Thursday 17 November 2016

Design - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p17

Skillful 3, page 17
Source background
On page 17 of our text, Bixby and Scanlon introduce the topic of design, which is also the title of Unit 2. As usual, they open with a large photograph and some discussion points.

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
  • Look at the picture. Do you know where it is? What makes it special? What do you like or dislike about the way it is designed?
  • Think of three famous buildings or structures from around the world that you feel are well designed. What makes them interesting or beautiful?
  • Choose a famous building of structure from your country. What do you like about it's design? What do you dislike? 
You are not writing an essay or formal academic paragraph here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have a total of ten (10) minutes.  

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. London: Macmillan.


  1. I have no idea what the picture is or where it is. The first thought that came to my mind was: "Does it have a roof? What happens when it rains?" Looking more carefully, it does seem to have a roof, and perhaps my initial uncertainty is a good sign for the design. It looks very open, not closed and cut off. The curves in the design also fit well and reinforce the idea of flowing water, but not so much the still water in front of the building. I'm wondering how well the design will last. What will people think of it in 20 years? The The curves look a bit too unplanned and free for my liking.

    In contrast, the Sydney Opera House, next to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, copies nature, but its shells are are clearly also constrained by the demands of purpose and also of artistic value: the architect designed them to fit together into a beautiful building that reflects the shoreline location of city built on the sea. As the decades have passed, I've come to admire my city's opera house more and more, which to me is a sign of excellence in design.

    I'm also a great admirer of Bangkok's latest architectural icon: the Mahanakhon Tower next to Chongnonsri BTS. I'm very glad this masterpiece of design, with its distinctive missing pieces, is a five minute walk from my home. This admiration is not only because it has a Dean & Deluca cafe, which I visit often, but because I like seeing it towering over the sky line near my home. Not everyone likes it, but I think it's great. On the other hand, Suvarnabhummi (spelling????) airport reminds me too much of the picture on page 17. It is a functional airport inside, but looks a bit barren. Maybe with more use I'll grow to like it more. I know the bird nest has many admirers.

  2. It is a stadium in Beijing, China. It was built to make an arrangement for Beijing Olympic game. Chinese people call them a bird nest. I've been there twice. It was huge. It was unique and definitely looks like a bird nest at distant. I think that its design has a good implication.It compare athletes to birds, which have been trained and failed many times before they can fly.

    First Opera house in Sydney. It looks really good in picture. Though when I was there it didn't look as impressive as I has thought. In my view, the building looks like some kind of food. CCTV building in China is the building that is deemed differently. Most westerners think that the design is splendid. However most of Chinese people don't like its design. They say that it looks like a pair of shorts and it does really look like on. Petronas building is also impressive. I think it used to be the highest twin tower in the world. the design is unique. Come to think og design of building I think I've seen a building in Dubai bbut I don't know what its name is.

    Another famous building is Elephant building in Thailand, the building looks like an elephant. Though not many people like the building I think that it symbolizes importance of elephants in Thai culture.

    1. Great to know the story behind this condtruction.

      At first, I never noticed abou elephant building before, until the last class that we discussed about elephant building.

      In my opinion, it may be amazing and the most creative building in the past. However, when time flies it become an old fashion and ugly building in many people's opinion.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That sounds interesting,it really looks like a bird nest. I can image when 2008 Olympic, it was amazing event.

      I like Opera house in Sydney too, but I do not like Elephant building because it is not like elephant in my mind.

  3. I think it is a picture of a stadium in china. It was built in Olympic Game. I like the creative way that Chines people design a stadium to look like a nest.

    Eiffel Tower in Paris and Great Wall in China are two things that I think they are well designed.

    As I know Eiffel Tower is not only the tallest tower in Paris, but it also the most beautiful tower in Paris.

    For Great Wall in China, I know that it's the longest wall in the world and use a lot of people to build it. It make me amazed to know about the ability of ancient people who build the Great Wall.

    Baiyoke is a famous building in Thailand because it's the highest building in Thailand. I never went there before. However, I don't think that only the most tallest building will be enough to attract tourists to look at Baiyoke tower.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nowadays, the Baiyoke isn't the highest building in Thailand. I agreed that the Baiyoke doesn't attract tourists too much. For the Great wall in China and the Eiffle Tower, I have naver been there before. Then, I am not interested in these much.

  4. I know it is 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China. It makes special because the stadium is strange and great design.I like that designed because it look like a symbol of nest.Three famous buildings around the world in my mine are Marina Bay Sands, Tokyo Skytree, and Eiffee because there are The symbol of their nation.There are tall and beautiful buildings. In my country, Mahanakhon is the most famous building, I like digital blog design and it make beautiful view in Bangkok.

    1. I didn't know what it was, but like some of the others, Cheer immediately recognised Beijing's Olympic Stadium from 2008. I like his choice of the adjective "strange" to describe it. That isn't what I said, but it sounds right: I might have described it as weird.

      Still showing my ignorance, I don't what the Marina Bay Sands is, but guess it might be the attractive building in Singapore that came up in our discussion after the blogging. I don't know the Tokyo Skytree, either. I'll Google it later. Perhaps, like the Singapore HOtel, I do recognise it but just don't know the name.

      Of course, I know the Eiffel Tower.

      I'm glad that Cheer agrees with me that the Mahanakhon Tower is a work of art. I love it. Every time I walk there for a meal, it looks better. It fits the surroundings well. I can't wait for it to be properly complete so that I can go up to the observation level to take in the view of Bangkok. It's a stunning modern building. Will it become an icon of Bangkok? It's certainly much better than the ugly Baiyoke 2.

  5. When I looked at this picture, I don't know where is it but I think it is in Australia. It is unique design and creative architecture that make it special. I like this design because it belong to its location that reflect on the river and beautiful structure with the lights at night. Moreover, I like the other structures and building in Singapore. When I went to Singapore, I saw many buildings and structures in night time. They are magnificent architectures that I had never seen these nice architecture in my country.


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