In "Infancy health risk linked to early birth by research" of BBC news on 2 March 2012 reports that babies born very premature before 32 weeks may need extra attention. Also babies that born before 39 weeks have a slightly higher risk of health problems up to age of five. For example, only 15% of babies born full term experienced asthma or wheezing as children but 17% for those born just a few weeks early and they were also slightly more go into hospital. From the research Babies born early are at a higher risk of conditions and should be given regular health check-ups to ensure they remain healthy.
After reading this article, i think this topic is very useful because it new knowledge for me and nowadays all around the world the numbers of baby that born early are increasing, which increasing health risk. So the need for the very best care to be given to all babies born preterm is very important.
Your blog is amazing for me. Actually I would like to rise this topic up to my blog but I think I can not make it interesting. I curious to see your discussion before comment to this blog again
After I read your discussion, I think it relate to your health such as allergic? What we can do if children already was born? Can we help them? It seem to me that we need to care each couples who would like to have a new baby and previde more care after we know that a woman get pregnant. Those process is the previous step before we can see the see a preterm and normal child was born.