What I read
I assume that we are all regular users of Google's search tools, but did you know that you can also search Google's search statistics? Google Trends provides a variety of ways to find out what people around the world are using Google to find out about. For example, the most popular Google searches in Thailand for the last few days have been:
We also learn that searches on "vegetarian" are globally far more popular than searches on "meat eating":
And that Thailand has a conspicuous surge during the second week of October.
And that Thailand has a conspicuous surge during the second week of October.
My response
I've known about this cool tool from Google for a while, but haven't really played with it that much. In contrast, you might have noticed the nGram tool that had previously been the last entry on the list of "Useful References" on the right. nGram lets you easily check how often a word or phrase has been found in a vast collection of books over the past 200 years! For example, the use of the word "pizza" has exploded since the 1970s.
nGram seemed to me a bit easier to use than Google Trends, but I suspect that if I play around with it, I'll learn a lot more about how to use Google Trends.
nGram seemed to me a bit easier to use than Google Trends, but I suspect that if I play around with it, I'll learn a lot more about how to use Google Trends.
My question
Have you ever used either Google's nGram or Google Trends?