Monday 22 February 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 30 - Critical thinking

What is it?

In their critical thinking exercise that concludes the reading "Instant Gratification", Warwick and Rogers (2018, p. 30) invite us to discuss two follow-up questions on streaming and online gaming.  


  • What do you think are the main reasons for the increased popularity of streaming and online gaming?
  • What are some of the disadvantages of streaming services? How can these affect performers?

You have 15:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the two questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as:

  • planning = 3:00 minutes (It's usually a good idea to plan before you start to write.)
  • writing = 9:00 minutes, and 
  • editing = 3:00 minutes.

A helpful strategy

Imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are answering or the article that the question follows up. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the question at the start of your response to it. But you need to rewrite (paraphrase) the idea in the question as a statement. 

Because your writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, it is usually useful to give background, which can often be done by paraphrasing the question into statements that begin your answer. This is also a useful strategy in exams such as IELTS and TOEFL.



  • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education


  1. 1.The leisure time and the situation that change the habit of the people. In the past the things that convince people to stay at home is watching the programmed show and soap after the news, but nowadays with the various of technology, people have many option to watch along with their handy device, such as Series platformed movie, show, Standup Comedy etc.

    2.It makes people feel less lively than before. In presented day, the most of everyone has their comfort zone in their hands, leading to the feeling of lazy or scare to come out and live the life as they should be, instead of that, some people just come out to work for the purpose of heading home to get into their comfort zone again.

  2. Over the last ten years or so, I've joined the worldwide trend towards streaming media. I've never been a video game player, so the rise of streaming there did not affect me, but I stopped buying so many DVDs for movies and series about five years ago, or maybe more, when I first subscribed to NetFlix. As the quality and range of material on NetFlix increased, my consumption of DVDs decreased. And when the store at Paragon where I used to buy DVDs closed, it was no loss at all — I had not bought anything there for a year or more before I noticed one day that it no longer existed. For me, and I suspect others, the enormous convenience of streaming is the great attraction. If I want to watch something, streaming lets me do it now. If it's not on NetFlix, I can usually buy it on Google's movie streaming service or the Microsoft's. (I don't remember their real names because I don't often use them, but they are there ready to serve immediately if I do want something NOW!)

    I'd never really thought about disadvantages of streaming services, but I guess there are some for life performers. If you area musician but no one wants to pay to see you perform life, that might be discouraging. It might also result in reduced income. That loss of income could be especially serious for people who work setting up shows: the equipment people, transporters, and so on. I can't think of problems for movie performers, but for musicians, singers and other life performers, the experience of delivery via the Internet would be very different to the life experience of a concert, and might generate much less income, not only for the performer but also auxiliary staff.

    My experience with NetFlix does not suggest any serious problems for actors - their work is normally recorded for delivery anyway. Might streaming cause loss of quality by pressing production companies to compromise quality to get more things out faster to satisfy binge watchers? I guess that's plausible, but my own experience of shows created by NetFlix for streaming, such as the very popular "Money Heist" seasons suggests that it does not happen: the producer still wants a quality product to keep the fans like me happy.

    1. I agree with you that the disadvantage can be for life performers such as musician. However, your point allowed me to think of the virtual graduation at the Indian Institute of Technology last year. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the university had to arrange the graduation ceremony in virtual world or online platform by creating avatars for 2,000 students so that they were able to attend the ceremony live. I watched the VR graduation ceremony and I liked the idea of avatar. I never realized that the technology can turn the idea in the movie into reality. It can make almost anything possible.

    2. Thank you Emma. I like your example of how the same sort of technology is also enabling. It's also meant that I've been able to continue working for the past 11 months. Until last week, I had taught a face-to-face in a classroom since March last year.

      I have to confess, I like having classes online, although I'm not sure it would work for all subjects.

  3. The reasons why streaming and online gaming are more and more popular are developments of technology. Technology helps our busy lives these days more convenient as we can watch series, stream updated news and play online games anytime and anywhere. Another reason is the fast speed as a click we can download or watch it immediately for free.
    Some of the disadvantages of streaming services that affects performers are the decrease of incomes as people can stream their music online, so they do not need to buy albums as they can save their money.

  4. The main reason behind the increased popularity of streaming and online gaming is a development of technology and internet. That main reason can lead to many other factors, including, easy accessibility and gamers' connection around the world. Moreover, games' contributors can make a lot brand new games which attract more players.

    The disadvantage for all time for online streaming services is poor internet connection. In order to make the streaming stable, the internet should be stable too. Consequently, performers need to make games consists with low internet usage together with high quality. Eventually, they are able to draw the interesting from people.

  5. I think the main reason that caused streaming and online gaming to become popularity is that help customers save costs on watching movies and playing games. As I understand it, the customers can play lower prices to watch movies on Netflix, comparing to buying a movies ticket at cinemas. For example, Netflix usually charge 99 THB per month and the customers can watch movies as much as they can. However, the cinemas normally charge 250 THB per ticket, but the customers can watch for single movies.
    I think the disadvantages of streaming services can be that it is too convenient to access and this might cause people to spend too much times on watching movies or playing games.

  6. In my opinion, the main reasons for the increased popularity of streaming and online gaming are (1) the price and (2) instant satisfaction players will get from playing.

    Online games are usually free. Therefore, it is easier to be introduced to the new players. However, if players want to get a special item to boost their performance in the game, they normally have to pay more. In addition, instant satisfaction can be the other factor for the increased popularity of online gaming. Online game is not only easy to access, but it can also give players an instant relief, which is very addictive for the players.

    On the other hand, some disadvantages of online gaming can be mentioned here. First, it highlight the inequality. As I have already mentioned before that players can buy special add-ons to boost their performance in the game. Hence, there is a tendency that the richer players may perform better.

  7. From my perspective, The reason causes the increase in streaming and online gaming is the new experience and exciting feeling which the games are offering, People are able to socialize and communicate via online platform during the match. The experience becomes more authentic and real and on the other hand, when you compete with other human brains, the puzzle becomes more challenging and amusing.

    The disadvantage of online gaming to the player is about their health, In the long term, the long period of sitting in the same posture tends to hurt your muscle and cause body pain. Online gaming is easy to get addicted and it never ends when you addicted, you can lose your time management and affect your life at work and study.

    1. Ah, yes, pain from computer use. Over the last couple of months, I had experienced increasingly sharp pain in my right shoulder, spreading down my arm and across my back. I tried stretching to relieve it and stopped exercising, which I thought was the cause.

      It turned out that I was suffering mouse shoulder — because I was spending hours daily stretching my right arm to mouse on my computer, the muscles were getting constantly over stretched. And stretching exercises were actually the worst thing to do. What was needed was to contract the muscles. And change my computer habits. The relief was almost immediate. Within 24 hours of learning what the real problem was, it was much better. Although I was not gaming but mainly working, this recent experience is my own example of body pain caused by bad habits in front of my screen.


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