Tuesday 8 November 2016

Identity (b) - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p7

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Following Bixby and Scanlon's question 1, we are ready to move on to questions 2 and 3, which give us another opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Discuss this question in a comment below.
  1. What are some of the social groups you belong to?   
  2. In what ways are they important to you? 
You are not writing an essay here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have a total of eight (8) minutes.  

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. London: Macmillan.


  1. As I started thinking and blogging yesterday, the obvious first social group I belong to is my family, but I'm not sure this is what the question is asking. My family and everyone else's families are social groups, the family is a basic social group, but this might be too easy and obvious. Perhaps the question means larger, less personal groups.

    In that case, I belong to the social group of males: this group in society is about 50% of it, and the other group is females, or women. But for the last few decades, this simple division into male and female, into men and women, has been changing. Along with the increased justice more morally developed societies now show to gays and lesbians, there is also an increasing recognition that gender is not always so simply black or white, hence the initial LGBT = lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, where gender identity is more than just a preference in sex partners. A transgender person might not comfortably see himself (herself? ...self?) as a member of one of those traditional social groups. In some countries, including the US, this is causing some ugly legal fighting over which toilets people may use.

    Another social group I belong to is the expatriate community of Bangkok - I'm one of the several hundred thousand permanent residents denied Thai citizenship for decades.

    I think now I could use these examples to answer the uncertainty that worried me, and Topp, when I started writing this response: I now have some more ideas to support a definition of the term "social group".

    But time is up again.

    1. 555 I agree that nowadays we have more and more gays and lesbians.

      However, according to Wikipedia "social group has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity."

      the word "interact with one another" make me think that you disagree with Wikipedia right?

      because you said that "I belong to group of male." which seem like you didn't have any interaction with them.

    2. Where did you get that definition on Wikipedia? I think it was a good idea to do some research after we realised that there was some uncertainty.

      I guess is was from the article "Social Groups" at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_group

      Did you read the next sentence? The first words are "Other theorists disagree however." I'm inclined to agree with the second group. Why do you prefer the first group, whose idea you quoted?

    3. the fight as to which toilet LGBT should use is interesting. Perhaps use their own toilet in their house would be the best solution here.

  2. I belong to circle of my closed friend's group.

    I think they can influenced on many of my opinions. At first, we disagreed with each others; however, time can make us have similar opinion in many things with each others.

    Because we live together for a long time until we have similar interested which can turn into our similar characteristics.

    We like to eat something easily, love to travel in Thailand, love to eat Thai foods, and stay at our home.

    1. It's good to have best friends likes you have because we can share our idea to each other and we know that we can ask for suggestions. So you are so lucky that you have the best friends. I also think I am a lucky person that have the best friend.

    2. I once wanted to live with my best friend as well but we didn't have a same passion so we're kind of now separate to pursue our dreams but I wish I could have more times to spend with her because she is very supportive and we always enjoy travelling together.

  3. What are some of the social groups you belong to?
    I don't know that I answer the question or not. Because I don't know the meaning of the social groups. One of social group to which I belong is my family.

    In what ways are they important to you?
    This group is important to me because they are all my beloved. And I want them be happy. Or I also will call my mom and my sister everyday even though we are not living together. When I travel some places, I always think about them and always buy some gifts for them. Whether we stay together or not, we definitely know that we love each other.

    1. Seem like you disagree with peter that "the question means larger, less personal groups."

      However, I agree with you that social group like family can have a huge influence on your feeling.

    2. Being around my family is what make me feel comfortable the most even thought sometimes we get into an argument but we know that we love each other.

  4. 2. The kind of social groups that belong to me are mixture with feminine and masculine cultures. I like masculine culture because it can help me archive my goal and get successful; on the other hand, i sometimes want some people help me for something that i can not do at now. Also, I like the low distance power because people will respect with other rights.

    3. what is the what ways?

    1. You want to be like a man because you want to be successful? In my view success and sex are not really related. Although brotherhood shows sharing and helping society, sorority is the same in sense that girls also help one another. I am not sure why you want to be like a man though. There are many successful working women nowadays.

