Thursday 17 October 2019

Crux of talented musician

Introduction and summary 

"Elton John: 'I still want my dad's approval'" is about Elton John and his relationship with his father. The article says that his father was never went to his performances or sent letter to say expressed word on his son success. He tells that he just want his father to approval what he'd succeed. He's grew up with frustrated relationship between parents but both his parents were musically inclined. His father, Stanley Dwight, was a trumpet player that played with  the Bob Miller band. while his mother, Shelia, would like to collect new records every week. In his pride life, he's got many awards like Brit award and he was the first musician to enter the US album charts at number one, but in the opposite, his music past wasn't easy. In the article, tell us to know Elton John was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a food addict and a bulimic. For now, he's now been clean for 29 years and he'll make farewell tour that scheduled to run for three years which the final show end on 17 December, 2020, at London's O2 arena.     

Response: What is your opinion?  

In my opinion, and I've just watched "Rocket man" which is docu-drama film about Elton John, I totally disagree with the way that Elton's father did to him. I think most of human like to have compliments and approval especially by their parents, it's important thing that encourage on every careers life not just as musician, I think we need approval from our parents to prove that we walk in the right way and they'll always beside us.   

At last, If I were Elton John. I will write a song which about my strained relationship with my father, to say sorry and tell him how much that I love him. I think it'll be a great and very impressive about song story.

Question for your classmates

Have you ever listened to Elton John songs ? which one is the best you like ?
If you were Elton John, what will you do about strained relationship with parents ?


  1. Thank you Neeno, but if this were an exam, you would now have a problem. Your summary is 186 words, which is way over the 120 word limit. If an instruction says "the maximum is 120 words," that means you must not write more, and that less is probably better. I set that limit to force you to pick out and state only the most important points. And I'm thinking of reducing the limit to 100 words.

    You copied the word clean from your source, but what does that mean, exactly? I thought a paraphrase might have been more useful, and perhaps shorter.

    I like your response, although I'm not sure I agree with all of it, which is fine. Like Elton, I was extremely uncomfortable growing up gay in the 1960s and 70s, and although my paraents did their best, it really wasn't what they wanted as good Catholic members of the community, and I could never tell anyone at my Catholic schools. Fortunately, society has changed a lot since then, and now my mother and other relatives, at least the ones I see, are OK with me and my youngest brother being gay. The lesson I learned was not that parents need to be supportive, but that religion is a bad thing, that its repressive teachings harm people and harm society. It was the morally corrupt teaching of Christianity that made people think being gay was an evil thing, but happily today most poeple think religion is rubbish. And that seems to me a good thing. Soceity is far more moral when there is less religion, and the countries with the lowest crime rates are also the least religious countries, such as New Zealand, Norway, Germnay, and so on.

    Elton's music isn't my favourite, although I liked some of it. I liked the harder rock of Queen, Bowie and some Australian bands.

    Sorry, I didn't really talk much about your prompt questions, but that's OK. THe important thing in a response here is to state your ideas and support it a bit with examples, details, argument or whatever.

  2. My favorite his song is “Your song” .It should be the most famous song of his music.
    If I were Elton John, I would only do my best to my work. Children have no choice where they are born. Parents are not always right. We can do my best for our life regardless of parents.

  3. I didn't actually answer Neeno's quesiton before, which is OK - our purpose is to practice writing a response, and I think it's OK to write any response provided we do it in sentences organized into paragraphs.

    But Neeno's question is an interesting one, and reading Junko's comment above, I started thinking back the Elton songs I could remember. The one, in fact the only one, that came to mind was "Good Bye Norma Jean," which is his sad song about the life of Marilyn Monroe. I think I remember that song because it was still very popular in the disco clubs I went to in Sydney in the late 1970s and early 80s. Now that I think of it, it isn't really disco, but on the dance floor, I guess it was more restful than, say The Village People hits or other passing disco songs. I might listen to it on YouTube to remember those fun days when I was much younger than today.

  4. I know Elton John and I love his song especially Goobye England’s rose, which is song wrote for princess Diana passaway and another song is one of my faburit song, Sorry seem to be the hardest word in version recovered with Blue, his nephrew band. In my opinion, If I were Elton John I would like to talk with my parents directly, tell them what I need and how can I do for improving our relationship. I would talk with them like I return to child again and don’t worry about the answer.

  5. Sure I know sir Elton John. But I don`t listen to his music because my generation prefer another music style.
    However, I have one the most favorite song of Elton John - "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word". It is assosiated with my parents - they danced together to this song. I didn`t even know the translation before today. Never mind that the song is sad nevertheless it is the brilliant and mellifluous masterpiece.


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