Monday 7 November 2016

Identity (a) - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p7

Image copied from Digibook
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On page 7 of our text, Bixby and Scanlon introduce the topic of identity, which is also the title of Unit 1. They open with a large photograph and some discussion points. We will do that discussion here on our class blog. Clicking the image on the right will show it full size. It's a copy I made from the Digibook version of Skillful Reading & Writing 3. It is almost identical to page 7 in the print version, the single difference being ...

Discuss this question in a comment below.
  1. What are five words you would use to answer the question "Who are you?" 
You are not writing an essay here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have a total of eight (8) minutes.  

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. London: Macmillan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Feminine, musician, comfortable, educational, and simple are the word that can use to explain who I am.

    I like to cook very much which is one thing most female like to do that's why I decided to say that the word "feminine" can explain who I am

    When I have free time I normally practice music at my home. Music can make me relaxed that's why the work "musician" can explain who I am

    1. That sounds great, what kind of food do you like to cook?

    2. Although I don't it much these days, Topp and I also like cooking, so should we also add "feminine" to our lists of descriptive words?
      I suspect that some of my friends probably do want to put it on my list, but I'm not so sure that I want to add that word. On the other hand, I hadn't thought of word number five when I ran out of time this morning, so maybe.

    3. There is no such thing as feminine anymore. Many men do things like women in the past. Conversely, many women love to do men things. Music is good

  3. Who am I? there are five great words that well identify myself; "Lucky", "Computer", "Brother", "Vorantary", "HIV". first, Lucky is my first dog's name. When It remind me about passion because when I threw the his ball away, he would go and get it with enthusiasm and passionated everytime. That what I am. And the four other things which is "Computer", "Brother", "Vorantary",and "HIV". how do they means to me and how can show who I am, I will tell you later in next series of my writing

    1. The explanation of "Lucky" was not what I was expecting. But I like it. It reminds my of Trixie, the fox terrier my family had before I ever started school. I guess Trixie had been a part of the family from shortly after my parents' marriage. She was certainly a part of the household from my earliest memories, which are of playing ball with her and my sister.
      I'm hoping some explanations for the other chosen words come soon.

    2. That's interesting. I have one dog, but he is not enthusiatic like yours. He always eat and sleep.
      In addition, I would like to know how the next four words, especially HIV, describe you.

    3. At first I thought "Lucky" means you're a lucky person like if you buy lottery you'll win it. When I was young I thought I was a very lucky person because the first time I bought lotto I won it but after that I never won again.

    4. I want to know how does HIV describe you?

    5. HIVs is the reason I was decided to pursue my master degree in Computational Biology. Before that I want to study in AI and machine learning which is one of the field in computer science.

  4. First, I thought that "son" is a useful word to describe me. It tells people that I have a place in a family. Actually, I think that "brother" is probably a better word to identify my family situation. I am a son to my mother, but my relationships with my sisters and a brother are much more important to me today. My father died seven years ago, and my mum is impressively not too worried about her children, although she does take a strong interest in some of her grandchildren.
    So, I've got "son" and "brother" as words that say who i am. Another word is "reader". Ever since I was in primary school, I have been an avid reader. I loved reading everything and as I went from primary school to high school to university, I read more and more, and over a greater range, so "reader" seems to me a good answer to the question "Who are you?"
    For the fourth word, I guess that "teacher" is an obvious choice. In fact, I wonder why I didn't think of "teacher" first: it's what I always say when people asked me what I do. And the reply is the sentence with the verb to be: "I am a teacher."
    Finally, ... out of time now. No problem.

  5. Male,"Youngest" I am a youngest child in my family, I have two older brothers ,"Exercise" I usually go to the gym and swimming pool four times a week.,"Travelling and eating"I like travelling and eating everything if I can try it, I would like to travel around the world.

    1. "Exercise" reminds me that I don't do it as regularly as I wish I did. For many years, from my early twenties until I was about 50, I used to exercise reasonably regularly. But over the last few years, my word choice would have to change from "exercise" to "growing-tummy". I don't really like this new choice on my part, but it's much easier to eat today and exercise tomorrow.

