Tuesday 24 April 2018

Getting into Unit 1 = Identity (B&S3, p7, Discussion point)

What we read 

Bixby and Scanlon introduce each unit with a discussion activity, that is, an opportunity for us to share our ideas on the topic of the unit in a way that relates it to our own lives, ideas and experiences. Unit 1 of book 3 (Bixby & Scanlon [=B&S3], 2013, p.7) does this. 


My response 

The research solidly shows that brainstorming or discussion activities for groups are more effective if participants start by working individually (O'Connell, 2010; Markman, 2017). In fact, experts at Harvard University's School of Management and elsewhere are sure that this can be very effectively done using online tools (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2015). Blogging is one effective way to do this, which is the reason I've turned Bixby and Scanlon's discussion exercise into a quick blogging discussion. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

In a comment, or two if you prefer, share your ideas on these three questions: 
  • What are five words that you would use to answer the question, "Who are you?" 
  • What are some of the social groups you belong to? 
  • In what ways are these groups important to you? 
For all of these, you should write full sentences. You will also need to write a few sentences for each of your ideas, giving explanation, examples and other details to clarify and develop your ideas. 

You can address the questions in any order. You can write one comment, or if you prefer, two comments, but not three. So that you don't worry about Bixby and Scanlon's numbers too much, I replaced them with bullets. 

Open a new comment box and start writing. You have five (5) minutes.   




  1. Defining me is not so hard. I am curious, sleepy, tall, not fat, and funny.

    I don't actually get what question mean. But I think it means that what type of society I like. So my answer is basketball society and board game society as well.

    These groups support me a lot. For example, in basketball group I can play basketball with friends and develop my basketball skill as well. For board game group, I like to think and solve the problems with my friends. That makes me feel energetic and happy.

    1. I am jealous when you defined yourself "tall and not fat",just because I'm short and a bit fat. I loved playing basketball when I was Grade5and6 ,at that time I thought it is going to make me taller,on the contrary,I'm still short.

    2. Be, you make me miss one of my friend in Chiang Rai who like playing video games or all kinds of game. I can say he is crazy. But he earns a lot of money from playing games.
      Are you the same exactly as my friend to earn money from playing games?

    3. I thought defining myself was quite hard but it seems it was only me who couldn't think of any. I am kind of jealous that you are in a social group and that your group is active one time I've joined a group because my friend convinced me for her team and later the team was all quiet so I had quit one. By reading your comment I remembered I used to play basketball in sports day back in my middle school age, I am not sure whether because that my height is short, I was stepped a lot from my teammates and from other team members. I always wonder why was it only me who get stepped, by the end of it my shoes were the only one who had other people's shoe print on it. May be it was a coincidence, I am not sure...

    4. Is "board game" like Monopoly? I love that game.

      I can see that you are curious. You are enthusiastic and don't hesitate to ask questions.

  2. Since Bee asked about it, I'll start with the second questions, about the social groups I belong to. The first one is my family, which is an important social group for me. That is, it's a group in society that I'm a member of. Because I live in Thailand and family all live in Australia, I don't see them that often, but we stay in touch and I almost always go back to visit during Songkran, which is what I did last week.
    Another social group that I belong to is the group of foreigners living in Bangkok. I think that there are about 200,000 of us in Bangkok, and I obviously don't know most of them, but within this group I have some close friends who are important to me, including a couple of old friends my university days in Australia.
    Another social group I belong to is that of aging white males. i'm not sure how important this is to me, except that my oldest friends are again in this same group.
    And I'm Australian.

    the question that most interested me was the first one. Five words that describe me are: ... hard to think of .
    I guess: optimistic, shy, stable, hardworking, rebellious. And now I need to explain each of these, except I'm out of time!

    1. For me, I also think that the most interesting question is the first one. It very challenges one. Sometimes, I try to answer and think about it. But, I always come up with nothing. I found that many times our family, close friend or others may give us five words. Interestingly, I felt like most of the answer they give almost true.

      I think identity is a very discussing topic. Sometimes, it likes two ways dialogue. We answer five words to ourselves. Others also answer five words what they think. I think it a great idea that sometimes we can take our time to compare those five words to reflect ourselves.

      I just know the word “rebellious” for the first time by reading your answer. Why do you think you are rebellious? Could you give an example of this?

    2. Boom, thanks for the question about my being rebellious. Even when I was in primary school, I thought it was fun to disagree with with my teachers and classmates about things that they all agreed on. For example, if they disliked some group, I would like them. And vice versa. Sport was popular, so I didn't like sport. (But I was also very bad at sport.) In high school, I would disagree about what was important in Australian history, or make outrageous statements, and when i got to university, I learned even better arguments to rebel against the ideas I had grown up with. I'm not that this is particularly good or bad, but it was a description that occurred to me as I was trying to htink of a word to describe myself. Other examples: I had tattoos before they became trendy, and I supported legalizing all drugs before that was seen as the sensible and morally right solution to drug problems in society.
      Do I sound rebellious enough?

