Tuesday 15 November 2016

Critical thinking - identity 1 - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p9

Skillful, p. 9
Source background
Following the reading "Discuss It Online," there are a couple of questions to practice critical thinking, which, like most brainstorm or group type activities, are most usefully done online. We will do them here on our class blog.

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
  • If you had to write a response to Dr. Green's discussion board question, which part of your identity would you write about? Why? 
  • Why is family an important part of a person's identity? 

You are not writing an essay here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have ten (10) minutes.
Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. London: Macmillan.


  1. I would like to write about job which is my chosen I identity. Recently, I decided to resign my job because I didn't be happy when I have to work. I believe that a person can do well in what he/she love. So I want to be a software developer.

    family plays important roles in a person's identity because they are our surrounding and it would be a part of our decisions. my colleague, for example, he is a hard working person. He told me that even though he didn't like his job, he had to work; he's also working hard because of his family. He had a two-year-old son which he has to foster.

  2. If you had to write a response to Dr. Green's discussion board question, I would answer about my core identity because I think it's the most importance part of my life that can make me different from others.

    Family is an importance part of person's identity because given identity is derived from family. Moreover, sometime family have a big effect on people's core identity.

    Sometime family can influence on people's behaviors, personality or skills. Family can teach their child about what should be done and shouldn't in our society. This can effect children's behaviors and personality. Moreover, some family who affordable to pay money for their children to study. This can make their children have many skills.

  3. I would write about my core and chosen identities. These all are related and effect on me a lots. Firstly, my chosen identity change my core identity all time that is likely time change my attitudes. When i am last grade of primary school. I live in closed society. I don't know what are happen around us. I had just known what I am and I would be. It is likely dream. After I graduated from the first school. I chosen to study public school. That made me change. It turned me into the real world. I would choose to have bad friends. My core identity change from shy and

  4. Although my given identity is important, since it includes my sex, my age, my nationality, all of which have had substantial impacts on my life, I think my chose and core identities are more interesting to write about. Are these also more important than the given identity? They must have some connection to my given identity, but I think the choices I've made and the core values and attitudes I have are more truly me than than accidents of birth. It's actually very difficult to pick out one as being most important. Important in what way? But I'm sure that the various aspects of my chosen identity, my job, where I live, my circles of friends, my social life, and so on, say a lot more about who I am than do the aspects of my given identity such as age, nationality and family position, all of which were accidents. Well, i wasn't an accident to my parents, who were very keen to have me, but for my identity, those aspects are all things I had nothing to do with.

    And even as I was writing about the importance of my chosen and core identity, I couldn't get away from talking about family!

  5. I would write about my core identity and my chosen identity because given identity is not really important in my opinion. After all, the given identity doesn't really affect who I am and how I do things. Although given could affect our life to some extent degree, I cannot change it. I feel that I would become pessimistic if I were to discuss given identity.

    Although I don't like given identity because it put me on the lease, I cannot refute that family as the most essential portion of given identity is not important. On the contrary, family has huge influence on me. My parents are important to me because they are patient and let me think for myself and have my own life. They also support me every time in which I need their help. The value we share is quite similar for some reason. Thus, my family must contribute a lot to my identity.


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