Saturday 7 April 2018

Thought: reading 1, "Is your memory online" (B&S3, p29, Before reading)

Before we read

Write a comment to share your thoughts on these questions that Bixby and Scanlon ask on page 28 (2013).

  • What do you use the Internet for?
  • Do you think that the Internet makes today's students better or less informed than students 50 years ago? Why?
  • How do you know the information you find on the Internet is accurate? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. what do I use the Internet for? Everything!
    I use the Internet to get news; for example, this morning I browsed the Bangkok Post, BBC News, and The Sydney Morning Herald as usual and read a couple of articles on each.
    I use the Internet for my banking every day. I have a daily account that doesn't hold much money, so sometimes when i'm shopping for groceries, I need to check to make sure I've got enough in the account to pay for my purchases, and if not, I transfer money while I'm waiting to check out.
    And of course I use the Internet for my work teaching. For example, right now in our class.
    Less often, such as a couple of weeks ago, I used the internet to book flights and hotel rooms for a trip to Chiangmai tomorrow and for my visit to Australia next Thursday.

    Although some kids probably waste a lot of time on it playing games, I think it makes them better informed than my generation was. At least there are many more opportunities to be better informed than when I was a school student who depended on the books at my school or the content of the local library. And I suspect that we spent as much time on games then as is common today. the difference is that we played Monopoly, chess, draughts, and card games with each other instead of online.

    How do I know the information I see online is accurate? Sorry, I'm out of time.

  2. 1.I use internet for many things: studying, working, and entertaining. Recently, I use a lot for entertain. I like watching english series.
    2. Internet makes student better informed than in the past because it provides many information and knowledge and students can access to those it any time any where.For example, I also learn English from English youtube chanel name EngVid which is the great source.
    3.I consider from the source of the website. For example, when I search information I do not like to search form wiki-pedia because anyone are able to change it.

    1. I hadn't thought of it when i was writing my comment, but like Ween, I use the Internet for entertainment. In fact, it's so normal now that maybe that's why I didn't think of it! I watch YouTube movies and talks, as well as listen to old rock classics. I watch my movies and TV series on NetFlix, and I even to my reading on Kindle or other apps.

    2. I use the internet do something same you especially entertainment because it reduces my stress and makes me happy in every day.

    3. me too. I like watching Netflix which provides English series and English movies. I agree that we can access websites anywhere that we have internet. Wiki-pedia is not a great source actually but it offers me some rough idea to know what that is.

    4. Thank you for your recommendation for a YouTube channel for studying English. I'll try it after this class.

  3. I use internet for searching information, watching movies, listening to music, reading news, doing works and so forth.Internet makes our lives better than people's lives 50 years ago because we can access websites and do a lot of stuff while we are having internet.In term of academic research, we can find a lot of information from websites and it saves a lot of time when we have internet; on the other hand, 50 years ago they need to find information by going to a library and a bookstore. They spent a lot of time. We need to make sure that information is accurate or credible from sources and authors.

    1. I agree with you. Even though the internet help us in many reason like searching information or doing research, we have to carefully select the source of information.

    2. I agree with you that our life is easier that 50 year ago because we can do anything on internet. Last month, I forgot my pocket at home and I didn't have money, however, I used my phone for withdrawing money form my bank account at ATM.

  4. Now internet is the important thing in our life. I use internet everyday for connecting to other people by social media, doing my work by email and searching information. Yes, I think internet make student better inform than previous student. The internet is the key tool for current students because they can search information anywhere, do a research at their home, unnecessary to go to library, and using classroom application as same as this course. I think there are many information in internet and that information maybe a incorrect information so that everyone who use the internet should choose and use source of information carefully.

    1. Your answer is almost same as me. I always use it for communication like Facebook and Line. In addition, current student is more convenient than previous.It can help better quality of education.

    2. I agree with you that students don't need to go to libraries anymore because they can search for information online. And, that reminds me of online courses that people can take ones even though they're at the different parts of the world.

    3. And Gaii reminds me how much I depend on the Internet for staying in touch with people. i contact my family in Australia much more than I did ten years ago. For example, my sister messaged me last night just as I was going to bed. She was doing her laundry, which I thought a bit odd at 3:00 in the morning, but we had a quick chat. After class today, I'll send her birthday greetings via her Facebook page.
      And if I'm meeting friends for lunch, it's easy to give updates on any delays, just as Ween let me know this morning that she was running late due to the rain.
      ANd my friends 11-year-old son sent me a list of things he wants to do when we are in Chiangmai from Sunday to Tuesday.

  5. The Internet is almost everything for me now. To email, to chat, to do some researches for work and study, to shop, to entertain myself, etc. I do even watch a favorite program online, not on TV anymore. It's easier and more convenient to have the Internet with you everywhere.

    As I mentioned above, I do some researches online, and that is a useful way to use the Internet for students today. They can get information easily and variously. The Internet becomes their large library that they can search for anything they want. Because of their numberless information published there, they need to prove the accuracy of information they got. Probably, by comparing the same piece of information from two or more sources.

    1. I agree with you and I have never thing about checking the accurate from other sources. I think it is a good strategy.