    2. They are elements of culture value in social groups. According to the Culture values, the commonly standards of what is acceptable or not acceptable in a society. There separate into 4 dimensions:
      1. Individualism cultures and collectivism cultures - the individualism bases on decisions on their own ideas of what is appropriate. In the contrast, collectivism base on decisions on the needs of the group.
      2. Power distance.In the high power distance, people have a big gap between ppl with high status and ppl with low status such as hierarchy. For the low distance power, ppl are more equal.
      3. uncertainty avoidance includes strong and weak uncertainty avoidance. In strong uncertainty avoidance, ppl avoid the unknown, for example, unfamiliar ideas, different looking people, and new experiences. Another one is the opposite of strong uncertainty avoidance.
      4. Masculinity.In the masculine cultures, success in goal in very important, but feminine cultures which are import to have harmony.

      I don't mean i wish being man, but i mean culture values in society.

  5. I'm not sure if the following answer is correct I'm not quite sure what the question means but I will try to answer them in my own understanding.
    Social groups that I belong to are group that talk about movies because I love to respond every questions about movies I've watched. But please do not ask me to spoil it to you because I hate that you should watch a movie by yourself and create your own opinion on that. Sometimes people ask me to spoil the movie that I thought it was not really fun for me and after they got my answer they just decided not to watch it which made me feel guilty because the movie was not that bad and my mom loves it. I just thought it was not a movie for me that's all. Every movies has a theme and idea that want people to realize.
    Another social group I belong is my family and friends because they know me well enough and I feel comfortable around them and we can talk about anything they accept me from who I am.

    1. That is really great that you belong to the society that you love and can share idea to each other.

    2. I think your social groups are good. they make your life more enjoyable and more comfortable.

  6. I belong to group of my family on facebook because I live alone in Bangkok,if i call to my family,I will pay a lot of bill but if I use facebook , i can save money and talk with my family.

    group of my family can keep in touch me with others, it is the easiest to communication. they can suggest a lot of matter together and they can discuss about our problems. This group influence so much to everybody to do everything.

    1. Great to hear that internet can help your life easier to connect with your family.

      Moreover, I agree with you that family can influence so much on many things that many people's will do.

    2. I wish all of my family would get onto to Facebook. It's a great tool for groups to stay in touch. My older family members don't post very much, but we can arrange things through messenger and it's independent of phone numbers and things. For example, when my youngest sister and her family visited last year, we used it all the time.
      I'm even trying to persuade my 86 year old mum to get modern, but she's resisting strongly with silly excuses. I think I'll have to threaten not giving her any chocolates on my next visit if she doesn't message me her order.

  7. 2. There are many social groups that I belong to. or perhaps there is no social group to which I belong. First of all I am Thai so I belong to Thai people group. My ancestors are Chinese; therefore, I belong to Chinese Thais group. Because I was born in 1989 I am Gen Y. I am good at math; I belong to loving math group. I live in Pattaya; I belong to Pattaya locals group. Years ago when I got admitted to my first degree, I became an international student, an economist and a Chula student. Years later when I had my second degree I became a law student and a Thammasat student. While I was studying in law, I participated in financial competition three times I became a financial analyst; a dw and sl holder; an investor; and a member of YFS. Because I have studied German, French, Russian, Mandarin while I was studying in Thammasat, I also belong to polyglot group ( though the group is small). Although languages that I still can speak fluently are only English, Chinese and of course Thai, I intend to review German as soon as possible.Finally I am a global citizen.

    3. In what way they are important to me? they are not important to me. I think after all I am who I am. I don't think that I myself can be defined by the group to which I belong. Also, I would love to differentiate myself, I don't really want to classified myself into any group. I prefer flexibility and liberty.

    1. Some of Den's comments here also usefully foreshadow coming questions in addition to giving more examples of social groups to help us analyse that uncertain term, "social group".

  8. WOW!!! You can speak 6 languages. Amezing

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That is not the case. The languages I learned long enough to be able to speak are English Chinese and German. However, German has become rusty. I cannot form my own sentences in Russian because its grammar is crazy.


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