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    1. I would suggest that if you don't like a comment, just add a reply to it.
      I sometimes find mistakes and things in my posts, but unless it's serious and I notice it immediately, I don't worry too much, sometimes adding a note to correct possible misunderstandings.
      The worst mistake I sometimes make is to miss typing the word not, which does change the meaning a lot. Small spelling mistakes don't worry me - we expect those when we're writing quickly to communicate our ideas with some fluency.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. These are five words that describes myself:Sushi, friendly, piano, football, table tennis. First, sushi is my most favorite food; I usually go to Sushi restaurant every weekend. Second, My friend usually told me that I am nice and friendly; I love meeting and greeting new people. Next word is piano. I was a pianist at chulalongkorn university chorus club.

    1. I also love sushi too. We might go have lunch at Japanese restaurant together before you go to USA. :)

    2. Wow, that's great.

    3. One of my friends has a nine-year-old son who is very keen to drag me to sushi on a regular basis. Happily, he is also happy to go to Dean & Deluca, where I like the lamb shank while he can opt for another choice from the menu, although I sometimes wish they didn't always have lobsters conspicuously tempting nine-year-old boys. And after that we can visit the sushi counter in the supermarket to stock up for home.

    4. Can you suggest me some great Sushi restaurant? I love a salmon sushi. I usually went to Sushi shop every school days when I was in high school.

    5. I love sushi too

    6. Sushi Hiro is one of the best Japanese restaurant in Bangkok. The Salmon there is so fresh and considered not expansive.

  9. "Popeye" is my full nickname that I shared with my sister her name is Pop and my name is Eye.
    "Thailand" when people ask me who am I, I always answer my name and my country.
    "Watcher" (of films and TV series) If you cannot name the movie ask me! Accept for 80's movies, horror and movies that I never watch LOL.

    1. That sounds interesting, What are your top 3 favorite movies of all time?

    2. If you are 'Popeye', what is your sister's name. Or both of you have the same name. The POPEYE sisters. It sounds like the Right Brothers. lol

    3. I don't rank my top movies but I just watched Like Crazy. This movie is more interesting than I thought it would. It tells you what a real love life is and it's not always ends as in a fairy tale. I enjoy watching movies that starred Tom Hanks such as Cast Away, Forrest Gump and Catch me if you can. The recent movie that I watched is Doctor Strange I also love Benedict Cumberbatch, on Sherlock (tv series).
      I think it is easier for me to rank favorite actors and actresses after all.

    4. We divided it. My sister's nickname is Pop and mine is Eye.

  10. 5 words can descries me: "human", "intelligent", "computational neurological science", "Artificial intelligent", and "machine"

    I'm interested in "computational neurological science" that involves "Artificial intelligent". First thing that I find my own answer, which is what is "intelligent". Also, why many people are scary of AI; in contrast, "Human" define "Intelligent" is "Human". In my opinion, AI is a "machine" that has a big data on its algorithm and optimize itself being intelligent or analyse a big data to develop itself. Finally, it needs "human" to give coding program.

    1. Are our minds, with all the thoughts, emotions, desires, images and other mental stuff anything other than the coding that runs on the nerve cells that make up our brain?
      If we can be intelligent, however that might be defined, can't machine's also be intelligent in the same way since there is nothing magical about the brains that generate our minds and personalities that are us.
      For the topic of identity, I rather like the issues that Earlgray's comment raises for me to think about.
      Should we fear AI? A lot of intelligent, seriously intelligent, people do, not least Stephen Hawking, who is probably the most famous living physicist. I can understand the fears, but I only fear a subset of the possibilities.

  11. There are five words that are the best to describe myself: friendliness, egalitarianism, difference, utilitarianism and Realism

    I am friendly and approachable. It is not hard to approach me. It might be difficult at first, yet I am not an eccentric type.
    I believe in equality between people despite their ethnics, languages, sex or classes.

    Because I have studied in law, I believe in justice and believe that people deserved to be deemed as equal peers

    I also aspire to being different. Imagine yourself being the same to the others. How could it be possible to contribute things to the world.

    One of my differences is integrity. I have this principle since I was a child. It might stem from my family influence. Therefore I believe in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a school of thought that focuses on the economic values of things. For example, we can assess whether one decision is worth it by considering its costs and its benefits. This will help us make decision logically and effectively. Although utilitarianism is a skeptical idea. I use it the most in my life as I make a decision.

    I am also realistic. Realistic means that I don't only look at things as what they is in textbooks or whether they are according to the theory, but also am interested in their applications. Something is good in theory yet useless in real life is not to my favor.


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