Thursday 4 February 2021

Put : How John Lennon was made into a myth

Summary of "How John Lennon was made into a myth"

According to"How John Lennon was made into a myth". John Lennon, one of the Beatles, asserted that bisexuality as natural things while he had a concealed relationship with his band manager, Brian Epstein, but it was never consummated. Furthermore, he had perceived what he had done in this adulthood as the misogyny was not meant to be the path of man should be 2 years before he was assassinated in 1980.In addition, Early Lennon’s life was demonstrated in Film, Nowhere Boy, which composed of high-profile evidence. Although his death was occurred 40 years ago, his memorable quote and personality appears to be in many people’s reminiscence. Several novels and comics facet John Lennon in various approaches for example John Lennon is alternatively appeared to be manifestation. In conclusion John Lennon is not only a song writer, musician, or member of the Beatles but also literally a century influencer who drives art culture, music history, peace activity and world society.


Put's response to "How John Lennon was made into a myth"

From my heart, I am The Beatles fan. I always listen to The Beatles songs every day. I think this band is beyond the time and creative. Although this band broke up about 50 years ago, their songs are still heard today. It’s very interesting about this news which makes me curious about John Lennon’s life. I have never known that John Lennon and The Beatles manager, Brian Epstein, used to have an almost love affair. In my opinion, I think John and Brian were best friends. John and Brian usually took their private trip together which is friend things. John Lennon has a lot of mystery which anyone doesn’t know until these days.

there always two sides of the story, many people think John Lennon was an activist. He made a campaign which is called “Bed-ins for peace” to promote peace around the world. Not only about anti-war movement but also feminism movement too. He wrote the song about how unfair women had to face in their life. He wanted to warn every man to give women a chance and treat them better, but this article states that John used to be misogyny and violent to his ex-wife, Cynthia Powell, whom he divorced after he had been in relationship with an avant-garde artist, Yoko Ono, and his first son. Finally, He realised that he should not have done that. As I see it, what he had done to his ex-wife and his first son is unforgivable although he realises his sin later. 

However, we should focus on his positive side which makes this world better. Most people still love him even though he had made a mistake in his young adulthood. Many people admire him as a god-like manifest from various kind of painting even some novels are featured him in by the author. Lastly, I am glad that people can overlook one’s mistake and concentrate on his activity for peace and for everybody. Even if John Lennon has died for 40 years, his fame and his music are still memorable to us.


Put's question 

Imagine you were born right after world war 2 ended, your family extremely restricted your behaviour. you cannot do what you want to do. Moreover, your family wasn't rich, you had to earn money yourself. What would you do if you were born in the same period which John Lennon was born ?(He was born on 9 October 1940)


  1. Sorry Put. I like your imaginative question based on ideas in your source, but I was more interested in other points that your summary and response brought to mind.

    First, like Phing's post summarizing an article about Coco Chanel, John Lennon is a famous cultural figure. I grew up listening to Beatles songs. I don't know if they are as widely known today, but along with Queen, the Beatles defined rock for me, although they were a slightly older, more conservative group than Queen.

    Apart from my own experiences of Lennon's music in high school and at university, thinking of which brought back a lot of memories, I like the way that Put develops the ideas in his summarized article about how the reality of famous people's lives is often misrepresented by the stories that are created around them. I thought of other examples from philosophy and science, such as Socrates and Aristotle, and Newton and Einstein, where their fame in one area can easily lead to flaws in other areas being ignored or even repressed. I guess as the like Lennon, real human beings are more complex than the legends and myths that we create about them. And maybe that's one of the strengths of great literature, such as Homer and Shakespeare: their legendary characters are nonetheless portrayed as all too real human beings. (That last thought just came to me: I would develop it a bit more, but it's my dinner time. Over to you.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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