    3. So you are from Australia. How did you come to Thailand? Why did you choose Thailand?
      So nice that you had returned to your family. Congrats!
      Could you explain how you meet your foreigners' group. What is the activity of this group.

      You are optimistic. I also keep developing this skill. However, long time ago, I am not that positive. But now I have heard about the power of positive from great entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates or Jack Ma. They all say that being positive will make our lives successful.

  3. First question is completely difficult question. I think it depands on what I beleive in different age of my life and what I see my self in the mirror (Self-image). Sometimes society and others can make huge impact on our identity such as friends, co-workers, organization and culture etc. I cannot think of five words to define my indentity in 5 minute.

    I quite do not understand what exact social groups I belong to. I cannot answer this question.

    1. I am sorry for my misspelling and grammar.
      * depends, believe, identity, minutes and more.

    2. Boom, it all sounded pretty clear to me. Yes, there are some mistakes I would mark in our more formal writing tasks, but they are not a problem here.
      If it makes you feel better, Bixby and Scanlon have made a mistake in the article "Discuss It Online" on page 9. Did you spot it as you were reading? (Hint: the mistake is actually made by the instructor, not one of her students.)

    3. When I was young, it was difficult for me to describe myself as well. Maybe you, like me, just didn't decide what to be yet and had no reason to be in hurry.

    4. I completely agree with your comment. I, too, am not quite sure what to describe myself until 5 minutes at first okay who am I? I thought may be a person or something? Because I couldn't think about any so I had to scribble out by nothing.

    5. I agreed with you that it’s hard to define yourself in 5 words, I had trouble to think of words that truly describe me but I think this kind of question usually seen at job interview and grad school interview so I have to prepare the answer and I think you should prepare for these type of question ; strength and weakness for example.

    6. I agree that time can change people. When I was young, I wouldn't be like this. I have been changed a lot since attending in High School.
      I also entirely agree that people around us can impact our personality in huge way.

  4. - I think there are music, student, master degree, freedom and English
    - I mostly join my English group and my music group as always
    -Yes, because the group help me to enjoy my life and my future

    1. You travel a lot. It is obvious to me that you are the guy with freedom.

    2. I am quite feel envy on you. Freedom is not what most have and one of them would be me.

    3. Ben, can you give us a bit more detail? Maybe if you write a sentence or two to explain or give examples of each word that describes you, we will have a clearer understanding of why you chose those words.

      Today we began class by looking at the meaning of the words title and story, we might do something similar tomorrow for another word. (Reading your comment has given me an idea that might be useful.)

    4. Freedom. This word is very interesting. I also like this word. I , while studying in Thai school long time ago, didn't have many chances to speak, to argue the ideas I am facing every days. However, I think that we can together gather the good side of freedom to apply to our educational system.

    5. I agreed with Bee about Thai education system.
      No matter what school I am sure you will have tough time talk about your different idea and disagreement because education system taught student to read and remember not read and think which limited student's potential.

  5. At first I did not get the point of the first question and now my mind pops out telling me about nonsense answer. The two other questions I cannot answer for I haven't join any of them so I am going to stick on this topic. At first I thought 'human' for an answer then I thought oh the question wasn't about 'what I am'. May be I would list down who I am starting my gender, name, age and so on to describe 'who' I am. It's kind of introducing me to some else who doesn't know me. But I think I would give the questioner my name.

    1. "Analytical" would describe you based on your answer and the way you analyze the question :)

    2. I agree with Kan's suggestion. And I'm also wondering if "nonsense" is such a bad thing, but maybe that the rebellious bit in me talking.

    3. I also agree with Kan's idea too. You really think deeply into something. Does it because you learn psychology? It's really amazing. I wonder If you can recommend me some books that are about reading human mind.

  6. There are many words to answer who I am.In my opinion, these five words are crazy,sports girl,confident and friendly.
    firstly with crazy,I always do something crazy such as talking to cats and dogs.
    Next,sports girl doesn't mean I love playing , I just love watching many kinds of sports.

    1. Interesting Chatt!

      I just wonder why you define your identity “crazy and friendly” at the same time. I think the way you talking to cats and dogs. For me, it does not mean you are crazy. It is because you love them. Isn’t it?

      From my experience, most people who love watching sport tend to love playing sport as well. For example, my friend who loves playing football love watching football games. They try to learn about tactics to improve their performance. But, you just love watching not playing. Interesting!

    2. I don't think talking to cats and dogs is crazy I think it is normal for you because to me it looks like you are really caring for your cats and dogs. Am I wrong with what I felt?

