Wednesday 29 April 2015

The leader's power

In the last semester of grade 12, Learning about the impact of the Korean War to the South and the North Korea, I have got the picture of the inequality, the injustice execution and the violence in North Korea which is very unpleasant.  Although the third generation leader, Kim Jong-un, put a lot of efforts to deceive the world that his people live a very happy life, I won’t definitely believe it.

Recently, BBC News has published the article “North Korea'executed 15 people'” (2015) which reports that Kim Jong-un gave a sentence to end 15 lives, including the high position officials, because they challenged his power as a showcase. In addition, he also did one showcase in 2013 by executing his uncle.

As I realized, Kim doesn’t need much reason to sentence someone to death. He has a power which no one in North Korea can deny since his grandfather has built this communist world for him. Personally, I think the communism isn’t a bad system. But the important key of this administration is the good and wise leader, the leader who does things for a country not for his own.  Not only for the communist government but all governments need a good leader. If you get a dull leader in whatever government you are in, it will be a disaster.

Some political problem in Thailand was popped up in my head after I wrote about the leader. Thai people have deal with this trouble for 10 years and it may take another 10 years or 20 years to overcome it. It is the leadership tissue as well. Since we never get the good enough government, we solve the problem by coup d'état and it runs in circle, poor circle. Anyway, North Koreans people never get a chance to do that the military force is in Kim’s hand. If you against him, you will die like 15 people I mention above.

Back to the leader point, there is one good leader who just passed way in the last few weeks and I really admire him.  He is Lee Kuan Yew, the first prime minister of Singapore. From the poor and nothing, he created the new Singapore, the rich and developed Singapore. He leaded the people in the right way, the way the leader should do. If Singapore got the Kim family not Mr. Lee, the Singaporean might not have the beautiful life as today. That is why the leader is crucial.
North Korea 'executed 15 people', (2015, April 29). BBC News Asia. Retrieved from


  1. I almost chose this article to blog yesterday. I'm glad now I didn't. Jin might have disappointed if she had seen mine already there when she came to do hers.

    The thing that amazed me when I read this story of ugliness is that I think the people of North Korea, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as it dishonesly calls itself, really do seem to love, revere, respect and admire their great leader!

    Everything about him that they believe is a lie, but the censorship works very well to stop the truth being spoken in North Korea. The weird result is that foreigners can understand North Korea better than the North Koreans, but that is the reason for censoring to stop free speech.

    I might also respond to Jin's comments on Lee Kwan Yew, but in a later comment.

    1. And as we also practiced yesterday, you can also respond to ideas in comments.

  2. I like your article so much because when I read your whole story, it expands my mind to see political perspective of 3 different countries.

    Each leader has different policies to bring his country and people survivor. It depends on culture and systems; for this article's example, North Korea political system depends on only leader. I think I don't like the system that lacks freedom to do anything.

    The amazing thing for me is the leader of Singapore. When I heard about his death news, countries broadcasts his story and admires him. This makes me interest his story also. When I read it, I am really surprised and believe that everyone can see the good results of having the good leader from singaporeans and Singapore environment. I think that if my country has an intelligent leader like Singapore, Thailand will be better than this.

    1. I thought that Gift made an interesting comment, actually two comments that together are interesting: first that she doesn't like systems that greatly restrict personal freedom, and that she thinks Lee Kwan Yew a good leader. Although not so much as North Korea leaders, Lee did greatly restrict the freedoms of Singaporeans. Especially what they could seek knowledge about and speak about: who knows how corrupt Lee and his family might have been? No one, because the law is used to stop such investigation.

      But I would not deny that Singapore's progress under Lee's leadership was amazing, and that that has greatly benefited the people. What I'm not so certain about is the cost of that progress for some.

  3. In today's Bangkok Post there is an article which I think tells us something interesting about Singapore, specifically about Lee Kwan Yew. In, (2015, April 30) at it is reported that 16 year old Amos Yee has been sent back to prison to await trial on charges that he has posted a YouTube video and blog posts that are highly critical of Lee Kwan Yew.

    This does seem to me a serious violation of human rights, supporting Yee's claim that Lee Kwan Yew was a dictator who might have been as bad as he says in his video.

    I had heard of this case before, but hadn't been terribly interested. I thought Amos Yee was probably just a silly teenager looking for attention, but prompted by Jin's post and the discussion on it, and then seeing the report in the Bangkok Post, I became a bit more interested.

    Yee makes some good points in his video, especially that if there is no free speech on a topic, that is because someone does not want people to know the truth about that topic. It is certainly true of North Korea's beloved (by his uninformed, blind subjects) leader, and it might also be true of Singapore's Lee Kwan Yew, who certainly liked to use the law to scare critics into silence, much as Thaksin Shinawatr did when he was prime minister of Thailand.

  4. Have you ever seen the movie "The Interview", it is a movie about two dudes from US going to the North Korea to assassin Kim Jong-un ,and it was a very funny one, I laughed my ass off when I watched it with my friends.

    1. I did and I think it is a very good parody movie. Well, after I finished it, I just really searched for the claim that North Korean believed Kim doesn't poop LOL

  5. I absolutely like your topic about " the leader's power" and I strongly agree that if you have a good leader , your country will be completely developed such as Singapore , Germany , Brunei and also Bhutan.

    Well, I would like to mention about Brunei, the one is our neighbourhood and it is the part of AEC community. Additionally, Brunei is the one country where have a good leader and people in this country are equal. The government in this country treat their people quite well such as free education, free residental for poor people, find jobs for unemployees and so on. Moreover,the best thing that i like this country is great economic and also Brunei was the one of two countries with a public debt at 0% of the national GDP.
    And also this country has no corruption as Thailand.

  6. There is a book, written about the four north korean refugees, named Nothing to envy. It is about the their life in North Korea, how do people live there, the punishment and also telling about their feel toward their leader. I have read it a year ago. In some part of the book made me feel so sorry to them, life is so unfair. Some of them love their dictator more than life while some are pretend to act like they love because of apprehension.

    I recommend you to read it if you are interested. You will understand more about this mystery country and also the people who lived there.


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