Friday 11 March 2011

Facebook adds suicide help system

It was the one incident that has inspired Facebook to promote the system to help preventing suicide. After I read Facebook adds suicide help system article from BBC I think it is a great idea to have facebook users interacting with this problem and help each other out.

It was last year Christmas, when Simone Beck posted her suicidal message on facebook to her friends who ignored to respond. The incident took Facebook to consider launching the system that will encourage facebook uses to report any suicidal post from friends, family or just someone who is on friend list; such report will be responded by the co-operation or the suicide-prevention organization (Samitarian) calling the person to check if they are alright. The feature is being run in conjunction with the Samaritans, which said several people had used it during a test phase(p3).

For sure, if I have my friend posting suicidal comment, the best way for me to come up is to call her/him. However, the new facebook system will be a great way for people to find help for their friend. According to the news, this system is popular particularly among student who usually use facebook as their window for excessive stress. I really think it is a good idea for Facebook to open the channel for reached-help users, because nowadays with everyone becoming more separated and more tied up with works, exams etc, they don't have time to take care of or be unaware of their emotional burnt-out, or sometimes depression. I took time to explore on Facebook if the new system is already in use, although i found the page that contains useful information of how you can help people who post suicidal message click here to see on facebook website. After rolling the handful information in my head, I realized that there is an organization called Samaritans. It is an organization which its goal is reduce the incidence of suicide by befriending individuals in crisis and educating the community about effective prevention strategies and it is all around the world, including Thailand. check out their site! It is encouraging to see that people always looking out for each other even in the cyberspace community which sometimes can be very superficial and unkind.

Facebook adds suicide help system (March 7, 2011) Retrieved on March 11, 2011 from


  1. It's nearly impossible to say that " i don't have facebook." I think it can approach to everyone especially in teenagers. Therefore, it's very good idea to use facebook become a mental clinic online. Because there are a lot of people having the social communication all the time, they can help each other any problems- even the emotional problems which are really serious especially in suicide. I'm sure that people can know the signs before suicide, so they would help before it's too late. Lastly, I think that this article would be useful because its systems are not nonsense anymore if people can use it in good ways like this article mentioned.

  2. Besides this merit, there are tons of benefits of social networks if users use them with creative propose and controllable habit. Social networks can help people develop social skills in the age that they have less time to go out for meeting or party with their friends. Also, they are the best way to link all the people you know even if you have been away from them or unlikely to meet together again. However, I understand that some people may addict going online due to social networks. So, it sounds reasonable if they decide to leave social networks.
    Anyway, refer to "Suicide" posted by Nan, together with this post, I would suggest Japanese students play more Facebook.

  3. After I read this news, my first question was how dose this programme work, I mean how can they know that this is a suidical message (just my personal wonder). Actually this is a very good project. In modern society, we are living wiyh technology. Technology becomes a part of out live especially for online community or social network. People use various kinds of social network to connect with friends, for example, facebook is the famous one. Sometimes we use facebook as a place to release stress, this trend may lead to a situation like Simone Beck. This is not good, you don't forget that around 90% of teenager use facebook, in order to preventing teenager and others to copy this action, I think facebook did the right thing and I really agree with this project.

  4. "How can they know that this is a suidical message", Nan's comment makes me curious. As people may not know whether a message is implied intention of suicide, or not, whether it is real or just kidding, what will happen if someone is getting depressed and posts the suicidal massage with just hope to get attention from someone else, but, then,the post get no any response back because nobody do not sense the intention. It would make the situation even worse. The poster will change his/her mind from just wanting to get care or attention from someone to be actually committing suicide.

  5. I think this project it is good for people who use facebook. Now, more and more people prefer use facebook to chat with their friend. There are some advantages of using facebook. For example, when people talk with their friend, it can reduce stress, it can have a lot of fun, and it also can encourage with each other. If people posting suicidal comment,maybe many people will care about why they post suicidal comment. Then they can talk with each other. There is possible to change people' mind, and make their emotion becomes better.

  6. I agree with Nan and Berm that how it work. However, some users can know some signals when someone want to kill themselves, it is hard to help if they are not professinal. Sometimes it is wrose than they sad alone because helpers may use inapproproate word that makes they are more unhappy.

    However, this programme is useful to facebook users to look after each other especially their close friend.


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