Wednesday 25 April 2018

Identity: reading 1, "Discuss it online" (B&S3, p9, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have just read and checked our understanding of "Discuss it online," the first reading in Skillful.


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to the ideas in a critical thinking exercise. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the critical thinking questions on page 9 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments. 


  • If you had to write a response to the discussion question, what part of your identity would you write about? Why?
  • Why is the family an important part of a person's identity? 



  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education. 


  1. I'll write about my chosen identity. Because I believe that people can be changed all the time. My chosen identity includes student, reader, and Bangkok. Student and reader are not quite different, but I would like to think that student can do a real experiment.

    Family is the important part of person's identity. Because parents raised our body and our mind to be better. We live with them for many years. So some thought might have been deeply implanted in our mind. But nevertheless we usually think by ourselves. Thus, family can shape us while we don't know it.

  2. If you had to write a response to the discussion question, what part of your identity would you write about? Why?

    I think core identify is interesting to discuss about. Core identity influence the other two type of identities and play an important role on my behavior.

    Why is the family an important part of a person's identity?
    Because the how we are raised and affect our characteristics. We get traits and personality from people around us and family is mostly the origin of human being and their identities. There is the saying "Like mother like daughter" that could explain enough.

    1. Because how we are raised affect our characteristics.

  3. If i had to write a response , I'd like to write about my given identity.Because they are facts about myself which I know and can't change.

    Family is one the most important people. They teach how to be a good person.And It's said that personal behavior is related to family.

  4. -I think the core identity part because it can tell all the people around me better than the other parts.
    - Because the family are very close social group to everyone and can identify exactly the characteristic of each person in family

  5. If I have to write a response to the discussion question, I would like to write about chosen and core identity because it sounds interesting more than writing my given identity. Most of my given identity people can notice me on my apperances. On the other hand, chosen and core identity is hard to see from outside or physical things. I believe that it is a good things to have a chance to have a nice conversation in order to know each others.

    Family give a huge impact on our identity because we spend most of our time with them. They may influence us what to thnik, how to be and how to react to our daily lives.

  6. I would have chose a chosen identity because because of chosen identity I can get a better aspects of my core identity, it also helps me build up and change my core identity in a good way and as the time goes on chosen identity can also give a good influence to my core identity.

    Having family close and have a good relationship helps build and structure our core identity stronger and strengthen well. It may be the important part and most of the part is made by family's guidance.

  7. -The identity I would write about is Chosen Identity. Because when write about something I choose to do or something I like to do make me feel confident and able to do it well. And it secretly encourage me to be able to surpass a shy part of me.

    -Because they are the closest and most influence to a person.
    They teach a person almost about everything,What is right or what is wrong.

  8. If I have to write discussion about one thing, I would write about Fashion critics because it's something that I'm interested in for long time. I love watching designer's collection in Runway show as well as I love reading fashion blogs and magazines. I think my aptitude in fashion design can help me discuss and understand more on how each designer's design their collection.

    My family have play a bit role in how my core identity is outgoing. I grew up in big Chinese family , we are very close together and gather quite often. This is why I have social skills to live with bigger community. I'm outgoing person because I have to cope with different people in different ages.So, I don't have hard time going with the flow at all.


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