Wednesday 9 March 2011

Toenails can reveal lung cancer risk

Do you believe in palmists who can predict your future by palmistry interpretation ? What about yourself? Do you believe in yourself, if some parts of your body can predict your future about heath? After I read this article,Toenails can reveal lung cancer risk, from BBC News, I would like to observe my toenails everyday.

Scientists points out that there is an interesting way to predict lung cancer by looking at people's toenails regarding to nicotine levels in clippings. If toenails grow slowly by a few millimeters per month, people may have a high risk of lung cancer. It can use to observe in both smokers and non-smokers because the researchers found that the people who have the highest nicotine level were non-smokers by being secondhand smokers. Lung cancer which caused by smoking habit is also the common cancer around the world and trend to be increase everyday.

In my opinion, I think this study is very interesting and useful for people in order to check their healths. Moreover, it can check in non smokers , so it will make them concern about their health also. As I know nowadays people who are the secondhand smokers have higher risk of lung cancer than the real smoker. But some group of people still believe that only people who smoke will get the lung cancer. This idea make them misunderstand and may look over their health risk in spite of they are passive smokers. However, there is nothing better than going to see doctor for health checking at least twice a year. And the most important thing is taking care of your health, for example, eating well and doing exercise.
Toenails can reveal lung cancer risk (2011, March 8) BBC News. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from


  1. A millionaire can buy whatever he wants except a good health. Being a healthy person is one of the most important things that everyone is looking for. Nowadays, there are many strange disease. To prevent of these disease, we have to take care of our health by changing behavioral to be better like work out , good food and so on. I am agree with Milk that this study,toenails can reveal lung cancer, is interesting and useful to many people. Furthermore, I think it not fair to secondhand smokers too. It would be better to urge the government to propose the law about this.

  2. What if that person's nails grow faster than the others. For my case I think my nails and toenails grow faster than others (compare to my sister). If the growing rate of toenails relevant to the risk for lung cancer, I should star to take care of myself since today. I think this article is very useful because I have seen many research that similar to this one. I mean research for checking your own body in basic, just looking for your changes, it may be a little bit but that may be the sign of some disease. So we should start to take care of yourself like Milk said and try to check yourself that are there anything strange with your body. Yourself is the best doctor in this world because no one would know your health as good as you are.

  3. I strongly believe that physical can present how people healthy such as eye, skin, face, nail, hair,and breath. Experts say that they can diagnosis some diseases without taking blood examination like thalassemia or a severe diabetes type I. However, palmists can predict someone who has a problem about health, sometimes palmist or fortunetellers cannot help anything. Therefore, prevention is a better than treament always.

    If most patients can know their health before that doctors would not have job to do anymore. On the other hand, physical examination every year is a necessary to late adulthood particullary pap smear for women to find out cancer cells. Moreover, single women have to check breast for screening breast cancer by themself.

    Some part of body that show how people healthy. This is one possible explanation that why people must look after themself as much as thay can. Because physical has a period of time of life ilke machine. If people do job hard without relaxation and rest, that people would have short span of life. Without illness is a present of god. Sometimes heathy is worthy that wealthy.

  4. Now,there are a lot of reasons caused people unhealth. Smoking is one of reasons. Even though smoking makes people easily to get cancer, many people still keeping smoke. I do not know why these people are so stubborn. I am agree with Milk that this is interesting and useful to many people.It is a good way to tell people that stay away from smoking is best way to be health.

  5. The topic you brought up is very interesting for me and I believe for everyone else. Even though there’re many other ways other than predicting cancer from growing of toenails, but like Milk mentioned in the article, it would be better to check your health at the hospital twice a year still, to make sure by method of analysis. Think about it if you could 100 percent predict cancer by observing toenails, why there’re still people going to see the doctor. At the same time the government should launch the strict law, not allow smoker to smoke in public place or place that can affect non-smoker. Doing that is seem fair to both smoker, one who’s suppose to have cancer, and non-smokers, innocent person,.

  6. I don't think this method of diagnosis is reliable. Since the nail grow rate of each individual depends on many factors. For example, as we are all different by genetic, we should have the different rate. Also, the rate may depend on diet we eat. If someone get more biotin from what they eat, the rate of nail grow will be faster. All of these factors may affect the rate differently. Whether they are the dominant factors with respect to the cancer factor, we cannot know. Thus, the most reliable way to diagnose cancer is to have a regular health check annually.

  7. I'm inclined to believe that the results are right because the explanation makes sense; however, I read Mi's later post first, and the same concerns I had there also apply here, which makes me think that Berm's comment is worth considering. I haven't read the article or the report it's based on, but I imagine the researchers did think of the things that Berm brings up, and that they took them into account in their statistical analysis of the data.


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