    2. I totally agree with you that Internet let us to get information easily. There are huge sources in online world.

    3. I agree that internet becomes our large library since we can get tons of information without going to a library. Although we can get information easily, we need to make sure that sources of the information that we get are credible and accurate.

    4. I agree with you. I also check the data from many sources but i realized that these information are copy and paraphrase from the same source.

  6. i use internet for many things. For examples, i use it for communicate with my friends, buy something online an d search for the information that i didn't know before. Every coin has two sides, so internet has both advantage and disadvantage for students. For the pros, it make students more easier to find the information but it comes with cons that is you do not know that information is correct or not. I don't think the information on the internet is accurate because internet has a freedom that everybody can write the blog or something you want.

    1. Yes, first, I agree that every coin has two sides. Internet also does. It came with a lot of benefits, but also some disadvantages. I find it an obstacle to do research on internet and there're too many sources. All of them have different information, so it's my hard work to see which one is true.

  7. Now internet is becoming important technology for us.I always use it for many reasons, for example, searching information, following news, connecting with other people.

    Moreover, Yes it help . Nowadays students can use internet for education like online learning or researching information. It is much more easier than older generation who had to read only the book to find information.

    It depend on sources. For example Wikipedia is not reliable. Everyone can type information what they want. On the other hand, some places like official website of company or government is more reliable.

    1. I agree with all your idea above. Especially, Wikipedia, when I was young in secondary school, I thought it was reliable; I did many research on it, but one day I realized that it's totally garbage. Anyone could put any information no matter it's fake or fact. It used to be my reliable source, but now it's just a junk.

    2. I agree with you about Wikipedia it is not good information and something in this website can't believe it because it can change by every one.

    3. That's interesting. I don't agree that Wikipedia is unreliable. But unfortunately, I don't have time to present my arguments.

    4. Wikipedia is not a reliable source to get information but it provides some rough idea about what we search for.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It's safe to say that Wikipedia is a good and useful source for information. I usually click on Wikipedia first, read the information, then check its accuracy by comparing with other sources. If several pieces of information are the same, I'll take that Wikipedia says the right thing. If not, it's wrong. Just that. Because every online source isn't reliable until we recheck its accuracy.

    7. I agree with you all that Wikipedia is unreliable but it can be helpful if you read the references provided at the end of the sources and find more information.

    8. I think Wikipedia is not good enough information but normally when i want to find the information on Wikipedia, I go to the reference and read that website to check a reliability.

    9. I agree with you, however not totally agree, because there are abundant information in Wikipedia, which is very useful website, and most of them are reliable although we can't control quality of them but the Wikipedia company try to control the quality. Everyone who use internet should use the information carefully and should compare it with other source.

    10. I agree with New that we couldn't rely with Wikipedia with the same reason that everyone can change content of it. I sometime use it for quick research like to get general idea about topic. However, when I have to do a serious research, like a dissertation. I will not use this source. I prefer academic research or text books which are proof by someone.

    11. But if I disagree, i should give some support, and in particular, I need to answer the good supporting reason that New, Melon and Mon gave before I disagreed.
      Start with an example, the Wikipedia entry for Nicolaus Copernicus. In "Nicolaus Copernicus," we are told about the famous scientist who moved the Earth from the centre of the universe to a planet circling the sun. When we scroll to the bottom of the page, we see that there are 162 sources for the information given in the article, and they look pretty reliable, so although it might be sensible to check some of them if we wanted to use the ideas in our own work, the information on the Wikipedia page is probably correct. in fact, studies show that Wikipedia is as reliable as any traditional paper encyclopaedia.

      It is true that Wikipedia's "Cite this page" tool leads to a page with a warning, but that does not mean the information is inaccurate or unreliable: see

  8. 1) I use the Internet for finding information, such as information on study, English language and my work. I also use it for access entertainment; music and Pinterest.

    2) I think the Internet make the information much more accessible, so it is good for students or any people who want to find answers or something to read. But it doesn't mean that the info is correct or provides the deep knowledge.

    1. I agree with you that Internet make us access to information easily. However, for deep learning, using internet might not enough. We still need to go to the library find other academic research or real text books.

  9. I use internet for many things. Honestly, almost everything I can think of right now. I can check email, go on Facebook, buy a movie ticket,book a flight, do online banking, also study, etc.

    Of course, I would say it help students nowadays as it came with so many benefits. We can use internet to do everything, also for studying and find information. Just only for someone who uses it incorrectly; for example, someone spends too much on playing game which came with internet, and someone uses it in the wrong time, like in classroom(if it's not about the studying).

    And I'd say the accuracy of information on the internet is sometimes good and sometimes it's not reliable. So, we have to use our own sense to see if it's reliable enough. We can't believe on everything we see on the internet. People out there have some reasons to put the fake information. One example we can see if it's reliable is look at the reliable source, like BBC news.

    1. I agree with you that we should choose the reliable source for a reliable information. Nowadays there are many incorrect data in the internet especially in the facebook so that we should have a critical thinking and believe its carefully.

  10. I use the internet for education, communication and entertainment.
    I think it make student in today better informed than student in 50 years ago because the internet helps they get more knowledge and quickly know something new more in the classroom.
    In the internet I can't believe it 100% because I didn't know who wrote it but I will believe if I sew many people wrote same.


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