Saturday 10 March 2012

Drinks company changing recipe to avoid putting cancer warning lable.

I saw the noticeable topic of BBC News website “Coke and Pepsi alter recipe to avoid cancer warning label.” I realize that is this the cause of health problems today? People drink a lot of sodas and get fat but the favors of drinks are very good, that’s why many people are addict.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the largest drinks company in the world are changing recipe in their sodas to avoid putting cancer-warning label. California law is command to containing a certain level of carcinogens. The new recipe has already been made for sell in California, and rolling out the new recipe across the US makes the drinks more efficient to manufacture. The chemical had test in mice and rat but there are no evidence that poses the health risk to human, the American Beverage Association has said.

There are many side effects to the people who drink lots of sodas, although it isn’t Coke or Pepsi. I had read in websites and magazine, they said that sugar in sodas has an affect to human body. First, you will gain more weight and increases the risk of obese. Second, you will get more health problems such as diabetes or heart diseases. Third, you will get more unnecessary calories. Forth, effects on your kids’ health, learning abilities and cause dental decay. Sugar is bad for you and your family. Author: The Nutrition Book explained, “Many teenage drink sodas instead of milk is cause of their body decrease the body’s ability to uses of calcium.”

The average American had consumes 26-135 of sugar each year; this number is very high. That's why people in US are the number one obese in the world. People should concern and understand about what are the causes that will make the problems with their body.



Coke and Pepsi alter recipe to avoid cancer warning label. (2012, March, 9). BBC News. Retrieved March 10, 2012 from

Coca-Cola, Pepsi making changes in caramel colouring to avoid cancer warning label. (2012, March, 9). The Economic Times. Retrieves March 10,2012 from


  1. I opened the website link to BBC News,and the title of the artical changed on March,10 to Coke and Pepsi change manufacturing process to avoid cancer warning.The two company changed caramel colour in steamline manufacturing processes which will decrease dose of 4-methylimidazole(a chemical carcinogens)and they won't change recipe.Actually,i think the two company are very smart and sensitive to market psychology.A warning table on a bottle will scare customers and decrease sales greatly,but their new method responsing to "the California law that mandates drinks containing a certain level of carcinogens bear a cancer warning label" make them avoid loss.How shifting they are on business.

  2. I agree with Crystal's comment.
    It was a sensible move for Coke and Pepsi to make the slight change to their US product, whilst leaving the European version unaltered.

    But I also think that the state of California has made another unjust, meaning immoral, law. Since the evidence of actual harm from the chemicals in Coke and Pepsi is lacking, the law requiring products to say on the label that it is a carcinogen for humans is not justified.

    It's true that in rats the chemical has been shown to cause cancer, but as the BBC News says, you would have to drink 1,000 cans of Coke a day, every day, to get the amount of chemical that has been shown to cause cancer.

    Unlike with tobacco and alcohol, where the evidence of harm is very strong, how many people have ever developed cancer as a result of drinking Coke or Pepsi?

    By the way, I dislike both Coke and Pepsi and never drink them, but I don't think that's particularly relevant. I don't use heroin or yaa baa either, but I still think that justice and moral right require that both be legal, as Pat Robertson has now said. My personal likes and dislikes, my personal decisions, are not a very good reason for telling other people what they should or should not do.

    I also think that McDonald's is disgusting, tasteless, low class garbage and very unhealthy, but that doesn't mean I think that Big Macs should be illegal.

    It would be more sensible and reasonable to make a law that every car must be painted with disgusting pictures of traffic accident victims. The facts very plainly show that cars kill people.


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