Tuesday 3 April 2018

Conflict in the household affect to children

What I read

In "How parents' arguments really affect their children" (2018). Children tend to have more depression when their parents argue. It does not affect only their emotional but also physical, development and behavior. Moreover, the severe effect is it can pass through the genetic. Therefore, parents should aware when they start to debate because children will receive the strong intentional emotion then they will learn to copy that actions. In addition, if the disputation often occurs, the boys will grow up with behavior disorders, and the girls will have psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, their physical responses are changed, and it shows by heart rate and hormone level escalation. However, this problems can be solved by giving positive explanation to them or conceal any arguments.

My response 

From my perspective, parents always be the heroes for their children, so they will duplicate all behavior and personalities. Moreover, when they see conflicts, they are likely upset because of shout and fighting. It can lead some problems. For example, boy might copy bad personalities from their fathers, which induce them to be aggressive maturity and behavior disorders. For this reason, parents should avoid them to see any debates. However, it is impossible that couples will not argue because it is generally situations, but the method to protect the children's mind is reasonable talking without shout and loud voices. That is because children might not understand the meaning of arguments, but when they hear the loud voice that lead them feel scared and have horrible memory which is difficult to treat.

Furthermore, the cause of the problems is both of them are hot-tempered. When they begin the parents roles, one of the most important personality is patience. Children need a lot of looking after and teaching them for raising them up to be good people in the society,so the enduring families require. It is not only the endurance, which the parents should be, but also the their sustainable mind in order to keep and protect the relationship between them and children. _

My question

What do you suggest any methods for protect the children form any violence?


How parents' arguments really affect their children. (2018, April 2). BBC News. Retrieve from http://www.bbc.com/news/education-43486641


  1. "Like father, like son" is good phrase to describe this situation which children follow bad behavior from parent. To tackle this problem, whenever conflict occur between couples, they should not be too aggressive and rude. As my directly experience some boyfriend and girlfriend always talk with vulgar language. It is hard to change when they marriage and have babies. Comparing with some couples even though they have conflict but they talk in polite way. As a result children will follow their behavior.

  2. I agree with you and the writer that this is critical problem in any family and should have a peaceful resolution for any parents argument. I always believe that child nourishment is the most important role of any couple life thus I always give a children care guide book to my friends who marry. I hope my book will help them to grow up their children in a proper way and their children will be a quality citizen of the country.

  3. Jane's summary of her chosen source interested me enough that I went to it to read the full article. I like that her response also picks up on an important idea in the source, that "it is normal to argue or disagree sometimes," and that arguing can be a good thing when done in a healthy manner that enables disagreements to be resolved. Of course, academic work is full of arguments: progress to improved understanding in any area in often made by disagreeing with others, so it's important that we learn how to express our disagreement in polite, respectful ways, even when we disagree strongly.

    My own family experience is consistent with the ideas in the article. When I was a child, it didn't worry me a lot that my parents sometimes disagreed and argued, or debated, things. What was upsetting was shouting, sulking and other disrespectful behaviour. I found that extremely distressing, whereas arguments, even heated arguments about social and political issues, were not distressing when conducted in a mutually respectful way. Some of my relatives had strongly opposing views on controversial issues, and they still do. I also find some my mother's opinions pretty awful, but I think we can have arguments about them while still respecting each other, although i usually ignore her opinions except when she says something particularly awful that I think does need a response. Just because she is in her late eighties is not a good reason to let her say anything she wants to without being challenged. We get on well and I think we have a healthy relationship. I'm looking forward to some debates over cheerful meals when I'm back home in next week.

  4. I agree with article that we should avoid serious argument when we are with the kids because the kids might not understand about content we talk about they just know about aggressive of their parent. However, the most effective method to prevent children from violence is to spend time with them a lot and try to explain reason to them even they might not understand all we explain it immediately. They will learn day by day. When they are learn from us, they will strong enough and to know think and handle it. For example, when they go to school how can we help them from be bullied by others. When they watch violent movie or play violent games, how we know. We cannot catch eyes on them or protect them all time. Therefore, it is the best strategic to avoid violence.

  5. I think it is common that people have arguments. However, Parents should not argue in front of their children because they will remember it and then do it or copy it with other people. Their children will not be happy and sometimes they will think about it and lead to problems when they grow up. Parents should try to argue when their children are not home or try to talk without emotion. Avoiding it is one of good ideas; however, sometimes it is pretty hard to avoid it.


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