Monday 26 September 2011

Women's right in Saudi Arabia.

In past, the most people didn't accept women to work or vote. They thought women appropriated to take care children or housework, but it's not fair. Today, many countries inthe world give an opportunity for women to do anything like men. For example, women could be a prime minister, but it's difficult for countries where conservative clerics such as in Saudi Arabia.

According to " Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections " in BBC news, Women in Saudi Arabia were given the right to vote and run as candidates in municipal elections by King Abdullah. Although not everyone will welcome this decision. King Abdullah disagree with marginalisation of women in society. The king's announcement was great news for women, but it has been a big debate about the role of women in the kingdom, which enforces a strict version of isalamic law. It was interested by correspondents and campaigners. They though it was long time that they tried to remove other barriers, such as not allowing women to drive cars, and they want the authority to effectively carry out their role in the next municipal elections that are due in four years' time.

Although now there are many countries in the world that can accept women to work or vote like in Thailand or United states of America, but this topic's a new issue in Middle East countries such as Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. In this case, I think this's a good news for women in Saudi Arabia because they weren't important and didn't allow to travel, work, and operate that are without approvals from relatives who are men. This's a big reformation in Saudi Arabia since King Abdullah has been the king of the kingdom in 1995. I think it's difficult to accept for someone who are conservative Islams. They should pay more attention to be careful about violence that may be happen in this conflict. However, i think the next municipal elections are too long although it's finished time of council, but i worry about at that time something will vary by group of influential person.

(2011, September 25) Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections. BBC News. Retrieved Semtepber 26, 2011 from


  1. I think that women have the same rights as men, so the government should encourage women to have greater role in society.

  2. Preaw, i agree with you. In this case, I think it's different from some countries like U.S. because the most countries in Middle East are conservative religious and it can be a big violence in the future, so they should be more careful.

  3. I've heard that some countries in Asia, it has discourage women out of society as well. Do you know about this?

  4. Preaw, Really! i don't know about it. Can you explain more?

  5. I'm not sure about this because I read this news for a long time, but they said in India, paid 19,000 million dollars a year because there are no women workers.

  6. Aomsin,
    your blog reminds me about Benazir Bhutto, one of female politicians who is Islam. She was the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan and also won parliamentary elections twice. This tell us that an acceptance of female politicians in the Muslim country is possible, so Saudi Arabia's should continue this policy. I think women can do everything as effectively as men do.

  7. Plan, i agree with you. I've heard about her and I really appreciate her as the ideal of women Muslim. She had a high education from U.S. and she could be a Prime Minister of Pakistan among high pressure in her country.

  8. I agree with Plan too. I believe that women can do everything as men. Do you know that every countries will have the laws for women to play a role both employment and social rights?

  9. It seems that the religion is a major source of evil in society and politics.

    I also read Aom's article, and it seemed to me that if the king was sincere, he would also act to allow women to drive cars and other such radical things that respect requires. Again, religion is the problem. Religion is clearly not helping the people of Saudi Arabia, but is actively harming 50% of the citizens who happen to be female, and that is evil. It also prevents the economic growth of the nation.

    So, why does the Saudi king let religion have so much immoral control of the Saudi people? Does he also want to avoid democracy since democracy and respect for human rights would mean the possibility of knowledge (religion does not like knowledge), and tolerance of different ideas (religion generally doesn't like that, either).

    I like Aom's choice of article to blog. It raises a lot of important issues.

  10. Aomsin,
    your blog is very interesting and an important news to me. Saudi Arabia is regarded as one of the most powerful countries in the Middle Asia. Because the powerful country is trying to change its attitude toward women, I think this will have an positive influence on the other Middle Asian countries. However, as you mentioned above, I am also quite worried about conflicts between the conservertive and the progressive. Even though complications happen, I think that this announcement is a big breakthrough for Islamic women who can't even show their faces.

  11. Aomsin, I like your topic. I think women are the same as men because we are human.

  12. Aomsin,I agree with your idea.I think men and women are equal in any case.

  13. I feel pleased when read your blog. I think wherever women play an important role in the society, that society will become a better place. Naturally, women are more delicate, compassionate and considerate than men who are strong and aggressive. Both men and women also have each own strength and weakness. It is better to have the cooperation between men and women equally.

  14. Golf, are you sure that "naturally, women are more delicate, compassionate and considerate than men who are strong and aggressive."

    I know that's what many people think, but is it true? Is there any evidence for it? In Sunny's blog on boys boxing, the mother was as happy as the father for her son to be boxing. And I think mothers are every bit as determined for their children to do well at school, making them even less compassionate than fathers when it comes to pushing their children to do homework and so on.

    "More delicate" - what do you mean? Physically weaker? That is probably true. But I think it might be the only way in which women are "more delicate". I think women are tough, strong and very determined, but that unjust social systems, often supported by immoral religious teaching which says, for example, that women cannot be priests, monks and so on, or that women cannot enter places or do things, or that women are "unclean" and cannot touch priests, monks and so on, have kept women in lower social positions for centuries, for millenia. But happily that is changing, even in such culturally bad societies as Saudi Arabia.

    And where women are respected as human being with human rights, the entire nation benefits economically, socially and politically. I think there is hope for Saudi Arabia, but it has a long way to go and a lot of bad traditional culture to get rid of.

  15. Peter,
    Mom have make sure children to do homework at home like practicing math, it takes effort and time in order to understand and that skill. In the family, mom is a helper for dad. Dad is the leader of the family and responsible for family. Dad must go to work and bring money home. You have said that we need to do homework at home for 2-3 hours for 6 days per week, so that we really know how to write properly. That is related with academic achievement. compassionate is different that issue from homework. Children must have it, it's part of emotional and social inteligence. Mom is more determined than dad, She has to do it because no body will do. Dad just wants to have quality time when he is home.


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