Tuesday 8 March 2011

New video of 9/11

Today, I found New 9/11 helicopter video of Twin Towers released on BBC news. When I saw this news, I remembered event in 2001 that hijackers crashed jets into the buildings.

The video is about helicopter is hovering near the building. It has someone yelling that "The whole tower, it's gone,they knocked the whole fricking thing down." "The National Institute of Standards and Technology obtained the video from the New York Police Department during its investigation into the structural collapse of the Twin Towers." "It was released by the NIST in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, but it was not clear who published it online."

The video reminds me that event was very big news. It had many people was killed by terrorists. At that time I was watching TV. I remembered that people was panic and crying and someone was climbing out of the building. I think everyone still remember that situation.
New 9/11 helicopter video of Twin Towers released. (2011, March8). BBC News. Retrieved March 8, 2011 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12679554


  1. I am very sad for the people who lost their life in 9/11. However,we need to analyse why was it happen,so we can avoid history tragedy re-act.

  2. This news shocked me for a while for the reason that I haven't heard about it for a long time and I actually saw some the actual videos when the building collapsed down. People's expressions when they saw the plane knocked the building down were full of pain and sadness. The National Institute of Standards and Technology should do the investigation that how that helicopter related with what happen on September 11th and do the safety check and background check at the airport, in order to avoid the history repeat itself again.

  3. I still remember 9/11 incident in that day. While I was seeing the first plane crashed into the first World Trade building on the television .I think it is an accident, but it is not true. The second plane crashed into the World Trade building again. I feel very shock. It's the same as a movie.I never see it before. and Terrorists have a good preparation to do this thing.

  4. I can remember it clearly.It happened at night when i studied in high school.My dad called me to watch a television.At first,i thought that it was a screen in a movie.but it absolutely not.This news reminds me how does danger and fearful of terrorism.United states should pay more attention to security system because this situation made lots of damage.

  5. Why someone kill massive innocent people for revenge just one person or for intimidation to others? Because of terrorists are very bad human that they do not care anybody’s feeling and also they do not scare law. However, some terrorists are not bad people, they just have different behavior with general people. If all nation of the world have not nuclear weapon or another cruel weapon, the globe will be peaceful and happiness.

    For my experience, this news makes me changes something especially attitude with someone. After I saw this news I was calling my close friend who does not talk with me for two years. I thought that if my friend or I die as soon I cannot talk together again. Therefore, I was forgiveness her that she makes me angry. Actually, that story it is not a big deal. So, forgiveness can create a great opportunity to make a good relationship.

    When something have gone that make people know that things are more value. Hence, if you want to do something that you must do it before you have no time to do anymore.

  6. Like many people, I clearly remember where I was and what I was doing at the time. I was home cooking when a friend called to tell me to turn on the TV and watch the news, something I never do. The shots of the second plane flying into the tower and the subsequent collapses certainly impressed themselves on my memory.

    I think religion, allied with despotic political ideologies that oppose liberal democracy, is largely to blame. If the terrorist bombers did not believe their religion's lies about heaven, god and morality, they would probably have been much less likely to have committed such an evil crime. Sadly, most religions teach immorality that leads to this sort of appalling action. The Christian Bible, for example, is full of pro-terrorist teachings, along with murder, rape, pillage and war. It isn't very nice at all.
    And most religions seem very intolerant, as the recent fuss in Thailand where the Ministry of Education unjustly ruled that Moslem students could not wear head scarves at schools in Buddhist temples - not exactly showing the official Thai version of Buddhism to be tolerant, accepting or nice. As The Bangkok Post reports, "The Obec [Office of Basic Education Commission] turned down the request [to wear an Islamic headscarf] on the grounds that the school was located within the compound of Nong Chok Buddhist temple" ("Headscarf Ban Unjust", 2011).

    Healthy democracies copy the example of the excellent US Constitution a strict ban on any government support for or opposition to any religion, which is personal matter not something any government should encourage or discourage. (I'm not American, but I greatly admire their excellent constitution, which has stood the test of time exceedingly well.)

    Headscarf ban unjust, insists Muslim leader. (2011, March 8). The Bangkok Post. Retrieved March 10, 2011 from http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/225376/headscarf-ban-unjust-insists-muslim-leader


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