Tuesday 24 April 2018

Zemach's foreword (B&S3, p4, To the Student)

What I read

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On page 4 of our text, the series consultant, Dorothy E. Zemach (2013), briefly introduces the full series of Skillful books, and also suggests a few general strategies for that she thinks will help you, the students, to get the most out of the course. 


My response 

Long before I ever heard of Skillful, I had used text books that Dorothy Zemach had written or helped to write, and had become an admirer of her practical implementation of effective learning strategies. She is, for example, the chief author of the book Writing Essays: From Paragraph to Essay (2011), which is used in AUA's General Writing 3 and 4 courses. And I might use something from the original 2003 edition of that book in a week or two. 

My question

Quickly read Zemach's foreword on page 4 of Skillful. Then respond to these questions with a quickly written comment. (Again, don't write an essay – we'll get to that in a week or two.) 

  • Which of Zemach's strategies to you think most important? Why? 
  • Do you disagree with any of her five strategies for students such as yourself? 
  • Which one do you think is my favourite? (Note that I had trouble answering this question.)


  • Zemach, D. E. (2013). In J. Bixby & J. Scanlon. Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3 (p. 4). Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. - In my opinion, the most important strategy is Practice because practice makes perfect.
    - Yes, I agree with all strategies.
    - I think your favorite strategy is Ask question and interact because you can explain more and know each student's understanding and comprehension.

  2. I actually found it very difficult to pick out just one of Zemach's suggestions for her readers. They all seem to me very practical and important for effective learning, and they are fairly independent. That is, they don't repeat themselves.
    If I had to pick out one as my favourite, it would the last one: "Be an independent learner." I would choose this one as the most important because it reminds us that most of our learning, especially of a language, happens outside of the classroom, when we are actually learning and using the language, and hopefully finding is a useful tool to commmunicate with others.
    But her first strategy also attracted me: if you are tired or hungry, that won't help you learn.

  3. Practice makes perfect. This sentence is real and useful because I have tried this strategy by myself. When practicing something, we can deeply learn into the heart of that thing. In other way, that really like experiencing the real work. I believe that you have to experience it so you will understand it.

    I agreed all of these strategy. These strategies are really useful and so easy to be done.

    Your favorite one is "Be an independent learner". Because you never stop to learn even you are mature right now.

  4. I think practice is the most important because it is said that practice makes perfect.
    I do agree with all five strategies.
    I guess your favorite is "Come to class prepared to learn" as you are a teacher,I think all teachers want their students come to class with fresh brains.

  5. I think the most important Zemach's strategies is practice because practice will help us truly understand and remember it in long term.

    Yes, I absolutely agree with all of Zemach's strategies because it is a simple method to improve my writing and reading skills.

    I believe that ask questions and interact in class is your favorite one becuase I notice from your teaching style.

  6. -I think the Practicing one because of helping us to improve our skills faster than the others
    -No I don't. because all of them are very good strategies already. So we should follow her strategies
    -Be an independent learner will be my favorite

  7. -The most important strategy is Practice because even when you learn and understand a lot but if you leave it there without revise and practice,soon or later you will forget and cannot use it effectively.
    -In my opinion,I do not have any disagreement with any strategies because each strategy has its own unique potential that can help to learn.
    -Ask question could be your favorite because when you are curious about what you do not understand,you can ask someone who know it well for more clear explanation.

  8. I think the most important strategy is to practice, without it maybe I am not able to know whether I am getting good or not.

    I can't think of anything new for it so I don't think I disagree to her strategies.

    My guess for your favorite is 'Ask questions and interact'.

  9. 1. I think practice is the most important strategy for learning. No matter what skill you learn, you finally have to actually do and of course do it well.

    2 No.

    3.Be an independent learner. I think this is ultimate since after all there is still something to learn.


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