Wednesday 16 October 2019

Warning signs after financial crisis

Introduction and summary 

"IMF warns world growth slowest since financial crisis" is about growth of world economic situation after financial crisis. The article says that the fund said world growth hit just 3% and its down from forcast 3.2% in this year. The IMF blamed trade war and Brexit and overseas political issues are effect to this problem. They are couses of downgraded business growth. IMF annouced, which is downgraded the growth in the many countries such as US, Germany, China, India, which are majar countries drive the business world. Futhermore, the IMF said central banks should be use the impact actions by tools to solve the slowdown, for example decrease interest rate. Moreover, the fund said the World Trade Organizations also downgraded the economic outlook.

Response: What is your opinion? 

In my point of view, I think this information is really helpful for everyone especially enterprenours and investors in the world because it gives some awearness of your business and guide you to create the business strategies and  money management in difficult financial situations such as business crisis or slowdown. However, some employees may feeless in this effects.

Question for your classmates

How do you think? What is the affect to you when the growth of world economic rising slowly?


  1. Thank you Ei for posting a quick example. I've added the link to your source so that it's easy for us to find.

    I thought that the introduction and summary could have been a bit shorter perhaps: Google's wordcount tool told me it's 124 words, which is over the limit of 120 words.

    And as in IELTS, the writing task 1 where we do not give our opinion is much shorter than the writing task 2 where we have to state and support our own ideas.

  2. I like Ei's question, which is not one I would normally think about a lot. Perhaps I should worry more about the economy because it does affect my life, but although I'm interested in economics, finance and business doesn't excite me very much. I enjoy reading about how economics connects with human behaviour and helps to build or damage societies, and I'm very interested in behavioural economics, where economists apply their tools of statistical analysis to human behaviour to show, and explain, why all of us, or almost all of use, are inclined to be corrupt. That sort of analysis can not only improve our understanding, but suggest solutions that might effectively change our programmed behaviour.

    One of my favourite economists is Dan Ariely, an academic at Duke University in the US. I also like the work of Steven Levitt, who does great work at Chicago University.

    Thank you Ei for prompting me to think these issues. Although fincance does not excite me, I'm glad others are passionate about it because it is an important element of the modern global society, and I think becoming more important.

    1. And now that I think about it, there might also be a connection with Facebook's planned Libra currency here.

  3. These kind of information helps me a lot on my business field.For example the tension between China and the U.S.effects on manufacturing industry directly in Japan. We can planning some strategies to this recession.

  4. Every financial crisis influences on bisinessies but it is not always bad. Sometimes a crisis gets competitive advantages and an impuls to development.
    I was working in a selling sphere when in the one moment USD became more expensive to RUB in two times! It was crazy December of 2014. My salary did not increase next year after that because of a decision of my boss. However, it did not decrease because every prices were increased and a profit of company was almost the same. In general I did not feel myself worse after this crisis. And some russian businessies who produced local goods (not imported from abroad) got more advantages for development and growth.


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