Friday 1 October 2010

Japan welcomes Burmese refugees

Before I have enrolled this course, I went to the refugee camps in Tak province for a field trip and I see some issues from there. Therefore, I tried to seek the news on the BBC website about that issue and I get one. “Japan welcomes Burmese refugees” is the article about refugees might look not related with everyday life, but in 5 fives years that issues will the serious problem in Thailand.

BBC reported that Japan allowed 17 Burmese from the refugee camp in Thailand to be the citizens of Japan. Moreover even if Japan is the major donator for the refugee rescue, Japan gives little chances for refugees to be the citizens. After that agreement 17 Burmese expect to practice for adjustment to live in a new society, and if they integrate their lives suitably, Japan might consider the possibility of more refugees welcome.

In fact, refugee camps are more complicated than people consider. First of all, even if this problem is the result of wars in Burma, those wars are the long-term consequent of the colonial period and cold war; in other words, western countries are the major cause of refugee problems. Burmese refugee can exemplify that. England enforces various tribes to group into Burma and each group fight for separate their state until nowadays. The US supports the junta to govern for defending the power of Red China in cold war. That is the cause why there are immense refugees from Burma. Secondly, that situation seems unfair for Thailand to get that responsibility and should dislodge them from state. In contrast, Thailand governments have never had idea to do that because Thailand gets extremely huge budgets in donation form from international organization and they enough huge to be the major profit in some provinces. Thirdly, even if it seems fair to every side but it is really trouble for refugees. Like the news, most people in refugee camps want to get the citizenship from third countries such as The US or Japan because they can do a little works in camp and they did not get any citizenship, Therefore only about 500 people from more that 30,000 people get that acceptance. Finally, in five years refugee camps in Thailand are going to face crisis because most international organization decide to cancel helps. That cancel is the result of the long period helps. Burma’s situation rolls more than 25 years so it is not urgent problem. If that happen, Thailand have to face with the decision between humanity or a stability of the nation.

Japan welcomes Burmese refugees. (2010, September 28) BBC news. Retrieved September 30 2010 from


  1. Poome's article attracts me to think of the news about Lao refugee that Thai government sent them back to Laos. Many organizasions and many countries blamed this process. However, the government declared that they have problems about managing in the site both budget and number of people and the government sent the refugee back only people who are willing to go back, but many organizasions and many countries did not believe that.

    If the problems are real, there will be two choices should do such as reducing the cost and finding the budget. Therefore,if the government could not find the budget, another way that they should do is reducing the cost both money and number of people. For reducing number of the people, the government might send the refugee to the third country and send them back their country. If some countries blame Thai government about this issue, why do these countries give a hand to help the refugee?, or these countries help, but I do not know.

  2. Interesting news Poome. In Spain we had a period of big immigration (I know it's not the same case) in the last ten years. Thousands of citizens from south-centralamerica came to look for a job. Spain had the doors open at that time because we ned workers. Nowadays, Spain is in a big economic crisis. The rate of unemployment is 20,3% now days. So, Spain didn't need more immigration and closed the doors. Moreover, there is an advertisement trying to convince the people to return to their countries. Even the Spanish government is paying the flights. It's evident that my country works in this way: welcome when I need you and goodbye when I don't need you anymore. I hope Thailand behave in a different way.

  3. In fact, Poome's article did not catch my sight but I’m a big fan of Poome’s answer. When I read your news summary, next I have my answers. I take a look on your responses. I said to myself, “Oh! yeah. That’s right.”

    The first reason, I agree with you because England wanted to colonise Eastern countries and they tried to draw the national boundary lines. They tried to group various tribes in same country but the whole tribes did not feel as though they are Burmese. For this reason, it has happened in Southern part of Thailand too which there are a problem with Muslim people. And the US supporting the junta, they wanted to tell the world that democracy is the best. But I don’t think so, I think the US ‘s looking forward to get advantage from that country and sometimes communist is appropriate for some countries. For example, the US wants to add in Myanmar because Myanmar is rich in natural resource. Nowadays they can not do it and Myanmar still have the military leaders who govern the country. Secondly, an inequitable responsibility for Thailand, we gets extremely problem such as crime, cost of refugee’s living, refugee’s occupations. In 2009, Angelina Jolie, a Goodwill Ambassador and the famous actress, came to Thailand for visiting a refugee camp then she said Thailand should take more responsibilities to refugees. I want to tell her please really understand the real world and the real problems. If she has more variation of her children, it does not show she understanding the refugees streaming across the border. She just came here and left everything behind. Thirdly, If refugees want to work in Thailand, they have to show their good qualifications. If they can show their skills, totally they can get a good job. Eventually, I have to show my selfish opinion to leave all the refugee problems and to save a stability of Thailand. It looks like when you want to help someone sinking into the deep water, you have to swim perfectly. If you can not swim, two people certainly die. And nothing happen!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh! They are extreamly good idea and open up my head.

    To gift, I agree with you. Everyday rich countries require a lot of thing from poor countries. They require we to protect drugs problem, decrease import taxes, improve industry, and take care huge refugee people. Most problem happen in poor countries and most of them are solved without donations. I think some of refugees want to go third countries like your solution, but in fact, other countries hate to admin them because they afraid situation like David said. Then, do you know gift some research show that, refugee camp can be the cause of the decline of forest?

    To David, I think that is interesting cause and it is the reason why refugee camps have still been in Thailand don’t move to third countries. Now, I think Thailand face to problem like your countries but less than because some of refugees illegal move to big city for finding a job and every firm welcome such cheap labors. It is the cause of high rate of Thai unemployment today.

    To NK, I glad to know that haha. And I really agree with you. People in other countries cannot understand the real situation of this problem. Ok, they have rights to feel pitying refugees but omly pity cannot solve this problem. It easy to say “I sorry about this question”, but it hard to say “ I will pay my money on this problem for humanity. Then, I like your example haha. I don’t know why other countries think that Thailand can feed refugees for a long time. Finally, what do you think that some people think Angelina Jolie just did it for promoting herself? It is only gossip haha


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