Monday 28 October 2019

introducing Peter (2)

I've already introduced myself just below for the weekend IELTS class I'm teaching, so I don't want to repeat what's there. I didn't talk about my daily life now in the previous blog post, so that might be a useful topic for this one.

My daily life is fairly simple and regular, and I like that. When I was younger, I liked a bit more excitement, but these days, something that might seem a bit boring suits me well. It's comfortable. I'm woken every morning by my phone at 5:55 AM. This means I need to go to bed by 11:00 PM. Actually, I aim to go to bed at 10:00 PM, with another reminder from my phone, but I usually read a bit or watch something silly on NetFlix to relax before sleep, which usually makes it 11:00 or later before I actually go to sleep. I always start the day with a large, black coffee. This has been my habit for more than 40 years, which gives you some indication of my minimum age. While I'm having my morning coffee, I read a couple of newspapers and magazines on my computer, and perhaps write a few quick responses to things there. If it's a workday, which is every day except Friday, I then start preparing for my classes that day. I've usually prepared before because I like to be prepared, but often I get a new idea and revise my lesson plans or materials. And then off to work, or to lunch or something with friends if it's my day off.

One of my favourite pieces of music is Mozart's Flute Concerto No. 1 (K. 313). I had to change it from "my favourite" to "one of my favourites" because I realised after the fourth revision that I could not pick one. Although I also like a lot of songs, I had no trouble picking Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" as my favourite. My first thought in class was Vivaldi's Four Seasons, which was the first piece of classical music I studied, but it's not really my favourite. Then I thought of Mozart's masses, symphonies and operas. I finally settled on this one because it's so cheerful. I used to play the flute a long time ago, and the performances of this work by people like James Galway inspired me. This performance on YouTube is one I didn't know before. In contrast with a recording of Galway, this one is a video of the life performance. I hope you enjoy it. I think it makes a nice contrast to the operatic rock song by Queen in my post below.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't planning to write 443 words, but Google's word count tool in Google Docs tells me that's what it is. Both of the main paragraphs grew a bit more than I had expected when I started them.


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