Saturday 7 April 2018

Thought, reading 2 (B&S3, p30, Before you read)

What we read

On page 30, Bixby and Scanlon (2013) give us couple of photographs and some questions to think about and respond to as preparation for the coming reading, "How does the brain multitask?"


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Think of three examples of multitasking from your daily life. Which situation is the easiest for you and why?  



  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


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  2. Mostly happen at work, I usually
    1. Listen to my colleagues while searching for the info they want or ask for
    2. Talk on phone while walking to other places or buildings for a meeting
    3. Having my breakfast or snack while listening to someone in my office

    The third situation is the easiest because I don't need to use my brain to think for two things in the same time. I'm just chewing while figuring out for what I'm listening. Chewing needs less thinking.

    1. Now that I think of it, I often combine eating with other activities, from chatting with friends enjoying the same meal, to watching a movie or series as I eat alone. In fact, eating goes too well with watching movies and series, as my growing tummy attests.
      But I never eat when I'm reading, mainly because I read things that require concentration. Perhaps if I'm reading something really simple like a Dan Brown novel, I could mix eating and reading, but not otherwise. I don't think I could mix eating with Robert Nozick.

    2. I'm playing social network on my phone when I'm walking but if I hurry up I don't use it because it makes me walk slower.

    3. Me too. I never eat while reading something serious, such as studying for exam, because chewing sound causes me lost my concentration. Actually, I don't read while doing something serious.

  3. The three examples of my multitasking are listening music while working, eating a sandwich while walking and walking and talking to myself in the same time.

    Walking and talking to myself in the same time is the easiest because I'm used to it. Myself is one of my good friend. Spending time on walking and talking to myself is one way to clear my mind and understand myself better.

    1. You have an interesting idea. I never thought about talking with my self is multitasking. I also do a lot of multitasking a lot in a daily life.

    2. Wow your idea is good about talking with yourself. It might be the most simplest of multitasking but It is effective. I always do it when I commute to office or listening in the meeting.

    3. I talk to myself sometimes during the commuting. I think it is not a good way for me because during the commuting from home to work, I need to transfer from MRT to BTS and sometimes I do not focus where I am and I miss to get off the station that I have to. That makes me upset and waste my time.

    4. I think talking to myself while I'm doing something is a kind of multitasking because I do speak and listen to myself in my mind.

  4. Three situations of multitasking in my daily life are I'm listening music or watch Youtube while I'm doing homework and reading a book. Next, I'm sending massage and talking with someone in same time. And I'm singing when I'm showering.

  5. I hadn't thought I multitasked until I started thinking about this question: I realised I was multitasking at that time because in addition to thinking about how to introduce this topic in our class, I was having my morning coffee, and writing replies on our blog. I don't think (I'm really not sure now) I do this kind of multitasking often because if I'm trying to do two things that need similar skills, like thinking, I generally make a mess of both.
    I more often multitask by mixing a physical activity with a mental activity. For example, I often use my ten- minute walk to AUA to revise my lesson plan. This is not a problem because I can navigate exactly the same route without much thinking, except when I run across the road and jump over the rails. A similar example is when I cook while watching a TV series. this usually works out well, although I have occasionally chopped a piece out of my finger when a dramatic moment in the show took all of my attention from the carrot or whatever I was chopping.
    And I sometimes like to have background music, or even a silly TV series on when I'm working, but it has to be something old and not too interesting. I'm not sure whether this is really multi-tasking because the purpose is actually not to listen to the background, just to have it there.

    1. I agree with you that multitasking can save time. However, it is also dangerous. Especially, when people walk on the street and watch their mobile phone. It causes many accidents.

  6. I like to watching movie while I have a meal. I sometimes listening to fast beat music while I joggging because it makes me more active. I like to reading while I ride a MRT.

    The situation when I travel is the easiest for me because I always have a plenty of time while I commuting, at least 40 minutes a day. I do not want to waste it just for communting. Therefore, I have read a lot of content.

    1. I'm doing something same you that is I'm watching movie or series while I'm eating alone and I'm reading a online novel when I'm riding MRT.