    3. I am sure you are not crazy compared to me. I molest(I mean ลวนลาม) my cat every day and every time she get upset. It is not that I'm a pervert, am I? 555

    4. Maybe I am crazy too haha. I love talking to cats and dogs. It sometimes feel like there is someone who is always listening to you but they just don't reply you back.
      You are really friendly and that's very good in my opinion.
      I heard that you like to play table tennis. I have played table tennis since Mathayom 1. I am not really that great. But I can be the good competitor.

  7. If I have to describe my self in 5 words they would be independent, determine, positive ,outgoing and explorer.

    When it comes to social group that I belong to would be independent women since I'm modern women I like to be myself and not to be controlled. My parents raised me to have individual and freedom mind. I think women in these days have their rights equal to men and should not be regards as weak gender anymore. There are many powerful women in many industries all over the world.

    1. I agreed with you,Woman should be more acceptible because nowadays not only men that can work but women can aswell and I think somework is suit women more than men like a work that has high detail. Sometimes men are not careful enough to look into it but women usually do.

    2. I like the discussion here about women and the aspects of their core identity that come with the social identity that is given. The example that Orn gives is especially helpful to us readers.
      I never think of the my four sisters as weak – they are all strong, independent women. Three of them married, but two of them have gotten rid of their husbands and successfully raised their children as single mothers. My youngest sister only decided to marry her last partner after they had already had three children together.

    3. Oh that’s new to me to marry after they had children together! I believe marry is not necessarily as much as being together. I think people these days will marry later and don’t want to have kids anymore. The world is really changing!

    4. Wow! Your personality is like an entrepreneur.
      You are like one of my teacher. She is really enthusiastic and outgoing. I mean she go to foreign country alone. That's really fascinating. I hope that one day I can travel around the world.
      Yes, I agree that women nowadays are really good at tasks. For instance, one of my friends, she is really good at everything.

  8. Five words I normally use for a question "Who are you?" are quiet,friendly,self-confident,video games and language.
    Quiet,self-confident and friendly to describe my personality.
    Video games and language to describe about my interests.
    I do not understand the other two questions and had hard time answer them

    1. I agree that you are quiet and friendly. You seem to love video games so much. I play FOT3 ,shall we play together?

    2. I also agree with Chatt that you are quiet boy and also nice and friendly especially helping me in the class 555

    3. Yes, you are quiet at first. But talking to you, I can perceive that you are friendly.
      I remember that you listen to Japanese music. Do you know "nightcore" song? I really love this kind of music. And do you like vocaloid like Miku or something?
      I bet that you are a pro player in LOL.

  9. What are five words that you would use to answer the question, "Who are you?"
    - independent, quiet, introvert, organized, focus

    What are some of the social groups you belong to?
    In what ways are these groups important to you?
    - There was a group I met occasionally. It is a Mikkellar running club in the Mikkellar crafted beer pub. We have the running activity once a month. After the running, we enjoy various favors of crafted beer.

    In what ways are these groups important to you?
    - It is the only group I rarely found with the mix between beer and running and I enjoy both. It is also a good accuse for me to get out of my house which I seldom do on weekend.

    1. I think that you understand yourself very very very well because you can define identity very clearly. You can answer it in less than 5 minutes which I cannot.

      I just heard about Mikkeller for the first time. After I read your answer, I try to search for Mikkeller club. I think it is a very interesting combination of running and drinking crafted beer. I never see this kind of combination activities like this before. But, I think it is a very interesting club. I also guess that you are looking forward to joining Mikkeller club and drinking a lot of crafted beer in Berlin. :D

    2. You are opposite of me for five words to tell who I am. That’s all. Enjoy your evening see you tomorrow

    3. That sounds interesting. I think I'd like the group that enjoys red wine, but I'm less sure about the running bit. Is the running optional?

    4. Peter, yeah, it's optional. A free pint of beer is the reward after running but nobody actually check. Someone just came up after hahaha

    5. Correction: excuse(not accuse) Mikeller(not Mikkellar) the mix of (not the mix between)

      Thank you, Boom, for helping me correct the club name. You should join it sometimes. Never find before that there is it in Berlin. Nice suggestion.

      I know, Ben, you are the person I am sometimes jealous of. You are sociable, easy-going and funny. The people like you keep a difficult situation bearable :)

    6. I never knew Mikkeller has a running club! It’s really interesting because I also love running and drink beer too!! I love the fact that drinking beer cause you fat and afterward you run to burn your belly off! But in real life I usually go running and drink beer with my friends after finished which not help loosing weight at all...

    7. Your group is so nice. I am one person who really like running. When finishing my studying, I always go running in my condo. I think that your group has another benefit. You can interact with others and also has crafted beer. I am really jealous. Hope one day I will find a group like this one.

    8. You can follow up the next event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1905434472803047

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