Sunday 25 September 2011

A Good Time to Write

What is a good time for you to write?

Your first posts blogging the news are very good - you have chosen a range of different topics, given us an introduction that explains how you came to make that choice, a succinct summary of the source, and your response to it. I've enjoyed reading them all, along with the comments responding to the initial posts.

Now that we've all done the first one, and got most of the technical issues behind us (the little problems that are a normal part of doing something new for the first time), we can focus on the ideas and writing, which is our real reason for this blog. We want to practise writing on regular basis, not just once or twice a week: that just isn't enough. 

So, when is a good time for you to write? 
I usually find that mornings are good for me to do a bit of quick response writing. As I'm having my morning coffee, I can read a blog or two, or some comments, and when something pops into my mind, I can write my response. And that's all that's required for response writing. As you have been doing, I do sometimes quickly check something on Wikipedia or refresh my memory of what I've read, but there is no extensive research. And my quick responses vary from a single sentence to something a bit longer. Shorter is always better! But it isn't always possible to say what you think is important in just one sentence. 

I strongly suggest you make a daily habit of checking what your classmates have written at the same time, or times, every day (every day means "at least six days a week"), and writing your response immediately. Twenty minutes or so, at least once a day, sounds like a good start. I usually check again in the evening, especially to see if someone has been disagreeing with me - I might have been wrong, or I might want to support my earlier idea: in either case, I need to write another response. 

When are you going to do your daily response writing here? 


  1. You might experience a few more of those "little problems that are a normal part of doing something new for the first time" on Monday.

    But it's much easier the second time around. Or, at least the technical issues are less likely to be a problem.

  2. Actually, I review what I studied and do homework in the evening everyday. However, I have limitations to study in long time. Every an hour or less, I would like to change to study other subjects or do others activities.

    Exceptionally, some works or subjects that need ideas or have to spend a lot of time to understand, I prefer to do them in the morning because I feel fresh and my brain has adequately taken rest to continue to do those assignments effectively.

  3. About me, I like to write in evening or before I go to bed because in morning i feel sleepy, not active, and I prefer to your suggestion because it's good habit to practise english language.

  4. Aom,
    I like evenings, too.
    Mornings are OK for response writing because I can do that quickly and easily, but I prefer not to work on essays or more demanding work in the morning.

    Maybe it's just harder because I'm also drinking coffee, eating breakfast and checking the news. But I think my brain does work better late at night. It makes it really hard to get up and be intelligent early in the morning. (Thankfully, AEP does not start until 10:00 AM).

  5. Writing before going to bed is a good idea. I used to read "Change your Time and your Life is gonna be success." The book suggest that we should do a task or think about a problem before going to sleep. Although we cannot finish it, our brain will continue thinking about the solution while sleeping. In the morning, we sometimes come up with an good idea.

  6. I like to writing or read a book 2-3 hours before I go to bed because at that time it's quiet. I feel I have more concentration to do anything.

  7. I have done my writing at night time after my children go to sleep. But I think I need to change it because of my health. Today I am doing writing at AUA after lunch. I really want to sleep early.

  8. For me I like to write before I go to bed. And then think about it again on bed. Because while I am on bed, I like to think and review my ideas that I wrote. After that I check it again in the morning. I think it depend on person because we can get new ideas anytime.

  9. I agree with Plan. I do like you said.

  10. Plan,
    I used to be like that.

    I used to think of math equations as I slept and in the morning I was able to solve it!

    But dreams can also help solve our problems in real life. Our dreams are the hidden thought of our unconscious, if we can figure out what they mean it while help us understand ourselves better.

  11. Every morning, I am driven by time, so I can't have time to work with my computer. At night I can concerntrate on something I have to do, so it will be around 10 pm when I comment blogs. I am happy because several classmates have same coditions.


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