    2. I also listen a music when I do a jogging and it make me can finish my running goal, and some music make me run faster. However, I change to listen podcast which is English radio show for practicing my listening skill and it is very useful and don't waste my time.

  7. Everyday, I can do many multitasking activities, for example, I can have a breakfast when I drive to my office, I can play internet when I watch TV, and I can brush my teeth when I take a bath. However, the multitask skill is unnecessary if we are not in a hurry life. Nowadays I have to wake up early and hurry to go to office thus I have to eat in my car, sometime my mom prepare my breakfast which is difficult to eat in car such as noodle, however, I can eat it!!!
    For me watching TV while playing internet is the easiest situation because I don't have to concentrate in this activity, just let the TV run and chat with my friend or play a facebook.

    1. Gaii, how can you brush you teeth while you're taking shower? It's unacceptable for me, I'm kidding. But are you sure your body or your teeth clean?

    2. Again, you remind me of one of my routines: brushing while bathing. Sometimes, I can even brush my teeth while washing my hair on the day I'm going to be late for an appointment.As you said, we have to do several things in the same time to save our time.

    3. I eat breakfast while I am driving but I never try noodle. It's very difficult. I also chat with my friends while I was watching a movie. In a movie, it has some part that this boring, so I chat at that time.

  8. The three examples of my multitasking from daily life is ,Firstly, when I was at my office , I had to type computer and talking with clients at the same time.
    Secondly, During my jogging, I usually listen to music.
    Finally, When I read books for my exam, I always get boring,so I play game or listen music from my mobile phone at the same time.

    The second situation which is jogging is the easiest because I can enjoy both jogging which is good for my health and also not to get boring by listening to the music.

    1. All you mention above sound common to me, except one of them - play game while reading book for exam. It's quite amazing you say you do that. I can't imagine how someone reads book and plays game at the same time. How do you that?

    2. I forgot to mention my own experience. It was hilarious. I used to do what you say - play game and read book at the same time. You know what the result? It turned out that it became very late and I didn't read any words in the book. So I went to sleep.

    3. 555.I played the game which is auto play I mean I just control it sometime. I don't have to control it all time. So, I swap between these two task.

  9. Eating, playing my phone and listening to the music are my three examples of multitasking. Listening to music is the easiest one while I am commuting from home to work because I do not have to use my energy to focus on songs that I am listening to. It is a sort of relaxing.

    1. You have same situation as me. I always did it every morning when I commuted to my office.

  10. The easiest example is when I have a have, i also watch a movie. During you have a meal, it does not necessary to have a high focus so you can watch a movie.The next example is when I am reading a book, I also listen to the music. It makes me more concentrate on reading because a sound outside is very annoying.

  11. First is when I play drum-set. I don't know if it is considered multitasking, but I think it is. Because when drummers play drum, they have to use many limbs - legs and arms - to perform in the same time, and every limb isn't hit the instruments at the same time. So, I think it is multitasking even it's just one activity. I find it hard and also easy depending on what I like to play. Every level of drumming I am, if I play that level, it's easy, but if I try to improve my drumming level(which I should), it becomes harder.

    Second is when I do my work on the computer or not on the computer. I like to turn on the music as I do the work. It makes me relaxed and not too nervous with the work. However, I think this is somehow hard for me to concentrate the work, because as I listen to the music, I notice that I usually listen to what words the singer sing, and that makes my work finish later.

    Third is in the classroom or dining table or anywhere. I usually take up the phone to check if something new coming. I know it's a bad habit but most of us these day do have this habit. I have to remind myself every time I realize that I'm doing another thing.

    In conclusion, I'd say my multitasking on drumming is the easiest because it's what drummers have to do. It's usual and also improve our brain, which I'd love to.

    1. I liked Melon's extension of the idea of multitasking to include activities that involve multiple skills simultaneously. I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense, especially with the example he gives of playing the drums.

      I'll have to watch out for his last example.

    2. Very great to hear that you are drummer.
      My friend who are drummer is very clever and I think he is excellent that he can play drum-set.

  12. 1.I was doing homework while calling with my friend because I didn't write any essay before so I was asking my friend for help.
    2.I ate snack while I watching movie.
    3.I like to draw and listen to the music at the same time.


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