Friday 23 September 2011

The seasons of Heart attack

The seasons of Heart attack

In the human history, there have been many reasons that cause various diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease, cancer and such like. Pepole have never gived up finding the reasons that cause diseases. Especially, heart disease or heart attack becomes a first deadly disease that kills many people for every year. Finding the reasons and taking precautions become the main issues for pepole today.

The BBC news" Car fumes 'raise heart attack risk for six hour window'" on the BBC news website gives me some informations about reasons to cause a heart attack. The BBC reports that UK researchers have founded that breathing in heavy traffic fumes can raise heart attack risk for about six hours post-exposure and goes down again after that. Repeated exposure in air pollution can decrease pepole's lives. They advise pepole to avoid air pollution area in order to reduce heart attacks risk. Prof Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation has explained that pollution can thicken the blood to make it more likely to clot. But other experts give different explanations. The explanations are that pollution isn't a main factor to trigger a heart attack and unhealthy diets and habits are much bigger heart attack risk factors.

I agree with all points in the news. Traffic fumes would be threat for patients who suffer from heart disease. In addition, exhuast fumes would be offensive to pepole who have medical sensitivities and trigger headaches, asthma and other conditions. I think heart attack can caused by other reason. The other main reason is stress. people today get more stressed out from their work places, schools and families. They are overworked and overscheduled. They aren't allowed to choose their lives, because social environment forces them to live under high pressure. The solutions of getting rid of exhuast fumes are developing the various high effective clean energies and mass transit system. Clean energies are positive to environment and this industry can create many new jobs. Mass transit can reduce using car of pepole, if amounts of cars on the road are reduced, the air polluion and traffic jam will be relieved. The solutions of relieving stress are taking exercises and giving off the times .


Car fumes' raise heart attack risk for six hour window (2011, September 23).BBC News. Retrieved September 23, 2011 from


  1. This's a interesting topic and I think if it can be true, it can reduce pollutions efficiently. About your response, I agree with you about cause of heart disease such as stress and pollution. However, I also think food is cause of heart disease and other diseases. It's a serious problem, too.

  2. Vee,
    Do you think that private cars should be illegal since they are so harmful to other, innocent people, and bad for the national economy? They seem as dangerous and unhealthy as cigarettes which are banned for those reasons, so shouldn't the same reason mean that cars and other deadly polluters must be banned on public roads?

  3. I agree with Aom.
    I think that diet and lifestyle have a much larger impact on the health of the heart than traffic pollution.

  4. I think we may not be able to ban private cars because they are necessary for living. Today, It is inevitable for modern people to make
    air pollution.

    However, we should try to reduce the cause of air pollution which also diminish the cause of heart attack. I think one of good solutions was mentioned in Golf's blog (the hydrogen car).

  5. Plan,
    When is it reasonable or acceptable to ban something? What makes a ban just?

    (A lot depends on your answer - I'm wondering what sort of reason will allow a ban on, for example, cigarettes in restaurants, or heroin any where, but not cars or ice-cream.)

    On what basis, for what reason, do you think it's OK to ban heroin or smoking in restaurants but not to ban cars or ice-cream?

    Ice-cream is not necessary for living, so using teh reason you've given, it should be illegal and ice-cream put into prison and treated the same as heroin or yaa baa dealers.

    And are cars necessary? I don't have one, and I'm not sure that anyone who lives in Bangkok really needs a car. That millions of people who live in Bangkok without cars manage to do so seems to show that cars are not necessary, and therefore on your suggested reason it would be OK to ban them!

    Do you agree?
    Perhaps your classmates can suggest a better reason than being necessary or not.

  6. Heart attack is damage to an area of heart muscle that is deprived of oxygen. The symptoms of heart attack are socking, respiratory unit and dyspnoea. It occur with people all over the world. Especially, Europe and America. I believed that heart attach is disaster illness due to unhealthy condition and poor health. I also agree that street pollution cause heart attach. I would suggest that exercise is the greatest solution.

  7. Vee,

    According to your idea "The other main reason is stress.", I agree with AOMSIN and Peter that diet and lifestyle have a much larger impact on the health of the heart than traffic pollution.

    There are many pressures now.And I think,Work-life balance that is a concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) on the one hand and "life" (Health,leisure, family and spiritual development) on the other, should be promoted or concerned to manage working pressure. Moreover, people should concern about nutritions from healthy food.

  8. Thank you for your comments. I agree with Plan's idea.It is difficult to limit private cars, because motor-car industry hires lots of employees,if private cars were illegle, that would be a big impact to this industry and lots of employees would lose their jobs.I think the best way to resolves the problem of air pollution is that using clean energies instead of old energies.But the clean energies's costs are very high,thai is a big obstacle for users. Fortunately,many scientists and engineers try to improve some techniques in order to decrease the costs.
    About Aomsin's idea,I think food is not main reason to cause heart attack ,because there aren't enough scientific points to suppor your idea.

  9. Vee,
    So, since the ice-cream, cigarette, yaa baa, gambling and alcohol industries all "hires lots of employees", would you agree that they should not be banned because of the serious impact that bans have on jobs in those industries?

  10. Peter,
    Thank you for your comment.I think automobile industry is essential for the global economy.It hires more than about 7 million direct employees. In addition,large amounts of indirect employees are working in manufacturing and service provision.I think Other industries are difficult to compare with it.Automobile industry has already turned out to be a big issue in many governments's economic poiicies,because it plays important role in conturie's GDP.

  11. I'm not sure that I think the car industry is essential, but it certainly is or has been very important to many economies. I've lived happily all my life without ever owning a car, and I can imagine a world without them. But I don't think those are good reasons to ban them.

    I think other things can compared with the automobile industry, since they also play a major role in national economies.


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