil spill to the surface of the sea and cover huge space of Gulf of Mexico. This is the biggest environmental accident of The US and it destroys the tourism and local fishing industry. BP can stop the spilling of on 15 July; however effects of this accident are too enormous to estimate. A lot of organizes are blamed to respond this event including US’ government. White House is blamed that it controlled the information of that event and hides the real of its cost. The Government do not make public the a worst case scenario which report by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration but choose to publish by a worst case scenario of White house which is too optimistic. Moreover, on first 10 days of oil spilling, the government controls the information by presenting that BP can handle this problem.

I had followed this news since it was published and I thought it finish, but now its affect seem longer than I thought and it affect to economy, politic, and environment. The environment is premier effect. This event impacts to sea ecology deeply. The deaths of sea animals affect surely to birds and the effect cover US and other countries in Gulf of Mexico. This is the one of the biggest disaster of the world. For politic, White House are blamed the on of cause of this disaster because of the too positive thinking and the controlling information of government. For the economic, now the tourism in that area and local fishing industry are destroyed till all of oil is removed.

I think the government has to have good reasons to do that such as to protect economy, to not make chaos of society, or for the stability of state, ETC. Are the right reasons to hide the truth from citizens? or you think there are beter reason.

Gulf oil spill commission criticises White House.(2010, October 7) BBC News. Retrieved September 7, 2010 from


  1. Since Net ruled out an essay on the morality of killing animals to satisfy our lust for flesh after class today (he read it last term), I'm considering two other essays for our next class reading. One is an essay on moral philosophy, and the other is on epistemology. Poome's final comments in his response to the article about the BP oil spill would be relevant to the second option: when, if ever, is official censorship acceptable?

    Actually, I rather like the way Poome has worded his question: "to hide truth from citizens" is exactly the intended purpose and result of all censorship.

  2. This news's unbelievable for me as ones of great financial collapsing in the US. Two of them's unpredictable for me and they depress me, here it is I'm tired. The lastest time when I watched TV, I saw the BP oil painting on dead birds'feather and environmental scientists blamed on the BP hiding the fact.

    Actually, It would be much more sensible for the goverment hiding the truth because the tourism and local fishing industry would be get terribly effects. In the other hand, It's just not funny to hide it. Personally I have been affected by the rapid increase depessing, but luckily I'm not near that area. They should tell the truth to citizens for making them really understand problems ,prepare and fix it.Don't let things are quiet. It feels like we're waiting for big problems and we don't know when it happen.

    Be ready for the goverment guiz:Let's play Hide and Seek.oops!!!

  3. I agree with u Nk. Government should tell the truth for prepareing of citizen, except countries where governments have never trust in logic and abilities of people ( Oops I did not refer to a country in Indon-china haha.) Unfortunately, U can see that the result of censorship in most of countries motivate worse problems.

  4. Poom Pet

    Please tell me, why did you think US government tried to hide it?

  5. I'm curious that why exactly point of the government hide the truth? Is it just only for their benefit to be continuous in the government? If yes, it's completely morally wrong and selfish.


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