Saturday 3 March 2012

What is the most important language for future ASEAN?

This century, English is the most famous language in the world. If we consider the South-East Asia region, is English language the most important language for our future ASEAN? Since Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economic community is going to establish in 2015 (ASEAN,2009),what the most important language for this region is?

“Is English or Mandarin the language of the future” is a title in BBC news on February 22nd , 2012. A author, Pak, explains that how Southeast Asia people study English and mandarin for their business perspectives such as in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam contexts. The Malaysia children are sent by their parents to study at private school and Singapore everyday because the standard English education in Malaysia was not meet their labour market demand. In addition, the significant important of English language among their native mandarin parents is strong. Whereas some new mandarin classes are opened since the global financial crisis and the China market are powerful in Singapore in last 3 years. Beside, young Vietnam people choose to learn English because they have long history conflict with China since 2000. Alternatively, bi-linguistic language seem to be recommended for global business sector. Even if, it still debate that whether mandarin is the language for the future of ASEAN or not, the English is considered as the basic requirement for business.

According to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are going to be ASEAN Economic Community(AEC) in 2015, “achieve greater flexibility in language” is stated in a road map of ASEAN community document (ASEAN,2009). It means they can use any language for communicating among ASEAN people . In another hand, the most important language should be English because the most information which available at the ASEAN website and its publication use English language. In addition, it shows in the Wikipedia that the working language of ASEAN is English(2012). The next languages should be Bahasa Indonesia and Thai language, relatively (Kaewmala, 2012).

The evidence from Pak’s article seems a bit bias. she may forget to seek some evidences from Thailand, which is difference culture. Most of Thai children was study bilingualism in English and Thai language whereas some of children are study in old style Chinese language schools by idea of their parents’ family lineage. English is the most famous for business sector in Thailand. It seems less influence of china’s trade growth in this country.

The growth of Chinese economy and Chinese’s family lineage seem to be the most influence in the ASEAN region. Refer to Pak’s article defend the important of Mandarin in Malaysia and Singapore where the majority of population is Chinese’s family lineage. The language for new economic recommendation is Mandarin but Malaysia’s parents do not consider this trend. Moreover, in the rest of countries may not concern this new trend because they perhap have small market trade with China and new generation of Chinese people themselves have been improved their English ability for a decade. Therefore, it is the high chance for English can turn to be the most spoken language for the ASEAN for now and the future.


Association of Southeast Asian Nations,(2009). Roadmap of an ASEAN Community 2009-2015. Retrieved from

Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (2012, March 2). Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 3, 2012 from

Kaewmala. (2012, January 19). The search for a common language: Thai or Malay as ‘Bahasa ASEAN’?asiancorrespondent Retrieved March 3, 2012 from

Pak, J. (2012, February 22) Is English or Mandarin the language of the future? Kuala Lumpur. BBC News, Retrieved March 3,2012 from


  1. I also thought that article was interesting when it was published a couple of weeks ago. Like Cartoon, I was impressed by the efforts some people went to to ensure that their children were educated in an English environment.

    What is the language of the future?
    Hard to say I think. But I'm pretty sure it will be a living one, not one controlled by any government agency. French is "supervised" by L'Académie française, and that official protection has probably done more than anything else could have to kill off French as a living language. Thankfully, the French people ignore the rules and suggestions of the experts in L'Académie, and cheerfully mix French with English, just as English happily mixes in French and every other language.

    I think it's freedom from government control by culture ministers and other deadly influences has helped to make English such a rich, flexible and popular language. Of course, it means that there are multiple forms of the language around. But I don't think that's a problem - every language has different flavours, from, for example, the sort of Thai normally spoken among friends at a party to the sort of Thai written by judges in court, or academics in a Thai journal.

    And every living language is constantly changed by its users. That evolution is what being alive means.

    Thanks for your post on this thought provoking topic. I couldn't resist responding.

    1. It is too hard to say what the language of the future is. The influence factors can be government, economic, trade, country's relationship, culture, social network or parent's idea for their children but I agree with you that "every living language is constantly changed by its users" I think we area going to create new english in our ASEAN style. and It would be bad idea among native speaken English such as UK or USA.

  2. I agree with your article that English language is the most important for ASEAN.Although Chinese have a strong influence on continental economic,there are serveral aspects such as culture,politic that all ASEAN members have to collaborate together to strengthen and consolidate our region to strong for competing with other regions. Therefore,English is still the first medium language for communication both inside and outside ASEAN community.

    Also, your article raises my concern about Thai people. How do they prepare to face with the big change in 2015? Do they know much about the ASEAN?

