Wednesday 29 April 2015

Gift's academic interests

Hello everyone ,today I would like to talk about the cheese.  Cheese has more than 3,000 kinds but I will introduce the famous kind of cheese in Thailand. First one is soft cheese ,it has soft texture and weak smell because it has  a lot of water in there such as Cottage and Ricotta. Second one is semi soft cheese and the last one is hard cheese and it has strong smell and hard texture such as Cheddar cheese.


  1. Wow, those are very interesting! I have eaten many foods made by cheese such as pizza, some kind of desert, hamburger, etc. but I know very little about them. I have ever thought while I was going shopping with my mom in supermarket and I saw many kinds of cheeses that when I was back to home, I would search for it but I haven't done it yet. Therefore, this story is very interesting to me because I don't have to search for it by myself and if I have any questions, I can ask to a cheese lover like you.

    1. Thank you.I'm glad to see my blog is useful for you. That's you say,I'm a cheese lover. I always go to the supermarket and find the new cheese to taste. I love to cook pizza and serve with a lot of cheese.

  2. I love cheese. I just looked in my fridge: there is wedges of Moliterno, Montasio, Fontal and a Blu Camenbert. These are mostly Italian, and as Gift told us, they range from soft to hard.
    I like the soft ones with bread, the semi-soft to eat as snacks, and the hard ones are good grated up and added to food.

    The selection at Tops Silom Complex is OK, but I think the supermarket at Paragon has a lot more. My friend's eight-year-old son loves going shopping there, and is developing a good knowledge of European cheeses.

    My favourite English cheeses are Stilton (softish, blue cheese) and cheddars. I like my cheddars matured and tasty.

    A nice blog post by Gift - food interests most people. And now I'm hungry! I just had my afternoon coffee as I caught up on a bit of work and had a quick look at this blog. But I haven't eaten yet, and all this thinking about cheese has reminded me that my tummy is empty.


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