Wednesday 23 November 2016

What do you think about Black Friday?

What I read 
In "What’s the Real History of Black Friday?", Sarah Pruitt said that the purpose behind Black Friday is that stores want to make a profit after an entire year of operating as a loss (in the red) on the day after Thanksgiving because buyers will spend so much money on discounted stores. In addition, the true story behind the word Black Friday in 1950s is that police in the city of Philadelphia use this word to describe the chaos that occur from a flooded of tourists and suburban shoppers because they want to see Army-Navy football game which was hold on Saturday.

My response
Black Friday can remind me about the time when I was working as a marketer of brand Mrs. Fields at DKSH. Every year around the third Friday of November, we'll arrange our company to look like a fair only for selling product and call it "DKSH Fair"

We can call DKSH Fair as a mega Fair because every brand under DKSH (more than 100 brands) including Mrs. Fields, Clarks, Brand, Tipco, Oreo, Lego, and so on will come together and discounted their product up to 70%.

In the past, I didn't know the reason that why they need to arrange a big sale at this period. I only know that DKSH Fair can help us as a seller clear our stocks and earn a lot of profit from only 3 days of selling.

As a buyer, they're very excited and waiting for this day because they can buy many things in a cheaper price than usual.

However, as a seller, It's very painful because we need to prepare many things before the selling days. Moreover, most of the time we don't even have a time to eat lunch or shopping at the other stores because of flooding of customers that waiting to buy our products at the store. As a result, I didn't like DKSH Fair very much.

Nevertheless, if you are interested to buy something at cheaper price (some product may discount up to 70%) on November 25-27, 2016, feel free to read more information about DKSH Fair at

NOTE : Beware of the expired date ... especially for consumption goods. Most of the time they sell products at the cheapest price because it almost expired.




  1. Ae's information about the origin's of Black Friday was interesting, but I was most interested in her final advice, about expiry dates on food. For some things, these seem a bit weird to me.

    If it's milk, they seem OK, but I never drink milk. I grew up on a farm where we milked our own cows, and I liked that, but somewhere over the years, I developed a distaste for milk. I like ice cream. I love butter. And cheeses, especially tasty blue ones, sit at the top of my favourite foods. Oh, and for lunch (a temporary lunch until later), my lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have two classes at AUA is a yoghurt. Its the excellent Farmers brand Greek style yoghurt from Australia: full, rich, creamy milk turned into smooth yoghurt by the hard working bacteria.

    Tops, rather, the Australian manufacturer, put expiry dates on the yoghurt that I think can be ignored - it keeps much better than suggested. In fact, it only gets tastier with more maturity, though we probably shouldn't leave it too long. Cheese is the same: most cheeses, good cheeses, not processed muck, mature very well, getting tastier as the months go by.

    All this talk of food is a bit unsettling as I sip my first coffee of the day. But soon it will be time for breakfast: I might increase the fresh grated Parmesan component this morning. And I've got my lunch already to bung into a small plastic bag (I recycle) to take to work with me.

  2. Hmm so the day is today. haha. I might go there thanks for information.

    It seems that there are many myths relating to the black Friday in the States. In China there is another shopping festival dubbed" ShuangShiYi" literally double eleven. November 11 is the shopping day in China. It came from a Bachelor Day because 11 symbolizes loneliness. An online shop in China initiate the shopping day to make the single happy on this day. Truth has been told that most of the shops don't actually discount on this day. However, they sell the most on that day.

    I also have some experience of black Friday in the States. I didn't get anything back though. I saw many people were on the line in front of the shop waiting the shop to open the door. It was really a long line. I had looked at the catalog before I went there. However, nothing was cheap there. It was in the US after all.


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