Friday 9 October 2015

Do you believe in lucky numbers?

When we talk about numbers, I am definitely certain that all of you guys might have at least a number as the favorite one for something, and the most numbers, which we hold as the lucky one, must be in positive definitions itself.

Recently, there is an American sixth-grader girl - named Juliette Haming who was curious why the girls cannot play the football same as the boys. Then, she wanted to learn that and began practicing. In "Football-Playing Girl Wears No. 13 Because Taylor Swift", Juliet Spies-Gans (2015) says that Haming realized that she would like to play football and proudly wore NO.13 on her back because it is the favorite and luckiest number of her idol - Taylor Swift. Her beloved pop star could show that she can reach to the top, so Haming feel like No.13 can take her to be there as well.

As we all generally know that Number 13 is the unluckiest number, but if we ask how did it become unfavorable? What was the story of No.13? The answer seemed like I have listened such stories before, but I cant remember right now. So what's the matter if we can ignore about it. 

I just comprehend something in my mind which bold me for a long time since I was a child, and now it doesn't matter for at all. Indeed, one thing is the No.13 belief. If we combine one faith called the rules of mirror, which everything you think, believe, or wish in your mind can become true in action, with the case of negative thinking, and then we can change it into a positive way. It's merely such a little thing upon opinion. 

To do so, I change my own beliefs about numbers. All numbers are good for me and I've already set the positive meanings of each number. You can say that it's like a technique to be more confident. No matter any number you gen at anytime, it's all good for you.  


My question is:
Have you ever had a lucky number?

Spies-Gans, J. (2015, October 7). Football-Playing Girl Wears No. 13 Because Taylor Swift. Huffington Post. Retrieved from


  1. I like 8s and 9s. I don't think they are lucky, but I think that other people that they are lucky, so I like them in my phone number: it has two 9s, and three 8s. I like that the 8 also looks a bit like a Möbius strip - that cool example of weird topology that fascinated me eve in primary school.

    I think luck means something like "an unexplained (?) event that is good for us", whilst bad luck luck is "something over which we don't have control that is bad for us." Now that I think about it a bit more as I'm writing, I prefer the "we don't have control over" definition. Sometimes an explanation does come. I can't believe in things like magic, karma, supernatural intercession or any of those sorts of things, but there are certainly a lot things that happen for which I have no explanation - and often no human being has an explanation.

    I wonder whether the evidence supports the idea that positive thinking is actually beneficial? (It reminded me of the tea v. coffee controversy).

    1. I believed in positive thinking; however, sometimes the balance of positive and negative way is more empirical and practical. When I've grown up, I realize more that we can't see something in just one way. Nevertheless, I prefer to be the positive side, at least it's beneficial in long-term in terms of healthy mind.

  2. I like No.4 and No.9 just like and never thought they are lucky no, or not.

    1. I like these numbers as well. I've ever dislike 4s, because it reminded me to think of the death which is the meaning in Chinese. I've heard that most Chinese people don't like this number, now ,for me that's okay.

  3. I have my favorite number (“5”), but I’m not sure if this is my lucky number.

    Personally, I don’t know if luck resulting from the number exists. So, it seemed to me that 5 is just only my favorite number, but not really a lucky one.

    Nevertheless, I am convinced that there are certainly many magic numbers which influence on many people. For instance, 3 (rule of 3) is the number that people normally apply to many things in their daily life such as eating 3 meals, writing 3 paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion), AEP level 1-3, triathlon, 3 classes of medal (god, silver, bronze) and so on. Additionally, when strategically fixing a price, we are likely to use the number ending with 9 such as 199, 299 baht, etc in order to attain psychological results.

    It goes without saying that there are a lot of magic numbers we can see in anywhere and anything. Although it would not say obviously that such a type of the number causes good luck, it has played a pivotal role in our lives in several aspects (business, psychology, etc.).

    1. I'm often surprised your ideas, again, I just know about the magic of numbers, especially 3s. Maybe it's easy to categorize in general.

      I really like 5s, because it infers to laughing. I am not certain that is in Thailand only. If we type "555" (which means haha, LoL, or laughing), can the foreigners understand us?

  4. Your blog post is always interesting :)

    my favourite number is 19 because it is my birth date number. I don't know whether it is a lucky number for me or not, but surprisingly I used to win the prize most of the time when I used this number for buying a lottery or playing Bingo. lol can i call No.19 is my lucky one?

    Anyway,I also think that this just might be possibility because I like this number, so it is like my habit to use this number. probably, there is nothing about a luck.

    1. Thank you Patt, I'm trying to write something more general, It's both good for me to write smoothly in limited time and everyone can easily understand, along with the question.

      I'm also prefer to use my birthday numbers (2,7,22,27,72) as the best ones to decide something.


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