Monday 28 November 2016

Thought - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p27

Skillful 3, page 27
Source background
On page 27 of our text, Bixby and Scanlon introduce the topic of thought, which is again the title of of the unit, in this Unit 3. As usual, they open with a large photograph and some discussion points.

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
  • When you are studying, what kinds of things help you to concentrate? What things distract you?
  • Do you think you have a good memory? What are you good (or poor) at remembering?
  • How does modern technology affect the way we learn and study? 
You are not writing an essay or formal academic paragraph here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have 10 minutes.  Go!

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. London: Macmillan.


  1. I know that many people like to listen to music when they are studying, but I can't. Either the music annoys me, which is a disctraction, or I like it and want to listen, which is a distraction. Interestingly, the evidence suggests that I'm abnormal, but with some limitations. Studies suggest that most people do study more effectively with background music, but it has to be music that is not noticed, and it appears to work by covering up other sounds. If it's music you listen to, that interferes with study, so mindless pop is probably the right sort of thing. I just can't stand that idea!

    On the other hand, I do sometimes work with NetFlix playing something really silly, which I guess might also cover up other sounds that might distract me. I'm not sure what this says about my core identity.

    I think my memory is excellent, or at least it used to be, but only for some things. I realised as we grew older that my younger sister's memory of events in our life, family events and so on, is much, much stronger than mine, but I am extremely good at remembering what I've read. For short to medium term, I can accurately remember a lot of detail having read something only once, which is very helpful. Unfortunately, my memory seems to be declining with age - it sometimes takes seconds now for the word I want to "pop" into my mind. This never used to happen twenty years ago.

    I would be tempted to say that the Internet has made my memory worse, but I suspect it might just be age. But I do love the convenience of having everything online all the time: not only the vast mass of human knowledge is available with a Google, but a lot of my personal information, contacts, bank information and so on, is all just a few clicks or taps away!

    1. I agree that many people to listen to music while they study. Sometimes, I would pefer to listen to music. When I do math problems, I oftens listen rock music. It makes me execise and energetic to solve the problem. However, I can't do listen to music when I'm studying in a lecture class. It distubes me to carefully listen what lecturer teach.

      I was surprising your talent when I read the first time. I don't have extramely good memory. I just remember a concept of what I read but details. Our memory has 2 kinds; short term and long term memory. I'm poor at short term memory, for example, I rush my time to memorise whole information for exam tomorrow. On the other hand, I have good long term memory. If I understand a concept of knowledge, I remember them for a long time.

      I think the internet has made people's memory worse that regrads to research on watching TV effect on memory,and the technology wrap memory. That why I respect that using internet on dektop,taplet, and smart phone. Eventhough, it is convenient to easily get infomation from more sources. Anyhow, I would like to read information on paper. For me, the modern technology doesn't much effect on my way I learn. Nowadays, there are avilable of many application and innovation for reading textbook such as kindle and adobe reader. But I like reading on paper because I can draw a big picture and draw a connection of keysword or statement. It make me more understand and rememrise the information as well for long term.

    2. I don't like to listen to music while studying as well. If it's background musics without lyrics might be fine for me; however, I still prefer no music while I study. Sadly most of coffeeshops in Thailand play musics and some are intolerably loud. I don't like this type of cafe at all.

      I think my memory works more or less the same as Earlgrey. I feel that I don't have a good shot memory.

      Well I also heard that long exposure to the computer or mobile screen can affect users' memory. I don't think it's just your age, Peter. However, I believe that the exposure to the internet is more aggravating in childhood.

  2. When I'm studying I usually concentrate when teachers are talking; however, technology like telephone or friends normally distract me when I'm studying.

    I don't think that have a good memory. I always forgot everything that I did or already remembered which sometime cause me a big problem.

    In the past we need to learn from the book which is too heavy to carry to many places. Technology can solve this problem and allow us to learn in everywhere just having a computer or a telephone. This means that modern technology can help us learn many things easier than the past.

    1. I agree that books are too heavy. Just look at the fat paper copy Michael Swan's Practical English Usage that I bought in this morning! Using that is like a workout iwth weights. I almost always use the much more convenient app versions on my tablet and phone, which is why I can take screen shots later today for the grammar exercise we did at the start of class.

      It's even worse for dictionaries. My favourite dictionary is the massive and wonderful Oxford English Dictionary, but it's 24 very large volumes in the paper version I had to use at university. Now, the constantly updated online version is available to me everywhere: my brother thinks my 24 volumes look great on his bookshelves. He never uses them, but they do impress his guests!

