Friday 11 March 2011

Millions sardines and mackerel were killed in US

Do you believe one million sardines and mackerel in a California marina were killed by polluted water? I don’t believe that because why some carcasses of fish do not show in different time. Another reason is that there is not a canal, so it is hard to have pollution in the sea and also sardines and mackerel is deep aquatic animal. In addition, scientist cannot give a good reason to us. Maybe, doomsday may happen on someday in the future like some movie presented.

According to the article “One million dead sardines clog Redondo Beach marina” in that approximately one million sardines and mackerel in a California marina were killed. Andrew Hugman, spokesman for the California fish and wildlife department said that “We’re confident that it is a naturally occurring, but unusual event’’ Officials said that they would recycle the fish carcasses into fertilizers as soon. Carcass is going to create a terrible pollution and public health issue if we don’t get rid of them as soon as possible. Interestingly, local officials said that “they had found no traces of toxin or pollutants, and they believe vast of fish were died because fish had used up all the oxygen.

After I finished this article I doubted what’s the exactly causing of massive fish were killed in the same period. Previously, US scientists believe fireworks may have caused thousands of birds without wound to fall from the sky over an Arkansas town on New Year's Eve. Some experts said the red-winged blackbirds probably flew low to avoid explosions and collided with objects. However, they stopped short of declaring the mystery solved, saying further tests on the dead birds are planned. (Fireworks may have caused Arkansas bird deaths, 2011). Unusually, a vast of animal were killed around the world without a good answer by scientists. Most of answer are from global warming, climate change, pollution, earthquake, firework, and maybe the impact of some advance experimental of researchers. Are the answer is a good enough to support in your mind? For me, it is not, but I have to try to believe because experts cannot explain about that phenomenon now.

I am someone who believes in doomsday may happen, but it is not happen in 2012. Sometimes the globe cannot forgive the problem by human are did to it anymore. We can see the effects by human are done to the earth such as glaciers are melting faster than the past, green houses effect is inducing as well. Furthermore, a cruel disaster is a sever increasing in each year; for instance, flood in Australia, earthquake in Haiti, landslide in Brazil, and tsunami in Thailand. When disaster happen that animal can know before human sometimes. For example, some ants always move to their nets before raining. Animal can connect with the nature and environment more than people. However, human have no a good sense to connect with nature as animal, they can do another thing that animal cannot do. Therefore, people have to save the world as soon as possible before they cannot have opportunity anymore. Firstly, stop deforestation to increase jungle for the earth. In addition, avoid use plastic bag to decrease garbage. Last but not least, try to decrease pollution by yourself such as turn off air-conditioner intermittently or use public transportation more than your own car to reduce air pollution and energy as well.

However, millions of fish were died by whatever, people should take care the earth like it look after us too. The globe gives life to human such as oxygen, food, nature, and everything that make people life. If we don’t save the world as soon as possible sometimes we don’t have home to live anymore.


One million dead sardines clog Redondo Beach marina. (2011, March 9). BBC News. Retrieved March 1, 2011 from

Fireworks may have caused Arkansas bird deaths. (2011, January 4). BBC News. Retrieved March 10, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. I was devastated when see this evening news, that Japan was hit by the most powerful 9.8 Richter earthquake which happened several hours ago. I wonder if these incidents according to the articles may relate to the earthquake, perhaps they were signals from animals of natural disaster. However, it might not be related at all. What I am most concerned is Japanese people, I feel deeply sympathized, and I hope everything is getting better soon.


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