    1. Thank you Op, I like your comment so much.
      I used to heard that ASEAN community should be create in this year (2012) but there are some problems which make them posponed the time to 2015. Until now, I don't think Thai people are ready to be the member of ASEAN community. it is what you are comments here: "How do they prepare to face with the big change in 2015? and Do they know much about the ASEAN"
      I have malysia and indonesia friends, they all know Thailand country and they discuss with me in many aspects that I can not answer them because I don't know about Thailand and I may not answer because it relate with Thailand public security and military situations. What should I do?

    2. Thank you Cartoon for posting on this popular topic.

      Great discussion. (I know that's not a sentence. I don't think it's a problem.)

    3. Thank you so much that you try to understand my bad writing. the sentence means a group of wards which state a complete idea. In my case, I think I forget to use full stop. Am I right? or other? please suggest me, what am I wrong?

    4. Cartoon,
      My parenthetic note was about my own noun phrase after which I put a full stop (Peter, Mar 4, 2012 02:59 AM). There is no verb in my sentence.

      Your response writing is fine.

    5. Thank you for your comment, I like it.

  3. English language is the most important for Asean. But the things are slightly changing such as Chinese business are growing around the world, the communication got to change. Mandarin become to 3rd language that next geration should to concern.

    1. I am thinking about that now.
      I agree that, Chinese business is growing and the population of Chinese is the most population of the world but I think Mandarin is more difficult to understand because each word have its own meaning. If you spell or write it wrong people will not understand what you are communicate with them. Moreover, Chinese people have many native languages which some of them cannot proper use Mandarin and new generation of Chinese have studied English language like some friends of me.
      I think we trade with ASEAN more than China. Furthermore, Bahasa Indonesia (the 4th highest population in the world spoken and the majority of population in ASEAN spoken) and our Southern of Thailand can speak Bahasa clearly. Then it can be the third interesting language for ASEAN. Finally, I think Mandarin(Chinese language) should be the forth language for your new generation.

  4. I think this article has many conflicts in itsellf, because the writer thinks Mandarin may be important language in AEC. He forget to think of other countries,such as, Laox, Mynmar, Cambodia etc. So, these countries have more English ability measures than Thai and Mandarin never effects theirs.

    1. I totally agree with you.
      In the early begining, I try to write on the Chinese compare with English follow Pak's article and discuss about it. But later on, I have some difference idea then I surf internet and have found my third reference (Kaewmala, 2012) discuss about one research of Chulalongkorn University ("Human Resources Preparation for the Opening of the ASEAN Market"). I read it and it's comment. Then, I change my idea. Consequently, my article can make you confuse.
      Moreover, Pak, she give evident only Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam contexts in her article. but in my third reference, they try to convince that Bahasa Indonesia can be consider for future AEC language. Bahasa can use by Indonesians, Malaysians, many Southern Thais, Singaporeans, Bruneians, and East Timorese. I also support this language because we are ASEAN, why we have to use only English language which is not our own language in this region. But don't forget that we need to trade with another community and China like Op's comment. Then English language is the basic language for international and ASEAN business sector.
      What do you think, If people support Thai language to be one of ASEAN language?

  5. My father can not post comment to this blog Then I add his comment here:

    yes the education trend is now turn to english side ,anyway
    tri-lingual both their native and the other two (english and mandarin
    )are still in need in regional comerce ,diplomat and politicas well as
    tourism .the ones who own those three dialects have most privilage .

    1. I think I will study Mandarin language in the future because my father already recommend here. Ok, let's me fluent in English ability first.

  6. Ping discuss that
    "Learning three languages which are native language, Mandarin, and English is too difficult for most people. People in ASEAN country should chose only 2 two which are their own native language and neither Mandarin nor English. Since China is the biggest country and has the largest population among the Asia countries, there are a lot of resources which are natural resource and labor resource. According to its resources, China is going to lead ASEAN economy that there are many cheap suppliers, so it seems there are more people increasingly try to learn Mandarin to communicate with those supplier. On the other hand, people are not communicate with only people in ASEAN country, people use communication in worldwide since there many supplies in other countries too and the number of people using English in ASEAN country are gradually increase too. I used to study in international school and have currently graduated from international collage in Thailand and there are many ASEAN people which are Korean, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thai and even Chinese come to study English here. Chinese people are also learn to communicate in English to sell their product worldwide because buying power come from more international and buyer will not only buy cheap product buy they will also look for the suppliers who understand what they want. For example, I owned the nail painting and I sometimes go to China to find new suppliers. I found that even elder Chinese cannot speak English, almost of the Chinese new generations are able to communicate in English and some are excellent. There are also many Chinese suppliers on internet and I communicate everything in English.
    ASEAN country should not be led by China. Since the Chinese also develop themselves to be more international, the ASEAN countries are going to learn to communicate more internationally. It means that English will be the most important language for the future ASEAN. "

    According to Ping's discussion, I really agree with him.


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