      I wonder about memory. Ae says hers isn't so good, but i think she probably remembers things that interest her better than I would remember information about marketing, unless I could somehow relate it to a topic that does interest me, like psychology.

      In fact, when relating new things to what I already know, making new connections to what interests me, is a big help for me to remember things. If something is new and unrelated to anything I'm interested in and already know, it's much more likely I will immediately forget it.

      I also find it necessary to concentrate during a conversation. I can't multitask. In fact, I don't think anyone can. I think there is a lot of self-delusion about multi-tasking that is not supported by studies.

    2. I thought you have to put your mobile asleep while having a lecture.

      Although people say that technology will revolutionize the books industry will it dues. However I don't think that we will move to paperless era or anything. Frankly speaking I still prefer to read books in paper. It's more comfortable to my eyes than reading on the computer screen. Imagine reading by the beaches. Don't you think that reading a copy of book would be more comfortable?

      For reference book I think internet helps a lot. Well I wouldn't go everywhere with copies of dictionary, encyclopedia and grammar usage would I? What if I spoke three languages such as Chinese, English and Thai, I would have carry Thai-English Dictionary, English Dictionary, Chinese Dictionary, or even English -Chinese Dictionary and Chinese-Thai Dictionary with me and maybe grammar usage books. These are only three languages. I'm sure that the internet make our life easier in this area.

  3. When i an study, I try to use notebook and tablet. I usually note important information on paper and tablet because these are portable.

    In my opinion, I don't have a good memory. If i don't concentrate on information, I always forget it. I usually understand easily but I can forget easily too.

    Nowadays, modern technology affect me to find important information. In the past, if I want to find something, I usually go to the library. However, currently, I can find that on the internet such as Google, Wikipedia and university E-library.

    1. *When I study, I try to use notebook and tablet.

    2. I think you are the same as me I also think that I easily forget. However, there are two things that I think it work for me and keep me can remember better; First, noting the the book, or phone what ever you want. I always write down the thing that I have to do and I will cross it out when it had done. This make me use less brain to memory and I also getting better. Second, reviewing is really important. When I was in university, for example, I will review my note at the end of the day and review again before studying next class. It make me on track in school subjects and got the good grade.

  4. When you are studying, what kinds of things help you to concentrate? What things distract you?
    There are three thing which I think they me me concentrate during studying. The interesting topics is the first one. When I am interested in some topics, I will more focusing in that. The second is being conscious. And the last thing is it is alias with my objective. However, there are many things which can get me distract such as phone, friends, the internet, shopping online and so on.

    Do you think you have a good memory? What are you good (or poor) at remembering?
    When I was child, I personely think that I have a very good memory; I can remember many things such as the name of people in class. I can remember all of them only one time I listen their names. Nevertheless, I think I got worse memory than the past, because I always forget to do something easily.

    How does modern technology affect the way we learn and study?
    Very much. I learn every by myself online such as programing, book review and so on.

    1. Great to know that shopping online can distract you from learning because I thought that not many male interested in shopping.

      I totally agree with you that we normally get worse memory when we are growing up. In the past, I do remember many things easier than today; however, I need to put many effort to learn that I never did like this in the past.

      I love the way modern technology can help us learn many things easier; however, in some angle I also dislike it because it can easily distract me from learning. I can waste all of my time listening the music on YouTube which is my bad habit.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That sounds interesting, you organize to remember some informations and you can remember a lot of name's friends. In my experience, I usually try to remember the name of people but in the end I forgot them again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In my view, meditation is the best solution for concentration. Although I haven't done it after I get out of my high school. As a college student, I normally went to a library or a coffee shop or anywhere that there are a few acquaintances. A cup of coffee is always a good start of reading session. It can keep me psychologically from drowsiness. Apart from what could keep me focused, distraction is also a factor that I focus on. For example, the place in which is suitable for my reading cannot have songs or too many people, especially someone whom I know. I would have a tendency to chat with him or her and forget my reading mission.

    No I don't think that my memory is good especially something that requires memory such as vocabulary or the number in the civil or commercial code. Well when I studied I remembered some of them because it was mentioned hundred of times through the case studies I have read; however, I don't think I have a good memory. I would say I am good in comprehension but not in memory.

    I think the technology have change the way we learn. Instead of memorizing things it is much more beneficial to be able to think. In the past having a good memory will save a lot of time. In the present, however, we have all information that we want online and we don't have to know them all. To know how to get the information is much more important.

    Another way that the technology affect our study is the dependence on school system. I'm optimistic over this change because in the future perhaps the school system will be eradicated from the system. Everyone will learn all of the knowledge online. Equality in knowledge is attainable for everyone.


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