Friday 23 September 2011

How awesome Facebook is?

Do you know what Facebook is? Do you have Facebook account? Yes, I do. I signed in my Facebook account 3 days ago and I was surprised about Facebook's latest changes and their new features. When I looked at Facebook's lastest version, I felt like I'm a journalist of stars gossips because I can know what my friends do or update in real time.

According to "Facebook focuses on media sharing and adds timeline" on BBC NEWS online[1], Facebook has outlined plans to encourage users to share more with friends about the media they consume and its lastest changes point to a desire to keep users engaged through new features, in the midst of rapid innovation from social networking rivals such as Google+, Twitter, Orkut, Hi5. And the lastest offering is significantly different to Facebook's biggest social networking rivals, Google+ and Twitter, and more closely similar to Myspace. A person who is best known for co-creating the social networking site Facebook , of which he is chief executive and president since 2004 is Mark Zuckerberg.[3] He said he wanted to create,what he called "real time serendipity"(line 21) and "Being able to click on someone's music is a great experience, but knowing you helped a friend discover something new and they liked your taste in music,and thatyou now have that in common is awesome," (line 23) Even though, uers will be able to see what friends are doing, they can set privacy setting function to block a person who they don't allow to see their updated something new.

Do you like Facebook? Yes, I do. How Facebook is awesome, and why or why not? I think, it's awesome because there are many benefits of using Facebook. For example about friendship, I met my old friends such as my primary school friends and my high school friends on Facebook by sugestion of Facebook about a person I may know. Moreover, I knew about one of my high school friends wedding ceremony on Facebook last month that make me surprised and we will catch up our reunion meeting next month. I think, it's easy to connect to my friends and keep our good relationship in long term. Next, how facebook help to run business easily? Nowaday, many companies use Facebook to help them connect to their customers. For example, Facebook Fanpage can help to manage customer relationship through activities on their Fanpage and the new promotions can be publiced to their customers. Facebook is not only the one of media to communicate to the customers of many business, but it is also the one of online selling channels that can help to increase the company's revenues. Furthermore, about advertisement on Facebook, you can select the users who is your target market to see your product advertisement such as selecting their age, their gender,their location etc.
Why Facebook is popular and successful? I think, Facebook is always developed their features that help users can get closer to their friends or a person who is their favourite celebrities by the developers who understand their target user needs. Moreover, " Active users of Facebook increased from just a million in 2004 to over 759 million in 2011" [2] according to this information, I think, there are many Facebook users in the world because it's not complicated to use. In sum, I think that Facebook is awesome!
Do you have Facebook account? And what do think about Facebook?
[1] Facebook focuses on media sharing and adds timelines. (2011, September 23). BBC News. Retrieved September 22, 2011 from
[2] Facebook. (2011, September 24). In Wikipidia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 24, 2011 from
[3] Mark Zuckerberg. (2011, September 23). In Wikipidia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrived September 23, 2011 from


  1. I agree with you. Facebook is very useful, not just for fun, but it help us to facilitative connection with others easily although people who are across countries. I always use it for appointment, sharing pictures, and so on. I think if we don't have Facebook, it's difficult to maintain our relationship and have new experience with our friends.

  2. Fecbook is one of the prestigious social network in the world. There are many people, companies or organizations use facebook to help their life more convenient, save cost and time. Moreover, you can search for friends or relationship on Facebook. Consequenly, I agree with you that facebook is very useful and successful. Yes, I also use facebook and it is fabulous.

  3. I'm just new to Facebook - I really only started looking into it a couple of weeks ago. What I do like so far is that it's very flexible - people can use different elements that suit what they want. For example, I know some people like the games, but they don't interest me at all; letting acquaintances know what you're currently interested in, on the other hand, is neat, but even here, there can be considerable variation - some of my FB "friends" talk mainly about food, which is fine, but would only expect my very close friend type "friends" to be interested in which restaurants I go to and what I like there. But I don't think that's a problem - FB is a tool that 750 Million people can use to suit themselves.

    And I'm also exploring it for possible uses in teaching English, where even a game or two seem likely to be useful.

  4. Pui,
    I like reading a wall page of my facebook. My friends' status are always enjoyable and humorous. For example, My friend was bogged in traffic jams about tree hours, so he posted a massage that Bangkok is the biggest parking area in the world. few worlds tell me about what my friends are thinking and help me share my experience with them.

  5. Peter,
    I have ideas about using FB in teaching English.
    For example, First, if you want to blog something or teach English, you can write them on the "Notes" function on your Facebook and your FB friends can comment. Moreover,if your class want to share or discuss or announce something to the members of the class, you can create your class group and invite the members of the class to join the group. That are my ideas how to use Facebook to teach English.

    And I think, there are many way to teach English in Facebook.

  6. Plan,

    Me too, my friend's status are always humorous and sometimes, I know something new from my friend status. For example, I can know about the result of the football match from my friend's status.

  7. I agree with you that Facebook is really awesome! However, I have a question to ask you guys that "How much time do you spend playing Facebook in each day?" Many of my friends become obsessed with the games, status, messages and photos sent by others. They play Facebook all the time ,and in some case they play while they are working.

    Facebook is the great tool to keep our friends in touch. Nevertheless, we shouldn't use it overmuch. It may waste you time a lot as well.

  8. Golf - less than 20 minutes a day.

    Except when I've recently been doing research for a project for the Ministry of Education Seminar that AUA is hosting next month. Then I managed a few hours on some days.

  9. But I've spent more than 20 minutes a day blogging this week.

  10. And tomorrow there are all those peer reviews I have to review!

    I sometimes spend a lot of time in front of my computer.

  11. Golf,

    I'm not sure.I think, it was about 1-2 hours a day in the past, before I study AEP.

    I've spent more time blogging instead.

  12. Now, I've spent about 10 minutes a day because I've spent more time blogging too.

  13. I'm glad to hear that.
    But you can also blog in English - though not necessarily such long academic English or at such length. Most of my FB comments are very short, and often not even complete sentences. In context, I don't think that's a problem, but one of the defining characteristics of academic English is a strong concern with the precise statement of complete ideas, and that requires full sentences, with attention to both grammar and vocabulary.

    Wrong grammar is not necessarily a problem, and sometimes correct grammar is a much more serious problem. If there is some small mistake, for example an obviously wrong preposition, your meaning will likely still be clear and correctly stated; for example, in the sentence: "The cost of living at Bangkok is increasing," the word "at" is obviously wrong to any native academic reader, but it's obvious what the writer means that it's not a problem - and in a TOEFL exam, you would not lose any points for this sort of error. On the other hand, if you write the grammatically perfect: "My wife who lives in France has two dogs," when you mean, "My wife, who lives in France, has two dogs," you have a more serious problem because the grammatically perfect first sentence does not state your idea. And that is dangerous.

    This is why writing grammatically perfect sentences in TOEFL, or an essay at university, never guarantees a good grade: what is far more important is demonstrating that you understood the ideas in a reading and can clearly state your own ideas. And that's why Hartmann and I think that response writing in sentences is as important as more formal academic writing.

    It's also one reason why stating ideas in sentences in class is such a valuable practice.


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