Monday 5 March 2012

The world economics today focus on Asia

The world economics today focus on Asia continent more than in the three centuries past , the sound like Asia is renovated to become the biggest power again after sleeping for a long time. Firmly. I, m talking about "China" ,the country that people foresee to change this world today, not only the economics but also evrythings ,including military power.
China's aircraft carrier is seen under construction in Dalian, Liaoning province (April 2011) (above) and on Google Maps (below)China's official defence spending will rise by 11.2% in 2012, pushing it above $100bn (£65bn) for the first time, the government has announced. Beijing's defence budget has risen each year for two decades to become the world's second-biggest, behind the US. It is developing an aircraft carrier, a stealth fighter jet, and missiles that can shoot down satellites.Foreign experts have estimated that Beijing's actual military spending could be as much as double the official budget. Beijing is also building new submarines and ships, and developing a range of anti-ship ballistic missiles.The armed forces, known as the People's Liberation Army, boasts more  than two million personnel - the biggest military in the world.

 Is it  the answer of world today?  I don't know this answer, but I know every country wants a power that can overcome relevant contenders if the war have to occur. The military power may be not  for trespasses but ,at  least, it can protect you if  the battle  begins. I'm not surprise in this news  because when you have enough efficiency , you  must choose the best thing in anyway. If the world's economics stress to  china, more mililitary power must be concerned  to him for become "the one" like a conquerer defeat the foes ,and recieve real suitable conquest.

When i see the past , the fighting begins as possible as humans existing , may be it is  intrinsic of  human because part of human  is  want to survive and   they  can show something that they never thought to be done for become  the  surviver. Unfortunately, after World War II , the triumph of   the battle  not depends on the number of  armies but it is force ability and new technology offering to tthe looser.

In the one hand, every country wants to see the wolrld  is peaceful  and concerns about climate changing, the organization to deal with  was established  and  the  coordination between several countries is crystal-clear to figure out this problems . But,in the oter hand, military forces has never drop theirs neccessity.I will think that when they say they want to see   the pacific world, it maybe mean that they can dominate evrything in the world.

China military budget tops $100bn. BBC News. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from


  1. China is the new trend of many things in the world. According to your article, I do agree that this is the China era. What is The best way we need to do with China? I think we should send the best diplomacy from Thailand and try to trade whatever China like. Try to be a good persons as much as we can. Furthermore, we should talk very gentle and polite with china people and try to learn China language as fast as possible.

  2. Mart,
    i agree that, at least for now, it is a very good idea for some countries to have a strong military to deter attacks from others, and that has probably helped to maintain peace. The fact both the US and Russia had nuclear weapons has probably helped the world remain peaceful.

    I think the good news is that the world is now more peaceful than it has ever been in human history. Not only are less wars being fought, but violence rates in society are lower than ever before. Modern people like us are much less violent than traditional societies, which tended to be very violent, and today, it is the traditional Indian and other non-modern societies that tend to be tbe most violent. The native Indians in the Amazon forest are the most bloody, murderous and warring on Earth.

    When I look at the statistics for war, murder, and human cruelty, I think it's very encouraging. The Harvard professor of psychology, Steven Pinker, has recently published The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined where he conveniently brings together a mass of historical and modern statistical evidence from across cultures to show that human beings really are becoming less violent, and, as I suggest in my own latest blog, more moral. Pinker has also given a 20 minute talk outlining his main ideas, which is available on YouTube at Steven Pinker: A brief history of violence for you to practise listening if you prefer not to read the 800 page book.

  3. Pinker is also offers some solid suggestions to explain the common misunderstanding that the world is getting more violent and generally worse as Western culture displaces traditional cultures around the world.

  4. I am glad to see positive news about China from non-Chinese person.Even Chinese budget for defence is high,that isn't to say,china will start a war to other countries.Competitions among countries are combined by many different areas,and military force is an important one.Not only monopoly in economic sphere should be broke but also in polity.Only in this way, our world can last in a long peaceful and developing time.So,I expect Russia reviving,the European Union strong and China rising.


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