Wednesday 2 March 2011

Mike's Academic Interests

For me, my academic interest is an economic. Actually, when I was young, I thought economic was very hard to understand and complicated because I have to know about the whole country. But at this time, I want to know more about economic. Because,I think this can be useful in the future. So on, I will know how to deals with each economic situation. Also, I can make some advantage on some situations. Especially when you know that the inflation rate will rise up, I can manage my own life with these situation.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mike,

    You said make some advantage on some situation right, but what kind thing that you want to make it and where your company, have you know already. I think you need to let someone know the example of your motivation to do your job.

    The last sentence, for my opinion you mistake the subject. "Especially when (you) know that the inflation rate will rise up, (I) can manage my own life with these situation",I think it's must be the same subject just like you-you or I-I.That's it Thank you.

    From Paint


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