Thursday 8 October 2015

Would you be treated by a medicine with side effects?

When I was young, I had suffered from asthma.
I cannot sleep or play as other healthy children.
I always went to a hospital and took amounts of medicine.
I had to inhale a medicine which made me breathe easier.
At this time, I still remember its smell and yes, I like it!
However, if I knew, I would deny.

In year 1994, when I was about three years old (or younger than that), I used to sick from fever and asthma. Although it was not too bad as other severe disease, I was not a healthy child. A hospital was my second home while other kids went to their school. My father told me that a doctor had to give me strong dose medicine to treat. I was admitted in the hospital several times, once the longest period was over a week that I missed the final examination – Luckily, I was in a kindergarten. Sometimes when I was not admitted, I still was taken to the hospital for an inhale medicine because I couldn’t breathe. It was my most favorite medicine as my mother thought it was oxygen, but after I read the followed news, I realize something.

According to “Asthma steroids 'could stunt growth'”, there is a correlation between ICS (inhaled corticosteroids), an asthma medicine, and height growth stunning of children, presented in the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) congress; hence, the kid patients should be followed up their height and weight each year. The ICS has side effect to some people not except adults, which is about three centimeters decrease in height. (2015)

Height affects to people’s life especially in chance of getting careers. A lot of careers require at least 160 cm for women and 170 cm for guys such as a cabin crew, or taller than that as a model. It is also correlated with power of communication that a person who is taller looks more charm and majestic. Not only for social status but also in daily life, a people, who are tall, take more opportunity to do everything by their own. They can pick a book from height shelf, look strong enough to take care themselves and also in a crowd place such as on a busy time in sky train or in a fair, they can find air for breathe!

The causes of personal height depend on genetic and factors: nutrition, inhibition, habit. The inhale medicine is not only one can stop children’s growth. A chemical which is used in meat especially chicken is also an important cause, which leads many girls get mature faster in ill-time; moreover, more dangerous, it is a carcinogen - a chemical which stimulate cancer.

Cancer is a main cause of illness death around the world. Unlucky it doesn't have the exactly way to be cured. Two of my relatives, one of my acquaintances passed away because of it, as well one of friends still endure to it with her age, only 24 years old. She has choices of the treatment, but some of the them lead strong side effect. It is a risk which the patients who get the medical treatment, may either be cured or more suffer; hence, they will have less time to spend on the world with their friends and family.


My question is:
If you were a patient who was suffer from a severe illness (or whose relatives), would you receive a treatment which has long term side effects?

Asthma steroids 'could stunt growth'. (2015, October 3). BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. My youngest daughter has problem her chest too .When she was three years old she was in hospital over a week after that she had to see doctor every month for more two years.I don't know that she would get any effects from that or not . After came back from Beijing she 's stronger than she was .Do I have to worry about that?

    1. I think it's OK for ur daughter. If something serious happen, it should show up for a long time ago.

  2. My youngest daughter has problem her chest too .When she was three years old she was in hospital over a week after that she had to see doctor every month for more two years.I don't know that she would get any effects from that or not . After came back from Beijing she 's stronger than she was .Do I have to worry about that?

  3. I will choose the treatment unless it cause harm or lead to malfunction that do disturb my way of life, my self-confidence and my important organ. Because I can't imagine how that hard life is, and I believe in 'good death'. Although I don't believe to the right for euthanasia (mercy killing) on my own body but I respect other. Please don't judge my idea as oxymoron. I think I should treat myself, if the treatment outcome risk don't gone too far.

  4. if I had no choice, I would say "Yes" because if this was only one way to save my life and cure my illness, i would not hesitate to receive the treatment although i would suffer from their side effects.

    Actually, if we have already known the possible side effects of the medicine, so i think we can prevent the side effects or make it mildly. For example, in my case, i'm taking a medicine which can a bit suppress my immune system, so what i have done is taking care of my health. (doing exercise, drinking more water and eating healthy)

    However, I do think that the best way that we can overcome serious diseases is thinking in a positive way. It is clear that a positive attitude helps people recover faster from surgery or serious diseases, so if we don't give up, everything will be fine.

    Ps.I'm also worried about my height as well Lol

    1. Is "clear that a positive attitude helps people recover faster from surgery or serious diseases"?

      I think it probably is, but what are the percentages here? Is a 0.05% faster or 5% faster or 50% faster?

      I'm sorry to be skeptical, but this sounded to me like another of those popular beliefs that everyone believes, but that might in fact be false. As I say, I also believe this one, but when I thought about it in response to Patt's comment, it occurred to me that I wasn't sure of evidence. I certainly do not think it is clear - that would mean we all knew by our personal observation, and that is very unlikely to be true. It is clear that Bangkok has serious traffic problems - we can all see that for ourselves every day, and we don't need careful research to discover this general fact.

  5. You're right. Thank you to notify me

    Actually, It's just my own belief and I don't have any evident. I have just seen people who have suffered from surgery or a serious like cancer, they seem recover faster when they have changed the way of their thought.

    For example, my father's friend has overcome on colon cancer, he said to me that his illness taught him to value each day. he also did meditation and even he was treated by radiation and took some anti cancer drugs, but he still looked happy and never give up.

    1. Actually, I think that there is good evidence for this popular believe. It is supported by well done studies. I only made the point because I think a lot of people belief it the same way that they believe green tea is amazingly healthy (possible, but not well supported), or that everyone in the US loves Obama because he is the president and because two million turned out for his first inauguration ceremony - pretty much worthless as evidence for a claim about how popular a head of state might be.

  6. To answer generally, I think in this case,

    If I cannot afford this treatment cost, I have no chance to receive such a treatment at all. So, the answers should be that I cannot receive a treatment.

    On the other hand, if I can, I have to carefully consider how severe, risky and long the side effects are and talk with my family before.
    If I and my family are okay with the side effect, I will receive it in order to get well as soon as possible. In turn, if either I or my family is not okay, I will not and try to find out other new treatment methods instead.

    Note: Indeed, your intriguing question reminds me to think of the question in another aspect that is about controversial issue in medication and laws as well.

    That is “Is Euthanasia or mercy killing morally accepted?”
    This would be also a challenging questions for people in the modern society.

    1. I was interested in Feem's comment on euthanasia. My own thinking and experience of loved family both suggest to me that morally just laws will allow euthanasia.

      In the US, the state of California is the latest to legalize euthanasia, or more accurately, assisted dying (see: "Assisted dying: What does the law in different countries say?" 6 October, 2015, BBC News.).

      Although some opposing reasons are at least understandable, I think that the biggest obstacle to moral progress in this area are inherited religious teachings that are wrong. If I were dying in great pain, I am sure that I would, as my aunt who died of liver cancer did, prefer that my doctors kill me sooner rather than forcing me to keep living in increasing suffering and indignity. And if I were like another much loved aunt, I would prefer to be killed when my mind had ceased to exist because of Alzheimer's disease. Although I should take into account my responsibilities to family and friends, such decisions should be mine to make, and my doctors should be legally allowed to act on my decisions.


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